The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.coms<strong>of</strong>a. Ryman icily introduced me to his guest, jerked open the curtainsand made an excuse to leave. Simakov glared after him as the doorslammed shut. Next to the s<strong>of</strong>a were two large red plastic suitcases,straining against the string which held them together. Beside them wasa battered cardboard box, filled with books and journals. He had beenreading some <strong>of</strong> them and they lay opened, scattered on the low c<strong>of</strong>feetablealong with several unwashed mugs and biscuit wrappers.`I have defected,' he announced triumphantly in a thick Russian accent.He paused for a moment, then realising that I was not about to give himan ecstatic bearhug, he adjusted the cushions and sat back down on thes<strong>of</strong>a.`Tell me a bit about yourself, first,' I asked, putting <strong>of</strong>f discussion<strong>of</strong> defection until later. In good English, Simakov related his lifestory. He had been born into a poor family in a village north <strong>of</strong> Kievin the Ukraine. His father was killed in a mining accident when he wasfive and his mother died <strong>of</strong> tuberculosis when he was seven, so he andhis two younger sisters were bought up by his maternal grandmother. <strong>The</strong>young Simakov would probably have followed his father into the minesbut from an early age showed a talent for mathematics. He got the bestgrades <strong>of</strong> his class in every term except one, when he had broken hisleg and couldn't walk the three miles to school. Simakov was stillproud <strong>of</strong> this achievement and rummaged in the cardboard box to dig outthe certificates to prove it. His mathematical prowess was his onlyhope <strong>of</strong> getting out <strong>of</strong> a life <strong>of</strong> poverty.Simakov won a scholarship for secondary education at a military schoolin Kiev. Finishing there with high grades, he was selected to join theSoviet Strategic Rocket Force as a research scientist. After basicmilitary training, he studied for a degree and a doctorate inLeningrad. Compulsory English lessons there fuelled a lifelong interestin England and particularly its literature - he knew far more aboutShakespeare's plays than I would ever be likely to know. On completion<strong>of</strong> his studies he was posted to the Soviet ballistic missile testranges in the far eastern peninsula <strong>of</strong> Kamchatka and spent his entirecareer working there as a flight-test engineer. After compulsoryretirement from the military in his mid-40s, he had been unable to getanother job and he, his wife and eight-year-old daughter were forced tomove into the one-bedroomed Moscow flat <strong>of</strong> his ageing mother-in-law.Life soon became intolerable; his military pension was decimated byinflation, his daughter started to suffer from asthma and his wife wasdesperately unhappy.<strong>The</strong> final straw came when Simakov emerged from his flat one morning t<strong>of</strong>ind his Lada on bricks, with all four wheels missing. He vowed to moveto England where, he fondly believed, such things never happened. Heset about scouring the streets <strong>of</strong> Moscow to find an Englishman whocould help him accomplish his plan and he stumbled across Ryman. <strong>The</strong>two <strong>of</strong> them made an unlikely couple. Fate had transpired to bring themtogether and produce the tragedy which I could see was about to unfold.Simakov's aspirations were wildly starry-eyed. In return for defecting,he wanted `a house with a straw ro<strong>of</strong> and a garden full <strong>of</strong> flowers forhis wife, œ100,000 cash and a Ford Orion Gti with Executive pack'. Heproduced a copy <strong>of</strong> Autocar magazine from his cardboard box and jabbedhis finger at a picture <strong>of</strong> the car <strong>of</strong> his dreams.page- 78 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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