The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comRyman verified the story that I'd heard over the telephone. When afriend suggested that they enter the Moscow marathon together, Rymandidn't hesitate. He had spent many years training for war against theSoviets, learning to recognise their tanks and armoured cars, studyingtheir fighting tactics and shooting snarling images <strong>of</strong> them on therifle range, and he wanted to experience the country and its peoplefirst-hand. When a real-life Russian introduced himself at the end <strong>of</strong>the race, speaking good English, Ryman was thrilled.Colonel Alexander Simakov had invited Ryman around to his flat in adistant northern suburb <strong>of</strong> Moscow which he shared with his wife,daughter and mother-in-law. Ryman was fascinated and appalled at thecramped living conditions <strong>of</strong> such a relatively senior <strong>of</strong>ficer. Simakovmoaned about his pay and conditions and said how much he envied theEnglish lifestyle. `He says he wants to come to England just to seeStratford, Oxford and Cambridge,' Ryman explained. `But,' he added,lowering his voice conspiratorially, `I think he wants to, you knowwhat I mean, defect, to Britain.'`OK, when he comes next week, we'll find out if he knows anythinguseful,' I replied.Simakov would have to <strong>of</strong>fer some spectacular CX to be accepted as adefector. As their world crumbled with the Berlin wall, severalSovblock intelligence <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>fered their services to MI6, and mostwere turned away. MI6 only had the budget to accept high-leveldefectors such as OVATION and NORTHSTAR, and even they had to work forseveral years en poste before being allowed into Britain. Even thelikes <strong>of</strong> Viktor Oshchenko, a KGB <strong>of</strong>ficer specialising in science andtechnology who <strong>of</strong>fered his services in July 1992, did not have an easytime persuading MI6 that he was worth a resettlement package. Hisrevelation that, while serving in London in the mid-'80s, he hadrecruited a GEC-Marconi sales engineer was regarded as only mildlyimportant and I saw an MI5 report which concluded that the engineer,Michael John Smith, did not pass damaging secrets. (This did not stopMI5 having Smith arrested in an entrapment operation, and this paperwas not made available to Smith's defence at his trial. He wassentenced to 25 years' imprisonment, the judge summing up with theoutlandish claim that Smith had done incalculable damage to Britain'snational security.)Given Oshchenko's difficulty in winning defector status, I would mostlikely have to persuade Simakov to return to his job in Russia and thenearn defector status by providing regular intelligence to the Moscowstation. If his intelligence was valuable then he might earn areasonable salary, paid into a UK account so that his new found wealthwould not attract suspicion. Perhaps on his retirement he could beallowed to come to the UK to enjoy his money, but even then MI6 wouldprobably try to persuade him that retirement in his homeland would bemore enjoyable. My task on meeting Simakov would be to assess hisaccess and motivation, recruit him if suitable, then persuade him thatthis was his best option.Ryman looked grim when he answered the door the following week. He tookme through to the living-room, dark because the curtains were drawnagainst the afternoon sun. A bulky, pallid and unshaven man, dressed intight polyester T-shirt and jeans, struggled to his bare feet from thepage- 77 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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