The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comI didn't stand up to greet him - that would disclose to an observerthat we were expecting each other - but indicated for him to sit downand, following Ball's briefing introduced myself as successor to`Peter', APOCALYPSE's former case <strong>of</strong>ficer. I established a cover storyfor our meeting as quickly as possible, as we had been trained. `Ifanybody should ask how we met, you should simply say that you walkedinto the caf‚, saw me reading <strong>The</strong> Economist, and went up to speak to meas a fellow Brit.' APOCALYPSE nodded, but he still seemed cautious.Ball had trained us on the IONEC to build a rapport with an agent toease nerves or suspicion. `Nice boots,' I commented, nodding at his newTimberlands. `Did you buy them here?'Soldiers love talking about boots and APOCALYPSE was no exception.`Aye, excellent piece <strong>of</strong> kit, these, can't fault 'em.' APOCALYPSEstarted to open up and once the rapport was established it was time tostart the debrief. APOCALYPSE briefed me that he was in Italy to meet acontact in the Italian mafia who had access to Soviet weaponry byvirtue <strong>of</strong> their links with the Libyan government. APOCALYPSE hadnegotiated the purchase <strong>of</strong> 20 SA-14 anti-aircraft missiles. <strong>The</strong>consignment would be shipped from Tripoli in a tramp steamer to theIrish coast, where, under cover <strong>of</strong> darkness, it would be unloaded intorigid hull inflatables. Once landed, the missiles would be drivenovernight to an IRA safe house near the border.It was important information, but APOCALYPSE didn't know the sort <strong>of</strong>detail which would enable Head Office to act on the intelligence. <strong>The</strong>ywould want the name <strong>of</strong> the tramp steamer, its departure date, the exactdate it would arrive in Ireland. APOCALYPSE promised that he could getthe answers from his fictional contact. We arranged to meet again twodays later, this time in a different caf‚, the Bar di Poniente on thewest side <strong>of</strong> the town. I reminded APOCALYPSE <strong>of</strong> our cover story for themeeting and left.I scurried back to the Pensione Arena, locked the door <strong>of</strong> the simpleroom and, using the Pentel pen provided by TOS/SW, wrote up theintelligence in block capitals in the standard format <strong>of</strong> a CX report.At the top, a brief one-line summary <strong>of</strong> the intelligence. Next, thedate <strong>of</strong> the meeting at which the information had been acquired. <strong>The</strong>n abrief description <strong>of</strong> the source - `An excellent source with directaccess, who has reported reliably in the past,' I wrote. <strong>The</strong>n the text<strong>of</strong> the intelligence. It all fitted on to one page <strong>of</strong> A4 paper from mypad <strong>of</strong> water-soluble paper. Putting the sheet face-up on the bedsidelocker, I laid a sheet <strong>of</strong> ordinary A4 over it, then on top <strong>of</strong> them both<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> Postwar Urban Redevelopment. Five minutes was enough forthe imprint transfer to the ordinary A4. <strong>The</strong> sheet <strong>of</strong> water solublepaper went into the toilet bowl and in seconds all that was left was atranslucent scum on the surface <strong>of</strong> the water which was flushed away.Back in the bedroom I took the sheet <strong>of</strong> A4, folded it into a brownmanilla envelope and taped it into the inside <strong>of</strong> a copy <strong>of</strong> the Gazzettadello Sport. I had to work quickly because there wasn't much timebefore the 2 p.m. meeting with the Eric.He was sitting at the Caf‚ Leoni's crowded bar, milling with <strong>of</strong>ficeworkers on their lunchbreak. His dark jacket and red tie, recognitionfeatures which Ball had briefed us to look out for, were easy to pickout. In front <strong>of</strong> him was a nearly finished glass <strong>of</strong> beer and a foldedpage- 55 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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