The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comtwo white powders, tip a few grammes into the pipe and tamp it downwith a wooden dowel. When the tube was full, I gingerly crimped downthe other end - too much violence could cause the mixture to detonateprematurely. Laying out a couple <strong>of</strong> feet <strong>of</strong> two-inch masking tape,sticky side uppermost, I carefully sprinkled out a line <strong>of</strong> theremaining white powder along its length, then rolled it up like a longcigarette. If thin and loosely packed, the fuse would burn slowlyenough to let me reach cover. Rolling up the leg <strong>of</strong> my jeans, I tapedthe device to my shin with a couple <strong>of</strong> strips <strong>of</strong> masking tape,concealed the fuse in my sock and slipped out <strong>of</strong> the barn.Dusk was falling on the village. Most <strong>of</strong> the population were indoorseating their evening meal and the road through the settlement was emptyexcept for a few old cars parked at the side. <strong>The</strong>re had been no rainfor many months and the grass verges were parched white. I hurried pastthe small post <strong>of</strong>fice, carefully scanning the second-floor windows. <strong>The</strong>net curtains didn't twitch, suggesting that the grumpy postmasterhadn't spotted me.<strong>The</strong> handful <strong>of</strong> middle-aged drinkers in the corner bar, probably farmersjudging by their ruddy complexions and outdoor clothing, didn't look upfrom their drinks as I passed the window. Slipping round the side Ihurried down the short hill to the red sandstone bridge across theriver. A man was walking his dog towards me, but they paid noattention. Glancing over the parapet to check the river, I saw thenormally swift, deep waters were slowed to a trickle between a series<strong>of</strong> pools, still except for the occasional trout rising for a fly.Checking once more to ensure no one was watching, I slipped over theparapet and dropped out <strong>of</strong> sight. <strong>The</strong>re were three arches to thebridge, supported on two small buttressed islands. Under the first archthere was a broad ledge, heavily scoured by the floods which came everywinter. I clambered over the barbed wire fence built to prevent sheepfrom the neighbouring field straying underneath and dropped to my handsand knees to squeeze up to the stonework. I waited for a few minutes,listening - it wasn't too late to abort. Distant wood pigeons cooedgently and a nearby herd <strong>of</strong> sheep bleated sporadically. A car passedoverhead, but that was the only sound <strong>of</strong> human activity.Pulling up my trouser leg, I unstrapped the improvised explosive deviceand scraped at the river gravel under the arch with a piece <strong>of</strong>driftwood, creating a hole large enough to bury the pipe-bomb againstthe foundations. A quick tug removed the tape masking the hole in thetube and I inserted the fuse. A last check around confirmed that no onewas watching.With one flick, the Zippo's flame ignited the touchpaper. I watched fora moment, ensuring it was fizzling soundly, and scampered. <strong>The</strong>re wasjust enough time to reach the cover <strong>of</strong> a fallen elm trunk before thedevice blew with a resounding bang that was much louder than expected.A family <strong>of</strong> ducks quacked away from the cover <strong>of</strong> some reeds on themuddy bank and the cooing <strong>of</strong> the wood pigeons abruptly halted.Gingerly, just as the echo rolled back from the fellsides <strong>of</strong> thevalley, I emerged from my cover to inspect the damage. <strong>The</strong> dust wasstill settling, but the bridge was standing. I smiled with excitement.It was easily my best bang <strong>of</strong> the summer - jolly good fun for a 13-page- 4 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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