The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comclosely with their counterparts in Germany, particularly on the bankingand finance sectors, and it was inevitable that Jourdain would tip <strong>of</strong>fthe Germans. <strong>The</strong> two BfV <strong>of</strong>ficers did not push me hard at the firstmeeting, but they asked me to reflect on their request overnight andinsisted that I take lunch with them the next day.`So, have you decided if you are going to help us?' asked Kugelhopefully. We were nearing the end <strong>of</strong> a long lunch in the Seerestaurant<strong>of</strong> the Steigenberger Inselhotel overlooking Lake Constance. Kugel andGajabski used all the cultivation tricks on me that I learnt on theIONEC. <strong>The</strong>y were sympathetic to my situation, flattered me on my verylimited German, assured me that any information that I gave them wouldbe treated with the utmost confidentiality and <strong>of</strong>fered me help insettling in Germany. Now, as the meal was ending, they were putting tome their final recruitment pitch. I could imagine how eagerlyanticipated my reply would be and how they must already be mentallywriting up their contact report.`No, I am sorry, I really can't help you,' I replied. I could see thedisappointment in their eyes. <strong>The</strong>y would have to report back negativelyto their line-manager, and would not get the pat on the back they werehoping for. `I could go to jail for 40 years in Britain under theirOfficial Secrets Act, and it is just not worth it.' <strong>The</strong> 1911 OSA, whichstops Britons `collaborating with a potential enemy', was enacted justbefore the First World War to stop British naval engineers helping theGermans to rebuild their navy. I could just imagine `expert witnesses'like Redd taking the witness stand to argue that Germany was still apotential enemy.`But we can assure you, Richard, that your identity will never gobeyond the two <strong>of</strong> us at the table,' Gajabski argued.It was just what we had been trained to say to potential informers too,and I knew that it was not true. `But even if I do help you,' I argued,`how do I know that you will help me? I helped the Swiss police withtheir enquiries and where did that get me?'Kugel and Gajabski had no reply.Though I had arrived in Konstanz with the intention <strong>of</strong> quickly movingon elsewhere, the meeting with the BfV persuaded me that I was better<strong>of</strong>f staying put in Germany. <strong>The</strong>y would be unlikely to bother me atMI6's request after they had tried to recruit me. As there was alanguage school in Konstanz, I decided to study until my German wasgood enough to look for a job. I found a bedsit and started anintensive four hours per day language course. Living in a EuropeanUnion country had other advantages. Unlike Switzerland, I needed nowork permit or residence permit because my British passportautomatically gave me those rights. I registered as a resident, openeda bank account, obtained a phone-line in my own name and even bought acar. <strong>The</strong> little second-hand BMW I got from a dealer in Hamburg gave memobility and so if I had to move again suddenly, I would not have tothrow away most <strong>of</strong> my possessions as I had done in Switzerland.Kugel and Gajabski contacted me several times over the next few monthsand took me out to two further lunches at the Tolle Knolle restauranton the Bodanplatz in Konstanz to persuade me to talk about ORCADA orpage- 226 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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