The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comspun around, scowling with hostility. `Nein, Ich bin nicht HerrTomlinson.' It was about the limit <strong>of</strong> my German.A stone-faced uniformed police <strong>of</strong>ficer and two civilians, one male inhis mid-40s, one a blonde female, stood before me. `Ausweis, bitte,'ordered the uniformed <strong>of</strong>ficer.`What?' I replied impatiently and rudely.`Your papers, please,' interpreted the civilian male.`Oh fuck <strong>of</strong>f,' I replied and picked up my luggage. I couldn't help mylanguage. <strong>The</strong> Swiss must have tipped <strong>of</strong>f the Germans and now, Ipresumed, I was about to be arrested. If they wanted to arrest me, Iwould not make it easy for them.`No, no, wait, you're not under arrest, Herr Tomlinson.' <strong>The</strong> civiliangrabbed me by the shoulder, as if to get my attention rather than torestrain me. `We just want to talk to you, Richard,' the female spokefor the first time, smiling sweetly.I shifted to face my interlocutors squarely, still suspicious. `I amHerr Kugel, from the BfV (Bundesamt fr Verfassungsschutz), and this ismy colleague, Fr„ulein Gajabski.'`We guess you must be tired after your journey, and as it's so late,we've booked you into a hotel for the night,' Gajabski said in flawlessEnglish.`We'll help you with your luggage,' added Kugel. He dismissed theuniformed police <strong>of</strong>ficer with a short command and whistled up a railwayporter who scuttled over with a baggage trolley.`Don't worry, you are not in any trouble,' Gajabski assured me. `We'lljust have a quick drink tonight, then if it is OK with you, we'll havelunch tomorrow.'Kugel and Gajabski escorted me in the drizzle over to the Halm Hotelopposite the station, the porter struggling behind with my heavyluggage. Kugel checked me in, paying the bill in advance, whileGajabski tipped and dismissed the porter. `We guess you'll want to goup to your room for a few minutes. We'll meet you at the bar at 11p.m.,' Kugel said. It was more <strong>of</strong> a firm request than a direct order,but in any case I was intrigued to know what they wanted. Also, Ineeded a beer.`Fr„ulein Gajabski and myself are from the BfV,' explained Kugel oncethree bottles <strong>of</strong> Becks had been served, with glasses. `Our duty is toprotect the German constitution, particularly against the activities <strong>of</strong>foreign intelligence services. We've read about your case in thenewspapers, and we think that you may be able to help us with ourinvestigations into British and American operations against Germany.'<strong>The</strong> Swiss Federal police must have tipped them <strong>of</strong>f about my arrival inKonstanz. Jourdain had previously questioned me about ORCADA, the spyin the German ministry <strong>of</strong> finance that Markham had run in Bonn, even<strong>of</strong>fering me money for his identity. <strong>The</strong> Swiss Federal police workpage- 225 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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