The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comme after 20 hours to explain my legal rights. He then continued theinterview disinterestedly, running through a list <strong>of</strong> questons Ratcliffehad given him while Gruignard slowly tapped my banal responses into thelaptop.<strong>The</strong> increasingly bored Broisniard interviewed me once more that eveningbefore putting me back in a cell at about 11 p.m. with another bottle<strong>of</strong> Evian and a greasy bacon sandwich. Sleep would be difficult enoughin normal circumstances on a hard bench with no pillow, with the striplights on and a guard watching, but as soon as I lay down, I realisedthat the police had cracked a rib during their assault. <strong>The</strong> painprevented me lying on my left-hand side, and even lying on my back therib hurt every time I inhaled. It would be a long, sleepless night,giving me plenty <strong>of</strong> time to reflect on the events <strong>of</strong> the day. <strong>The</strong> sheerstupidity <strong>of</strong> MI6! What did they hope to achieve by arresting me? <strong>The</strong>ywould get a whole load more bad publicity once the details got out.Even if GCHQ set one <strong>of</strong> their Cray computers churning and six monthslater cracked the PGP files on my laptop, what would that prove? <strong>The</strong>French would never extradite me for having encrypted files that wereshown to nobody, whatever the contents. I consoled myself with themessage they would find if they did crack the book-sized decoy file onmy laptop; `MI6, you are a bunch <strong>of</strong> sad fraggles and are wasting yourtime and taxpayers' money,' repeated thousands <strong>of</strong> times. <strong>The</strong> real textwas snuggled up under my big toe.Broisniard came to my cell at about 9 a.m. with a plastic cup <strong>of</strong>instant c<strong>of</strong>fee, syrupy with sugar. It was Saturday morning and he wasprobably not happy about having his weekend wasted on a pointlessarrest. As I held out my wrists for the usual handcuffs, he shruggeddismissively. `No handcuffs this morning,' he replied in French. `Butif you fuck around, we'll beat you up,' he added, waving a finger at mesternly. I had a sneaking admiration for the DST - they didn'tpussyfoot around.Fortunately, the mood in the interrogation room lightened. Broisniardwas relaxed and even irreverent. He asked a few more <strong>of</strong> Ratcliffe'squestions, but with me repeating the same rubbish as yesterday he soongot bored and his questioning took another direction, which at firstleft me unsure how to respond. `How many times did you come to Franceon operations?' he asked, with a sly grin. It was not a straightforwardquestion. I had indeed been to France a few times on operations whichwere not declared to them. Was Broisniard really expecting me tocooperate, or was he leading me into a trap? Revealing details <strong>of</strong> MI6operations against France would breach the very law for which the DSTarrested me.I decided to play it safe. `I'm sorry, I can't tell you about that.'`Why not?' asked Broisniard, slightly disappointed.`<strong>The</strong> British might ask you to arrest me,' I replied gravely.Broisniard gave up around lunchtime. Back in my cell, the guards boughtme another sandwich and a bottle <strong>of</strong> water and then, as I had been incustody for more than 20 hours, a young police lawyer visited toexplain my legal rights. `By lunchtime,' he explained, `you will havebeen in custody for 24 hours, and so a judge will decide whether topage- 210 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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