The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.com<strong>The</strong> screws escorted me back up to Bow Street Magistrate's court onMonday, 17 November for my third and final chance to get bail. <strong>The</strong>ysubjected me to the usual Full Monty's, but this time there was nopolice escort. <strong>The</strong> authorities presumably realised they didn't have adangerous prisoner on their hands, despite MI6's claims. By then itmattered little to me whether or not bail was granted as I was resignedto spending more time in jail. My only chance <strong>of</strong> release lay in theslim possibility that the Attorney General, John Morris, might drop thecharges. <strong>Breach</strong>es <strong>of</strong> the OSA are not automatically prosecuted: specificauthorisation, known as a `fiat', must be issued by the AttorneyGeneral. Ostensibly, it is his decision alone, but in reality theintelligence services decide. <strong>The</strong>y are always the first governmentagencies to discover breaches <strong>of</strong> the OSA, so if they do not want aprosecution, as in the case <strong>of</strong> Melissa Norwood, they keep quiet. But ifthey want a person prosecuted, as was clear in my case, they swingevery axe they can find in Whitehall to ensure that it is carried outwith an iron fist. MI6 would lobby Morris hard. But he had notimmediately conceded, suggesting that he might at least have somedoubts. Like Prime Minister Tony Blair and the rest <strong>of</strong> the Labourcabinet, Morris had voted against the OSA in 1989. But Owen came to thedoor-hatch to bring the news. `Morris has just faxed through the fiat.I am afraid there's no way out now.' It was a blow, but I had takencare not to let my hopes <strong>of</strong> release get too high. <strong>The</strong>re was now littlepoint in contesting bail. With a fiat issued only a few minutes beforethe hearing, only a brave magistrate would grant it. Anyway, there wereadvantages to staying in prison, as time spent on remand would counttowards my final sentence.Three days later, on the BBC radio I heard news that highlighted thepolitical nature <strong>of</strong> OSA prosecutions. Chris Patten, a former Toryminister and political heavyweight who had lost his seat in the lastgeneral election, had been appointed Governor <strong>of</strong> Hong Kong to overseethe years leading up to the 1999 handover <strong>of</strong> power to China. AsGovernor, he signed the OSA and regularly received CX reports. He alsoauthorised the journalist Jonathan Dimbleby to write an <strong>of</strong>ficialbiography glorifying his governorship, entitled <strong>The</strong> Last Days. In orderto substantiate aspects <strong>of</strong> the book, and no doubt also to pump upsales, Patten gave Dimbleby direct copies <strong>of</strong> many CX reports. Thisbrazen breach <strong>of</strong> the OSA was more serious than that posed by givingMartyn a heavily disguised synopsis that was never published. <strong>The</strong>police and the CPS wanted to prosecute but Morris refused to issue thefiat, arguing that there was `no useful purpose' in prosecuting Patten.If breaches <strong>of</strong> secrecy laws are not applied consistently to all<strong>of</strong>fenders, whatever their status, then they are political <strong>of</strong>fences. Iwrote to Morris from my prison cell asking him to explain thisinconsistency and asked what `useful purpose' he saw in prosecuting me.He never replied.One <strong>of</strong> the many restrictions imposed on A-cat prisoners is closecontrol over visits. We were only permitted visits from immediatefamily, and then only after they had been approved by the police andprison service. On my first day in Belmarsh, using a specialapplication form, I nominated my mother as my first visitor. This wassent to Cumbria SB and two PCs interviewed her at home. It wasn't untilFriday, 21 November, three weeks after my arrest, that she was clearedpage- 183 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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