The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.com`Apparently he ripped up a sheet, made a neck-tourniquet, then rolledover and over on his bed till he choked,' Dobson answered quietly. Ionly knew Colligan, a guy in his early twenties on remand for allegedlymurdering the wife <strong>of</strong> a millionaire, by sight, but it was sad news.Apparently the evidence against him was strong and he expected a lifesentence. `Lads like him, who want to be dead, should have the option<strong>of</strong> asking for a lethal injection,' Dobson added hoarsely. `It's notfair, putting somebody through living mental torture that they end uptopping themsels' like that.'We were not unlocked until a doctor examined Colligan and issued adeath certificate, photographs and forensic evidence <strong>of</strong> his body hadbeen taken, and his body had been removed from his cell. <strong>The</strong> mood onthe spur was subdued for the rest <strong>of</strong> the day.During my early days in Belmarsh, it concerned me what other prisonerswould think <strong>of</strong> my <strong>of</strong>fence. Former law enforcement personnel, especiallypolice, are usually victimised and have to request segregation underprison regulation 43. Most `rule 43' prisoners are sex-<strong>of</strong>fenders; theso-called `nonces' so despised by Craggs. But my fears that I might beconsidered a `grass' (slang for an informer) were unfounded. In theprison heirarchy - armed bank robbers at the top and those convicted <strong>of</strong>street crimes such as muggings at the bottom - most gave me `respect'for my <strong>of</strong>fence. It was just as well, for one Friday night I saw thetreatment dished out to `nonces' whose crimes were regarded asunacceptable. Top <strong>of</strong> the Pops was on and the spur were congregated infront <strong>of</strong> the television, cheering Mockalenny who was breakdancingincongruously to a Celine Dion single. A young black guy, fresh from`Beirut', was sitting quietly on his own, sipping a cup <strong>of</strong> cocoa.Unobserved in the general commotion, Craggs filled a plastic mug withboiling water from the urn, sidled up behind him and tipped thescalding water over his head. <strong>The</strong> guy fell to the floor clutching hisscalp, screaming in agony. Craggs sprang back, arms al<strong>of</strong>t, vehementlyprotesting. `Sorry, mate, it was an accident, honest.' Other inmatesrushed over as the livid victim got to his feet, clutching his head andlunging at his assaulter with blind anger. Somebody pressed the alarmbefore a fight could break out and we were invaded by the usual hordesand herded back into our cells. Craggs was still protesting hisinnocence as his door was slammed shut, not with convincing sincerity,but just to let everybody know that this should be the version <strong>of</strong>events given by witnesses to the screws.Lying face down on my bed, I asked Dobson through the gap what it wasall about. `He was a fookin' nonce,' he whispered. `We just got wordthrough from t'other houseblock. He raped some lassie. Should've knownbetter than trying to mix it with us on this spur. I was goona do `immisself, but Craggsy beat me to it. We'll not see `im again.'Another new prisoner called Michaels came in for the Craggs EnhancedNegative Vetting interview a few days later, after he appeared at theback <strong>of</strong> the lunch queue in a new prison tracksuit, fidgeting with hisCartier watch. `What are you in for, mate?' Craggs asked with anundertone <strong>of</strong> belligerence.Michaels, an elderly and educated fellow, hesitated for a moment,unused to being addressed by a scar-faced skinhead. `A spot <strong>of</strong> fraud,'he nervously replied, adjusting his glasses.page- 180 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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