The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comup a small law firm in north London, Bahsi and Partners, thatspecialised in employment disputes and advertised themselves with thebanner `NO WIN, NO FEE'. This pledge was attractive because my smallsavings were not sufficient to pay lawyers. Satisfyingly, the partnersall had Farsi names and I smiled at the thought <strong>of</strong> Dimmock receiving adisclosure demand from an Iranian lawyer. A quick phone call and we'darranged a meeting. Two days later they had sent MI6 a preliminarynotification letter, requesting copies <strong>of</strong> all my personnel papers.My hunch was correct. Dimmock rang me at home. `We can't possibly haveyou taking us to court, we'd have the whole <strong>of</strong> Fleet Street outside thecourt building,' he whined. `Why don't you come in to see theoutplacement <strong>of</strong>ficer, PD/PROSPECT? He's got you a really well-paidpossibility in the City.'`I've told you already I'm not the slightest bit interested in workingin the bloody City, so please stop imposing your own career regrets onme,' I replied angrily. `You bastards sacked me illegally and it is myright to take you to an employment tribunal.' Dimmock rang <strong>of</strong>fimpatiently.Dimmock wrote to me a few days later, now addressing me as `MrTomlinson' instead <strong>of</strong> `Richard'. <strong>The</strong>y'd probably already startedtapping my phone too, I thought to myself. Dimmock wanted me to changemy law firm to something `more established' and <strong>of</strong>fered to pay my legalfees. On the face <strong>of</strong> it, it was quite a generous <strong>of</strong>fer but inevitablythere was a hidden agenda behind personnel department'suncharacteristic platitude. Another search <strong>of</strong> the phone book, this timelooking for expensive-looking companies with big adverts, turned up theprestigious city firm <strong>of</strong> Herbert Smiths. <strong>The</strong> efficient receptionist putme in touch with John Farr, their partner specialising in employmentlaw. Over the next few weeks, we put together a detailed application toan employment tribunal and submitted it to the tribunal centre inNorwich. My last paycheque from the <strong>of</strong>fice, for the month <strong>of</strong> August,arrived a few days later. It would take three or four months for theapplication to come to courts, so my limited savings would have tosupport me in the interim. I was not too concerned - my case for unfairdismissal was straightforward and when I inevitably won MI6 would beforced to reinstate me with full back-pay.My optimism was na‹ve and I underestimated the deviousness <strong>of</strong>personnel. Farr called me up at home and asked me to go into his<strong>of</strong>fices near Liverpool Street station to see him.`<strong>The</strong>re's been an interesting development,' he said, from the other side<strong>of</strong> his designer desk. `<strong>The</strong>y've used a Public Interest Immunitycertificate to stop your application.'`What?' I cried angrily. `How the hell can they justify that?' PIIcertificates are a legal mechanism - a sort <strong>of</strong> `get out <strong>of</strong> jail free'card - that MI6 occasionally use to get them out <strong>of</strong> difficult legalsituations. <strong>The</strong>y had last used one to cover up their failings in theMatrix Churchill and Astra scandals. <strong>The</strong> certificates, obtained fromthe Foreign Secretary via a submission, allow them to block the releaseto the courts <strong>of</strong> any documents that they assert could `damage nationalsecurity'. Farr explained that he had been visited the previous day bythree legal <strong>of</strong>ficers from SIS, who had served the PII certificate onpage- 146 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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