The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.comBecause the objective <strong>of</strong> meeting Kiddie had been accomplished, therewas no further need for me to cultivate Constantine. One last visit toBari Trading was enough to say goodbye to Constantine, Patricia andFazad, with the excuse that for family reasons I had to return urgentlyto South America.GELATO was a nuclear scientist who had worked during the 1970s and '80son Argentina's nascent nuclear weapon's programme. He was recruited inthe mid-'80s by one <strong>of</strong> the station <strong>of</strong>ficers in Buenos Aires and wassubsequently run by VCOs. Argentina was regarded as having fairlyefficient counter-espionage capabilities, so the debriefing meetingstook place in Rio de Janeiro and GELATO was paid a couple <strong>of</strong> thousandpounds per meeting into a secret account in Luxembourg. He providedsome good CX over the years but his usefulness dwindled after Argentinaabandoned its nuclear weapons programme at the end <strong>of</strong> the '80s. My taskwould be to see him one more time and, assuming he had nothing moreuseful to <strong>of</strong>fer us, discontinue him. I sent a telegram to Buenos Airesasking the station to notify him via the agreed method - a note slippedinto his locker at his country club - that he should ring `DavidLindsey', an alias <strong>of</strong> my predecessor. A couple <strong>of</strong> days later he rang,the number was patched through to me by the MI6 switchboard and wearranged to meet on the evening <strong>of</strong> the 12 April 1995 at the HotelPresident on Copacabana beach.<strong>The</strong> second objective <strong>of</strong> the trip was to build my credential with Kiddieby visiting the small orphan school in a Rio favela that her charitysupported. After several phone calls to Kiddie and to Brazil, I had anappointment for Friday, 21 April, nine days after my meeting withGELATO. `It's hardly worth coming back, between the meetings, is it?' Iasked Badger, hopefully.He laughed, `All right, you can stay out there - just don't getyourself into any trouble. You deserve a break as you've done some goodwork in the section. Here's your SAF.' Badger tossed over the staffappraisal form that he had just completed for submission to personneldepartment. I read it with satisfaction. It was glowing with praise forthe success <strong>of</strong> BELLHOP and would be a solid basis to request anoverseas posting, though this time a normal posting like the rest <strong>of</strong> myIONEC colleagues.<strong>The</strong> meeting with GELATO in Brazil went smoothly. He wasn't upset to bediscontinued, and telephone intercepts showed that the head <strong>of</strong> thefavela orphanage reported my visit positively to Kiddie. <strong>The</strong> timebetween the meetings provided an opportunity to explore Rio de Janeiroand the surrounding hills, and to lunch with H/RIO, who told me thatthere was a vacancy in the station. <strong>The</strong> job sounded interesting, thelocation agreeable, so I decided to put in a request on my return toVauxhall Cross.Monday, 24 April dawned with spring rain. Waiting their turn at thesecurity doors, there was already an impatient and bedraggled queue <strong>of</strong>people, folding away umbrellas and overcoats. When my turn came, Islipped my swipe-card down the groove, typed in my PIN code, six-ninetwo-one,and awaited the familiar green light. But it flashed an angryred. Presuming that I'd mistyped the PIN, I tried again. Same result.<strong>The</strong> third attempt, and the intruder alarm went <strong>of</strong>f, lights and sirenspage- 140 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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