The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of

The Big Breach - Index of


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Breach</strong>; From Top Secret to Maximum SecurityCompliments <strong>of</strong> http://www.192.com`If you like,' Kiddie replied, `I'll ring him right now and you cantalk to him - he told me he would be in Tehran this week.' She reachedup to a bookshelf above her desk, pulled out the project file, foundFahd's Tehran number and dialled him up. Unbeknown to her, she wasdialling not into Fahd's purported company in Tehran but straight intothe headquarters <strong>of</strong> the Iranian intelligence service, and I couldn'twait to get on the line. Disappointingly, he was not at the <strong>of</strong>fice andshe just got his ansaphone. `Never mind, we'll call him next timeyou're up.'Kiddie talked enthusiastically about her charitable work. She ran athrift shop in Cambridge and some <strong>of</strong> the proceeds went to a project toprovide schoolbooks to impoverished children in a favela in Rio deJaneiro. I had been planning a trip to Brazil for some time becausePTCP section had an Argentine nuclear scientist on the books, codenamedGELATO, who was overdue for his annual debriefing. Her charity workthere presented an opportunity to ingratiate myself further withKiddie: `I'm going out to Rio in a couple weeks on business. Is thereanything I could do for your project while I am out there?'`Sure,' she replied, `there are always things to do.' She described theproject enthusiastically and detailed how I could be <strong>of</strong> assistance. <strong>The</strong>conversation was interrupted by a popping splutter as an old motorbikepull up outside. `Ah, that must be my husband, Len. Would you like tomeet him?'We went outside to find Len parking up his leaky Triumph and lookingadmiringly at my Fireblade. `<strong>The</strong>y're fearsome machines,' he grinned,holding out his gloved hand in greeting. `Careful you don't killyourself.' We chatted for a few minutes about motorcycles while Kiddiebusied herself in the kitchen getting a snack together.We spoke for several more hours in the study over tea and sandwiches,about Fahd, the charity project and motorcycles. By mid-afternoon,Badger's objectives for the first meeting had been met and exceeded.Kiddie and Ingles were taken in by my cover and were keen for me tomeet Fahd as soon as possible. We were winding up the meeting when thedoorbell rang. Len went out to the hall to answer it and by the heartygreetings the visitors were male. Len poked his head around the door <strong>of</strong>the living-room where Kiddie and I were sitting. `It's Paul and Roger,'he hissed.Kiddie stood up urgently. `Quick, follow me,' she whisperedconspiratorially, ushering me into the kitchen to leave the sittingroomfree for Ingles and his guests. `<strong>The</strong>y're business friends <strong>of</strong> Len -best you avoid them,' she explained as we bade goodbye at the backdoor. Unbeknown to her, I knew more about Paul and Roger than she did.<strong>The</strong>y were the SB <strong>of</strong>ficers who had been tasked to keep an eye on thefamily.Back in London, Badger was delighted that the meeting had gone so well.`Excellent work. I heard Kiddie trying to ring Fahd, shame she couldn'tget hold <strong>of</strong> him,' Badger chuckled. A few days later he chucked anotherreport on my desk. Paul and Roger described me as a `suspicious visitoron a motorbike who Kiddie was obviously keen to hide'.page- 139 - To purchase the original limited edition hardback version <strong>of</strong> this bookplease call 08000 192 192 or go to http://www.192.com

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