Elizabeth Dehn - HER LIFE Magazine

Elizabeth Dehn - HER LIFE Magazine Elizabeth Dehn - HER LIFE Magazine

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Wi t h i n s e c o n d s o f h o p p i n g o n t o e l i z a b e t hD e h n ’ s w e b s i t e , w w w . b e a u t y b e t s . c o m , Ir e a l i z e d t h i s r o c k i n g y o u n g l a d y h a s w h a ti t t a k e s i n l i f e ! D r i v e n , a m b i t i o u s , f o c u s e d , a n dl i v i n g a l i f e o n p u r p o s e , s h e h a s c r e a t e d f o rh e r s e l f a v e r i t a b l e w o r l d o f i n s p i r a t i o n b a s e do n a c o r n u c o p i a o f b e a u t y p r o d u c t s , i d e a s , a n dp h i l o s o p h i e s . I t ’ s p r e t t y o b v i o u s t h a t t h i s e x p r e s s i v ew o m a n w o r k s ‘ r o u n d t h e c l o c k t o m a k e s u r e h e r f a n sa n d f o l l o w e r s g e t t h e m o s t o u t o f h e r d i s c o v e r i e s .Think again! The news on her web site as I write thismade me stop and reconsider some of the things upon whichI place a priority in life. While she does tout the excitement ofthe beauty industry, and has been known to promote a greatdetox or cleansing product, her words of wisdom as related toa “technology detox” spoke volumes to me. Here I was surfingher amazing web site and I am reminded of the importance oftaking a break from all things technological.elizabeth, 34, chose to take a week off from the demandsof constant e-mail, blogging, internet surfing and all thingswork-related. That’s an inner beauty tip I have never recognizedbefore. Her recipe was quite simple, yet highly profound:While it’s great to be able to instantly connect with others, it ishighly imperative that we all take time away from the keyboardand screen and reconnect with ourselves!Wow! Elizabeth is a genius! While most of us give lipservice to our desire to walk away from the computer onoccasion, she is living that ideal, if only for a few days. What’sin it for her, I am certain, is a fresh new perspective, a mentalcleansing and the renewed enthusiasm to burst back onto thescene with fresh, new and innovative ideas for us all.so, while Elizabeth is unplugged, let’s check out whatshe has to offer us. Let’s snoop around. She won’t even knowwe are here. When you log on to her web site, I guarantee youare in for a real treat. However, it’s only fair to offer a bit ofbackground information so that you know upon which groundsyou are walking.Prior to launching this endeavor, Elizabeth, a Minnesotanative, earned a degree in Communications from Wake ForestUniversity. During her senior year, she hopped the pond andworked at a fashion magazine in London. Upon her return toher roots, she was hired by Target as a buyer and then movedover into the communication arena.she also acquired some travel writing experience whileliving overseas in Brussels, Belgium, with her husband, Greg,who was temporarily transferred there for his job. When theyreturned to the states, Elizabeth found employment at NorthwestAirlines where she honed her skills as a communicationmanager.subsequent to that role, Elizabeth assumed the positionof lifestyle editor for Minnesota Monthly. Her emphasis was onstyle, retail, fashion, beauty and travel. She absolutely loved thisjob. In fact, she referred to it as “a dream job.”however, she longed to pursue the freelance life, tocompletely indulge her creative side and to color outside thelines a bit more. So, she started a blog in 2010. “In actuality, Ibegan my blog as a creative outlet,” she smiled.less than two years old, her blog has quite the communityof followers, and Elizabeth obviously enjoys catering to herreaders’ inquiries on beauty dilemmas, products and how-to’s.“My main focus is on looking good and feeling good, even ifthat means simply chatting about the latest red nail polish,” shesaid.elizabeth is quick to point out that having a high-profileblog is not always as glamorous as it might seem. “When youmaintain a blog, it takes an appreciable amount of time andenergy to keep it current,” she explained. “However, whenyou write about what you love, it’s a blast. It’s so gratifying tointeract with the readers, swapping stories, challenges andobsessions.”www.elizabethdehn.comBY Ann E. ButenasPHOTOGRAPHY BY Viveria PhotographyHAIR AND makeup provided by Julie Swenson of the Beauty LoUNGeSTYlING BY RANoSHA coffelt of style-architects, llcshot on locATIoN AT SPIll the Wine restaurant, downtown minNeapolisHERLIFEmagazine.com 17

Wi t h i n s e c o n d s o f h o p p i n g o n t o e l i z a b e t hD e h n ’ s w e b s i t e , w w w . b e a u t y b e t s . c o m , Ir e a l i z e d t h i s r o c k i n g y o u n g l a d y h a s w h a ti t t a k e s i n l i f e ! D r i v e n , a m b i t i o u s , f o c u s e d , a n dl i v i n g a l i f e o n p u r p o s e , s h e h a s c r e a t e d f o rh e r s e l f a v e r i t a b l e w o r l d o f i n s p i r a t i o n b a s e do n a c o r n u c o p i a o f b e a u t y p r o d u c t s , i d e a s , a n dp h i l o s o p h i e s . I t ’ s p r e t t y o b v i o u s t h a t t h i s e x p r e s s i v ew o m a n w o r k s ‘ r o u n d t h e c l o c k t o m a k e s u r e h e r f a n sa n d f o l l o w e r s g e t t h e m o s t o u t o f h e r d i s c o v e r i e s .Think again! The news on her web site as I write thismade me stop and reconsider some of the things upon whichI place a priority in life. While she does tout the excitement ofthe beauty industry, and has been known to promote a greatdetox or cleansing product, her words of wisdom as related toa “technology detox” spoke volumes to me. Here I was surfingher amazing web site and I am reminded of the importance oftaking a break from all things technological.elizabeth, 34, chose to take a week off from the demandsof constant e-mail, blogging, internet surfing and all thingswork-related. That’s an inner beauty tip I have never recognizedbefore. Her recipe was quite simple, yet highly profound:While it’s great to be able to instantly connect with others, it ishighly imperative that we all take time away from the keyboardand screen and reconnect with ourselves!Wow! <strong>Elizabeth</strong> is a genius! While most of us give lipservice to our desire to walk away from the computer onoccasion, she is living that ideal, if only for a few days. What’sin it for her, I am certain, is a fresh new perspective, a mentalcleansing and the renewed enthusiasm to burst back onto thescene with fresh, new and innovative ideas for us all.so, while <strong>Elizabeth</strong> is unplugged, let’s check out whatshe has to offer us. Let’s snoop around. She won’t even knowwe are here. When you log on to her web site, I guarantee youare in for a real treat. However, it’s only fair to offer a bit ofbackground information so that you know upon which groundsyou are walking.Prior to launching this endeavor, <strong>Elizabeth</strong>, a Minnesotanative, earned a degree in Communications from Wake ForestUniversity. During her senior year, she hopped the pond andworked at a fashion magazine in London. Upon her return toher roots, she was hired by Target as a buyer and then movedover into the communication arena.she also acquired some travel writing experience whileliving overseas in Brussels, Belgium, with her husband, Greg,who was temporarily transferred there for his job. When theyreturned to the states, <strong>Elizabeth</strong> found employment at NorthwestAirlines where she honed her skills as a communicationmanager.subsequent to that role, <strong>Elizabeth</strong> assumed the positionof lifestyle editor for Minnesota Monthly. Her emphasis was onstyle, retail, fashion, beauty and travel. She absolutely loved thisjob. In fact, she referred to it as “a dream job.”however, she longed to pursue the freelance life, tocompletely indulge her creative side and to color outside thelines a bit more. So, she started a blog in 2010. “In actuality, Ibegan my blog as a creative outlet,” she smiled.less than two years old, her blog has quite the communityof followers, and <strong>Elizabeth</strong> obviously enjoys catering to herreaders’ inquiries on beauty dilemmas, products and how-to’s.“My main focus is on looking good and feeling good, even ifthat means simply chatting about the latest red nail polish,” shesaid.elizabeth is quick to point out that having a high-profileblog is not always as glamorous as it might seem. “When youmaintain a blog, it takes an appreciable amount of time andenergy to keep it current,” she explained. “However, whenyou write about what you love, it’s a blast. It’s so gratifying tointeract with the readers, swapping stories, challenges andobsessions.”www.elizabethdehn.comBY Ann E. ButenasPHOTOGRAPHY BY Viveria PhotographyHAIR AND makeup provided by Julie Swenson of the Beauty LoUNGeSTYlING BY RANoSHA coffelt of style-architects, llcshot on locATIoN AT SPIll the Wine restaurant, downtown minNeapolis<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>magazine.com 17

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