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KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ...

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Vilnius University Library inLet us create together – that was a mottoof Vilnius University Library (furtherreferred to as VU Library) for 2011 andfrom the very beginning of 2011 it wasclear that this year our library will focuson the creation and development of theScholarly Communication and InformationCentre. 2011 was the year when anabbreviation “SCIC” so often appearedin our diary: “meeting at the SCIC constructionsite”, “presentation of SCIC readingrooms to the strategic work group”,“development of new services for theSCIC”, “once more on a slope of staircasesat the SCIC”, “wreath-raising ceremony atthe SCIC”, etc.Just two short years ago, we held thetime capsule burial ceremony and nowthe last entries in the diary point to theend of the SCIC construction. Irresistibleattraction of the SCIC building arousesgrowing interest of all passers-by – thebuilding is original, impressive, imposingand glittering. These observations weremade not only by students and professors,who have been watching the birthand growth of the building through thewindows of VU faculties at the SaulėtekisValley, but also by ordinary citizens whopass by the building every day. Accordingto the architect, who has come a long wayfrom Leipzig just to see the SCIC, architecturalaspects of the building “fascinatesyou and it is impossible not to admirethe harmonious relationship betweenthe building and its natural surroundings,original constructive decisions, the greatfeeling of correlation between the components”.The opening of the SCIC is approachingrapidly. In 2011 four working groups –strategic development, personnel, informationresources and services – duringtheir countless meetings and discussionsgenerated ideas and projected schemesof horizontal and vertical activities withinthe two buildings. After the opening ofthe SCIC, the guidelines for VU Librarydevelopment provide for the integrated,well-organized system of services in bothbuildings of VU Library, clear and functionalallocation of spaces meeting variousneeds of users.It has become more and more evidentthat users appreciate a wide range of servicesprovided by VU Library. Users showgreat interest in informal work placesas well as in traditional ones. It becameclear in the discussions with studentsthat informal work places have severaladvantages, such as a possibility to engagein discussion with a group of friends,to relocate furniture and thus create yourown space of work or communication, totake a cup of tea or coffee. Spaces of theOriental Studies Reading Room (openedin 2011) are designated for readers, whoprefer quiet atmosphere or need to concentrateon research work. This readingroom, consisting of several small roomswhich bear a resemblance to private libraries,is popular among those who appreciateprivacy and peace. We hope that theOriental Studies Reading Room, which issituated at the top floor of VU Library thusgiving the readers possibility to admire aspectacular view of the Old Town, will inspirecreativity and new insights.Users of our library gave positive evaluationto the expansion of the openstacks. At the end of 2011, the open stackcollection contained more than 190 000documents. The collection assists in developmentof information environment forinterdisciplinary studies and research. Allmeasures and services facilitating openaccess help to promote the independenceof users and provide conditions for independentinformation search. Circulationof traditional documents has been indecline in recent years, but on the otherhand the use of electronic information resourcesis increasing rapidly. Accesses tothe databases administered by VU Libraryhave increased one and a half times since2010.Fostering partnership and cooperation– that was a guideline our library appliedin 2011. In November, the general meetingof the Consortium of the LithuanianAcademic Libraries for the Maintenanceand Development of an Information Infrastructurefor Science and Studies entrustedto VU Library for the third year inturn the coordination and chairmanshipof the Board. VU Library is also responsiblefor coordination of the project (whichwas launched at the end of the year)aiming to build up the National OpenAccess Research Data Archive (Lithuanianabbreviation MIDAS).Participating in the international projectsDigCurV and IPBiB, VU Libraryacquired useful knowledge in the fieldof vocational training for digital curators,launching new libraries and innovativeservices. These projects contributed tothe development of professional relationswith universities, libraries and collegesfrom Ireland, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,Great Britain, Italy, Canada andGermany. World Digital Library portal,which was launched in 2011, presents digitalcopies of manuscripts stored at VULibrary. Among numerous partners of theproject coming from nearly all countriesof the world, VU Library is the only institutionrepresenting Lithuania. A cooperationagreement was signed between VULibrary and the National Library of Belaruson digitization of documents.Scientific and cultural heritage collectionswere expanded with the help ofarchives and private libraries of distinguishedresearchers and professors of VilniusUniversity: professor Algirdas JuozapasGaigalas, professor Henrikas Zabulis, dr.Algirdas Vaitekūnas. Descendants of theBiržiška family living in United States ofAmerica donated documents dating backfrom 1944 to 1964 written by three outstandingpersonalities, members of theBiržiška family: Mykolas, Vaclovas and Viktoras.These documents have sufficientlyimproved and enlarged the archival unitof the Biržiška family stored at VU Library.Two exhibitions “Ab urbe condita …”and “Musica sacra et profana”, whichwere opened in Smuglevičius Hall andreceived considerable public attention,have proved once more that VU Libraryhas a very rich collection of rare booksand manuscripts. A catalogue of the exhibition“Lithuania and Poland in the Commonwealth”shows a new field of activityat VU Library – to present to the publicthe treasures of our library. From this timeforward, at least one exhibition of old andrare documents per year will have a catalogue.By participating in various organizations,the employees of VU Library can consi-2 http://www.mb.vu.lt

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