KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ...

KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ... KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ...


http://www.mb.vu.lt06.00september 20114 sunday07.0008.0009.0010.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.0016.00International project IPBibVU Library is a partner of international project IPBib (InternationalErasmus intensive programme 2009–2011). The intention of thisproject is to improve professional knowledge of LIS students and librarians.In 2009 participants of the project met in Germany at the Centreof Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (Humboldt University) (Humboldt-Universitaetzu Berlin; Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum), in 2010the project moved to Vienna University Library. On September 4-17,2011 Vilnius University Library was the venue for the project. Directorgeneral of Vilnius University Library Irena Krivienė was the chiefcoordinatorof the project activities in Lithuania. Indrė Zalieskienė,Vincas Grigas ir Simona Petraitytė helped to carry out the project.This project was attended by five universities-partners from differentcountries, namely Vilnius University (Lithuania), the HumboldtUniversity of Berlin (Germany), the University of Vienna (Austria),Masaryk University in Brno (The Czech Republic) and the State Universityof Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria).17.0018.0019.0020.0021.0022.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.00Participants of the international project IPBib (International Erasmus intensive programme 2009–2011)at their last day in Vilnius14 http://www.mb.vu.lt

06.0007.004 sundayMeeting of the project partners in spring: visit to the Scholarly Communication and InformationCentre (on the left assoc. prof. Tania Todorova (Bulgaria), dr. Iva Zadražilova (Czech Republic),director general of VU Library Irena Krivienė, Pamela Stückler (Austria), coordinatorof the project Katharina Tollküehn (Germany)).http://www.mb.vu.lt08.0009.0010.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.00Participants of the project during their visit to the newly constructed ScholarlyCommunication and Information Centre16.0017.0018.0019.0020.0021.0022.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.00The project focuses on creation and development of new library buildings, therefore the Vilnius meetingwas focused on the new building of Vilnius University Library – National Open Access ScholarlyCommunication and Information Centre (SCIC) – situated at the Saulėtekis Valley. New library buildings,library services, digitization, information literacy and information services, marketing, public relations– these were the topics under discussion within the framework of intensive programme. Lectures andseminars were delivered by professors from all universities-partners. A team of Lithuanian professorsconsisted of several employees of Vilnius University Library : Director general of VU Library Irena Krivienė,associated professor, dr. Marija Prokopčik, doctoral student Jūratė Kuprienė, dr. Žibutė Petrauskienėand professors from the Faculty of Communication, associated professor, dr. Rimvydas Laužikas, lecturer,dr. Zinaida Manžuch.Six students from the Programme of Library and Information Studies at the Faculty of Communication– Indra Andrijauskaitė, Neringa Androšiūnaitė, Lina Balčiūnaitė, Arnas Bastys, Ina Puzakinaitė ir AušraLukaševičiūtė – were selected to represent a Lithuanian students’ team. For the completion of the project,students had to pass an examination and all participants had been invited to give their evaluationto the project. All countries with one accord gave positive evaluation to the organization and quality ofthe project held at Vilnius University Library.http://www.mb.vu.lt15

http://www.mb.vu.lt06.00september 20114 sunday07.0008.0009.0010.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.0016.00International project IPBibVU Library is a partner of international project IPBib (InternationalErasmus intensive programme 2009–2011). The intention of thisproject is to improve professional knowledge of LIS students and librarians.In 2009 participants of the project met in Germany at the Centreof Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (Humboldt University) (Humboldt-Universitaetzu Berlin; Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum), in 2010the project moved to Vienna University Library. On September 4-17,2011 Vilnius University Library was the venue for the project. Directorgeneral of Vilnius University Library Irena Krivienė was the chiefcoordinatorof the project activities in Lithuania. Indrė Zalieskienė,Vincas Grigas ir Simona Petraitytė helped to carry out the project.This project was attended by five universities-partners from differentcountries, namely Vilnius University (Lithuania), the HumboldtUniversity of Berlin (Germany), the University of Vienna (Austria),Masaryk University in Brno (The Czech Republic) and the State Universityof Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria).17.0018.0019.0020.0021.0022.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.00Participants of the international project IPBib (International Erasmus intensive programme 2009–2011)at their last day in Vilnius14 http://www.mb.vu.lt

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