KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ...

KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ... KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ...


http://www.mb.vu.lt06.00september 201112 monday07.0008.0009.0010.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.00A reading room at Vilnius University Library was named after Czesław MiłoszOn September 7, a reading room at Vilnius University Library (at present the Lending Department),which after the refurbishment will become the high-quality fiction reading room, wasnamed after Czesław Miłosz. The core collection of the Miłosz Reading Room will consist ofworld literature classics and the best contemporary authors.Main concept of the design of the Miłosz Reading Room – combination of Classical style andcosiness, liveliness and warmth, creating an atmosphere of a book club, bookshop or privatelibrary.The location of the Czesław Miłosz Reading Room itself implies that it should be named afterthe famous poet as the reading room is in the old architectural ensemble of Vilnius University,the University, where one could always sense an atmosphere of free thought, confidence andtolerance. Miłosz wrote: “So many great things I absorbed from the massive walls of our oldUniversity”. Windows of the reading room look out on the Sarbievijus courtyard. A metaphor ofPegasus in flight invoked by a poet of Baroque Sarbievijus can be associated not only with thepoetry of Miłosz, but also with his concept of human existence – to be above all things, whilestaying aware of even the most insignificant details.It is anticipated that the Czesław Miłosz Reading Room will become cosy and lively place forlearning, intellectual and creative communication.16.0017.0018.0019.0020.0021.0022.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.00Opening of reading room: on the left Head of Information Service Centre Elona Varnauskienė,Director of Polish Institute dr. Małgorzata Kasner, Rector of VU, professor Benediktas Juodka andDirector general of the library Irena Krivienė16 http://www.mb.vu.lt

06.00september 201115 thursdayhttp://www.mb.vu.lt07.0008.0009.0010.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.0016.0017.0018.0019.0020.0021.00“I believe in my University as I put my trust in Lithuania.Professor Jonas Kubilius 90th birthdaycelebration“Celebration of the 90th birthday of Jonas Kubilius, a professor,distinguished scientist, former Rector of Vilnius University,started on September 15 in Pranciškus Smuglevičius Hall (VilniusUniversity Library). Later the celebration continued in theWhite Hall, where the jubilee exhibition “I believe in my Universityas I put my trust in Lithuania. Professor Jonas Kubilius 90thbirthday celebration” was opened.Many honourable guests attended the opening of the exhibition,later they shared some memories with Jonas Kubilius,viewed the jubilee exhibition and joined the professor for theexclusive concert performed by the alumni of Virgilijus Noreika.On October 30 2011 died long-serving Rector, academician,eminent scientist of Vilnius University Jonas Kubilius.22.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.00Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Juozas Olekasand Algirdas Sysas congratulate professor Jonas Kubilius onhis birthday.04.0005.00Opening of the exhibition: on the left professor Jonas Kubilius,former director of the library Birutė Butkevičienė, director generalof the library Irena Krivienė.http://www.mb.vu.lt17

06.00september 201115 thursdayhttp://www.mb.vu.lt07.0008.0009.0010.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.0016.0017.0018.0019.0020.0021.00“I believe in my University as I put my trust in Lithuania.Professor Jonas Kubilius 90th birthdaycelebration“Celebration of the 90th birthday of Jonas Kubilius, a professor,distinguished scientist, former Rector of Vilnius University,started on September 15 in Pranciškus Smuglevičius Hall (VilniusUniversity Library). Later the celebration continued in theWhite Hall, where the jubilee exhibition “I believe in my Universityas I put my trust in Lithuania. Professor Jonas Kubilius 90thbirthday celebration” was opened.Many honourable guests attended the opening of the exhibition,later they shared some memories with Jonas Kubilius,viewed the jubilee exhibition and joined the professor for theexclusive concert performed by the alumni of Virgilijus Noreika.On October 30 2011 died long-serving Rector, academician,eminent scientist of Vilnius University Jonas Kubilius.22.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.00Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Juozas Olekasand Algirdas Sysas congratulate professor Jonas Kubilius onhis birthday.04.0005.00Opening of the exhibition: on the left professor Jonas Kubilius,former director of the library Birutė Butkevičienė, director generalof the library Irena Krivienė.http://www.mb.vu.lt17

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