KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ...

KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ... KALeIDoSCoPe oF eVenTS - Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka ...


http://www.mb.vu.lt06.0007.0008.0009.00november 201121 mondayThe Digitization Department of Vilnius University Library participates in two nationaldigitization projects – “Development of Virtual Electronic Heritage System” and “VirtualHistorical Lithuania: Magnus Ducatus Lithuaniae”. Within the framework of theseprojects, the department digitizes manuscripts, old Lithuanian printings, atlases fromthe collection of professor Joachim Lelewel.The Digitization Department has also started digitization of documents stored at theDepartment of Graphic Arts. Thus new digital collections have been started and that isthe old graphic arts from the 15th to the 19th century (German, English, Polish), Lithuanianengravings of the 18th and 19th centuries, Lithuanian lithography of the 19thcentury, Žibuntas Mikšys collection of old graphic arts, V. Dargužis collection, CollectioImaginum Sacrarum Theatrum Principium.10.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.0016.0017.0018.00In October 2011, World Digital Library(WDL) published several Court Books of theGrand Duchy of Lithuania from the collectionof VU Library. WDL makes available on theInternet, free of charge and in multilingualformat, significant materials from countriesand cultures around the world. At presentVU Library is the first and the only partnerrepresenting Lithuania in this project. Usersfrom all over the world can virtually accessand read 17 handwritten Court Books of theGrand Duchy of Lithuania published at theWDL.19.00Digitization Department20.0021.0022.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.0024 http://www.mb.vu.lt

06.0007.0008.0009.0010.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.0016.0017.0018.0019.0020.0021.0022.0023.0024.0001.00november 201130 wednesdayPresident of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitėpaid a visit to Vilnius University LibraryOn November 30, President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitėpaid a visit to Vilnius University Library. It is the first visit ofthe state official of the highest rank to the library showing the personalinterest and care. Such particular attention paid to the library undoubtedlygives the highest grade to the library, shows its importanceand prestige.The President was accompanied by the Rector of Vilnius UniversityBenediktas Juodka, Director general of VU Library Irena Krivienė,representatives of the Office of the President, Vilnius Universityand Vilnius University Library. The President walked around historicalhalls of the library, refurbished reading rooms and areas assigned forrecreation of readers.In Pranciškus Smuglevičius Hall, the President was introduced notonly to the history of the hall and its decorations, but also to theexhibition “Musica sacra et profana“ (Sacred and secular music).Some pieces of graphical art selected for the visit of the Presidentand associated with the history of Lithuania, Vilnius University andarchitectural ensemble of the Presidential Palace, that is the portraitof Barbora Radvilaitė (Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania)by H. Leybowicz, views of the Presidential Palace, the GrandCourtyard of Vilnius University, the Cathedral from Vilčinskas’ Album,were displayed at the Department of Graphical Arts.The storage of the Rare Book Department made great impressionon the delegation. In the storage equipped with the most advancedsafety and surveillance systems, unique objects of cultural heritagewhich are of fundamental importance to the Lithuanian history ofscience and culture, were presented to the President Dalia Grybauskaitė.After mounting the stairs to the Oriental Studies Reading Room, thePresident had an opportunity to take a look at newly set convenientworkplaces for readers and at the same time to enjoy spectacularview of the old town, as the reading room is situated at the highestpoint of the old campus of VU and so it can serve as a perfect observationdeck to see the old town of Vilnius.There was some pandemonium in the library as readers becameaware of the President’s visit. Unexpected appearance of the highestrank official in reading rooms, corridors or recreation room took readersby surprise and they gladly engaged in conversation with thePresident.The President signed in the Guest Book of the Library, thus leavinga written imprint of her visit. Yet what is more important than herautograph, is the President’s genuine interest, a lasting impressioncreated by her heart-warming face-to-face communication.The President signed in the Guest Book of the Libraryhttp://www.mb.vu.lt02.0003.0004.0005.00http://www.mb.vu.ltOn the left: Director general of the library Irena Krivienė, Presidentof the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė and Rectorof VU, professor Benediktas Juodka by the memorial door ofthe library25

http://www.mb.vu.lt06.0007.0008.0009.00november 201121 mondayThe Digitization Department of Vilnius University Library participates in two nationaldigitization projects – “Development of Virtual Electronic Heritage System” and “VirtualHistorical Lithuania: Magnus Ducatus Lithuaniae”. Within the framework of theseprojects, the department digitizes manuscripts, old Lithuanian printings, atlases fromthe collection of professor Joachim Lelewel.The Digitization Department has also started digitization of documents stored at theDepartment of Graphic Arts. Thus new digital collections have been started and that isthe old graphic arts from the 15th to the 19th century (German, English, Polish), Lithuanianengravings of the 18th and 19th centuries, Lithuanian lithography of the 19thcentury, Žibuntas Mikšys collection of old graphic arts, V. Dargužis collection, CollectioImaginum Sacrarum Theatrum Principium.10.0011.0012.0013.0014.0015.0016.0017.0018.00In October 2011, World Digital Library(WDL) published several Court Books of theGrand Duchy of Lithuania from the collectionof VU Library. WDL makes available on theInternet, free of charge and in multilingualformat, significant materials from countriesand cultures around the world. At presentVU Library is the first and the only partnerrepresenting Lithuania in this project. Usersfrom all over the world can virtually accessand read 17 handwritten Court Books of theGrand Duchy of Lithuania published at theWDL.19.00Digitization Department20.0021.0022.0023.0024.0001.0002.0003.0004.0005.0024 http://www.mb.vu.lt

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