Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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2.4 Option C: Sufficient IMs: Estimation of P[C|IM] and λ CIn this section we introduce the notion of a “sufficient” IM and demonstrate theadvantages it brings to PBSA. An IM is sufficient if P [ C | IM , X ] = P[C | IM ], that isif the probability of the event given IM and X does not in fact depend on X at all. Inthis case λ = ∫∫ P[ C | IM , ] f ( IM | ) | d ( ) | = ∫ P[C | IM ] | d ( IM ) |CX X λ Xλ inIMwhich λ IM is simply the “hazard curve” of the IM, i.e., λ IM (u) is the mean annualfrequency that the IM exceeds a specific value u. FormallyλIM= ∫ G ( IM | X ) | d λ ( X ) | . This can be obtained by conventional hazard analysisand can be left to solely to the seismologist, provided the engineer has specifiedwhich IM he believes is appropriate for his particular structure. This may be as simpleas specifying that he wants the IM to be the spectral acceleration at a period in thegeneral vicinity of the (low strain) natural period of his structure. Estimation of λ Creduces to selecting a set of accelerograms, scaling them to each of a set of IM levels,estimating as above the probability P[C|IM] and then summing:λC≈ ∑ P [ C | IM ] ∆ λIM( IM ) . Assuming that the dispersion of forexample MIDR given a value of IM is about 0.3 to 0.4, each level will take order 10samples and there need to be 4 to 6 levels then the total number of runs is only about50. As discussed above this number can be reduced in special cases and by tools suchas regression. Incremental dynamic analysis is one scheme that may be employed inone or more ways (Jalayer, 2003), especially when one wants to use the same runs foranalyses of different C’s for which different IM’s may be most effective, e.g., S a forMIDR and PGA for peak floor accelerations. Applications of Option C are nownumerous; it has been widely used in the PEER Center, where S a at a period near thatof the natural period has been the IM of choice. The author’s students haveaccumulated many cases; see for theses and papermanuscripts. The introduction of the sufficient IM raises the question of how toestablish sufficiency of a candidate IM and how to select the best from a collection ofsufficient IM’s. These questions will be addressed below. In Luco et al. (2002) allthree options A, B, and C are used and compared.2.5 Record Selection for PBEAWhenever assessment through nonlinear dynamic analysis is anticipated the questionof appropriate record selection always arises. The source of records for considerationranges from empirical recordings, through artificially “spectrum-matched”accelerograms derived from recordings, to various forms of synthetics, includingcolored Gaussian noise and geophysically based rupture simulations. Consider firstthe choice from among a catalog of recorded accelerograms. The question of recordselection is not unrelated to the discussions above. Under Options A and B above therecords must be selected appropriate to each of the several X bins (e.g., by magnitude,distance levels). In contrast, under Option C, because sufficiency (independence) with43

espect to X has presumably been established, in principle one may select recordsfrom any values of X (Iervolino, 2004). In practice even in this case it is prudent touse records from the general magnitude regime of interest. In deciding which recordcharacteristics to mirror in the selection it is helpful to think in terms, primarily, ofany systematic effects on spectral shape. Systematic spectral shape deviation fromthe appropriate range can effect linear response of MDOF systems and nonlinearresponse of even SDOF systems. Hence, for example, it is prudent to avoid selectingrecords from soft soil sites or from records that may include directivity effects. If thesite should include such effects special efforts are necessary.Recent efforts (Baker, 2004b) have demonstrated that one such systematic effectis that of “epsilon”. Epsilon is the deviation of a record’s S a (at the structure’s firstmodeperiod, say) from that expected for the record’s specific values of X; in short itis the deviation or “residual” from the S a attenuation law (normalized by the “sigma”or standard error of the law.) High epsilon values are associated with peaks in therecord’s spectrum, and hence (for a fixed S a or IM level) with more benign nonlinearbehavior. (As the effective period of the structure lengthens it “falls off the peak” andinto a less energetic portion of the frequency content.) But rare, high IM levels (orlow λ IM levels) that contribute most directly to rare MIDR levels are in turn associatedwith high values of epsilon (as evidenced in PSHA disaggregations for epsilon).Therefore when selecting records for analyses at these high IM levels one shouldconsider choosing them from among records that have comparable epsilon levels(e.g., 1 to 2), in order that they do have the right, non-smooth shape near the period ofinterest. This is one reason why selecting records with shapes close to that of theUHS (or artificially matching a record’s spectrum to the UHS) may bias the responseconservatively.Spectrum-matched or “spectrum-compatible” records have the advantage ofreducing the dispersion in the response and hence of reducing the required samplesize. There is also evidence that they are unconservatively biased for large ductilitylevels (Carballo, 2000).Geophysically sound synthetics may be the only way we can obtain appropriaterecords for certain infrequently recorded cases, such as very near the source of largemagnitude events. The various empirically based schemes of record simulation (e.g.,from simple to evolutionary power spectral models, ARMA-based procedures, etc.)have the merit that one can produce from them large samples of nominally similar“earthquakes”. Care should be exercised to insure that their spectra are “roughenough” for accurate nonlinear analysis.2.6 Seeking Better IMs: Sufficiency and EfficiencyThe benefits of sufficient IMs are clearly a reduction in difficulty and reduction in thenumber of nonlinear analyses. The observation raises the subject of seeking stillbetter IMs, i.e., ones that might prove sufficient over a broader range of seismicconditions (i.e., regions of X ) and ones that might reduce the dispersion in response44

2.4 Option C: Sufficient IMs: Estimation <strong>of</strong> P[C|IM] and λ CIn this section we introduce the notion <strong>of</strong> a “sufficient” IM and demonstrate theadvantages it brings to PBSA. An IM is sufficient if P [ C | IM , X ] = P[C | IM ], that isif the probability <strong>of</strong> the event given IM and X does not in fact depend on X at all. Inthis case λ = ∫∫ P[ C | IM , ] f ( IM | ) | d ( ) | = ∫ P[C | IM ] | d ( IM ) |CX X λ Xλ inIMwhich λ IM is simply the “hazard curve” <strong>of</strong> the IM, i.e., λ IM (u) is the mean annualfrequency that the IM exceeds a specific value u. FormallyλIM= ∫ G ( IM | X ) | d λ ( X ) | . This can be obtained by conventional hazard analysisand can be left to solely to the seismologist, provided the engineer has specifiedwhich IM he believes is appropriate for his particular structure. This may be as simpleas specifying that he wants the IM to be the spectral acceleration at a period in thegeneral vicinity <strong>of</strong> the (low strain) natural period <strong>of</strong> his structure. Estimation <strong>of</strong> λ Creduces to selecting a set <strong>of</strong> accelerograms, scaling them to each <strong>of</strong> a set <strong>of</strong> IM levels,estimating as above the probability P[C|IM] and then summing:λC≈ ∑ P [ C | IM ] ∆ λIM( IM ) . Assuming that the dispersion <strong>of</strong> forexample MIDR given a value <strong>of</strong> IM is about 0.3 to 0.4, each level will take order 10samples and there need to be 4 to 6 levels then the total number <strong>of</strong> runs is only about50. As discussed above this number can be reduced in special cases and by tools suchas regression. Incremental dynamic analysis is one scheme that may be employed inone or more ways (Jalayer, 2003), especially when one wants to use the same runs foranalyses <strong>of</strong> different C’s for which different IM’s may be most effective, e.g., S a forMIDR and PGA for peak floor accelerations. Applications <strong>of</strong> Option C are nownumerous; it has been widely used in the <strong>PEER</strong> Center, where S a at a period near that<strong>of</strong> the natural period has been the IM <strong>of</strong> choice. The author’s students haveaccumulated many cases; see for theses and papermanuscripts. The introduction <strong>of</strong> the sufficient IM raises the question <strong>of</strong> how toestablish sufficiency <strong>of</strong> a candidate IM and how to select the best from a collection <strong>of</strong>sufficient IM’s. These questions will be addressed below. In Luco et al. (2002) allthree options A, B, and C are used and compared.2.5 Record Selection for PBEAWhenever assessment through nonlinear dynamic analysis is anticipated the question<strong>of</strong> appropriate record selection always arises. The source <strong>of</strong> records for considerationranges from empirical recordings, through artificially “spectrum-matched”accelerograms derived from recordings, to various forms <strong>of</strong> synthetics, includingcolored Gaussian noise and geophysically based rupture simulations. Consider firstthe choice from among a catalog <strong>of</strong> recorded accelerograms. The question <strong>of</strong> recordselection is not unrelated to the discussions above. Under Options A and B above therecords must be selected appropriate to each <strong>of</strong> the several X bins (e.g., by magnitude,distance levels). In contrast, under Option C, because sufficiency (independence) with43

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