Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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where a is the constant peculiar to the type of restoring force characteristics. γ 1 ranges2N⎛ ⎞⎜ ∑ mj⎟j i2 k1 ≤ γ1≤ ∑ si,⎜ = ⎟1si= ・ - α 1⎜ ・M⎟(23)k⎜ ⎟i⎝ ⎠−where αiis the optimum yield shear force coefficient which produces the equal--distribution of µi. The upper bound of γ 1 (=∑ Si ) is attained in the case where µiisequal in all stories. By equating W p in the case of the evenly distributed damage andthat in the case of arbitrarily distributed damage, - -µ can be related to µi. W p iswritten in two ways.1WPMg=4π2 2T022 2T022α1µi・κ12 −1µ1s aMg α γ1a2WP= ・4πκ1The balance of energy results inα2 −1µ1γ1κ12 -1∑α µai=κ1−∑i(24)sia, (25)−− r1µ1= (26)∑ siiµ5. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF MULTI-MASSSYSTEMSThe general form of shear type multi-mass systems is identified to be the flexible-stiffmixed system as is indicated in Fig.3. The system consists of the flexible elementwhich remains elastic and the stiff element which has a high elastic rigidity andbehaves inelastically. The extent of combinations is measured by the participationratio of the flexible element, f defined byf-f Q m= (27)sQY392

−-wheref Qm= kfδmis the average maximum stress in the flexible element, s Q Y theyield strength of the stiff element, δ m the average maximum deformation of thepositive and negative directions and k f the spring constant of flexible element.(a) flexible element (b) stiff element (c) mixed systemFigure 3. Flexible-stiff mixed system.Ordinary shear type structures belong to the case of f=0. By adding the flexibleelement, the structural behavior is highly improved in suppressing the excessivedevelopment of the maximum deformation and the damage concentration into acertain story. The effectiveness of the system appears clearly in the following range off ≥ 0.7(28)As illustrative examples, ten storied frames of the flexible-stiff mixed type aretaken. The restoring force characteristics of the stiff element is of the elastic-perfectlyplastic type. The stiffness of the flexible element is defined by the fictitious yieldpoint as follows.fQYkf= (29)fδYwhere f Q Y =the fictitious yield shear force of the flexible element and f δ Y =thefictitious yield deformation of the flexible element. The yield shear force coefficientis defined as follows.fQYisQYiαfi= , α = (30)NSiNg m g m∑j=ij∑j=ijwhere α fi is the fictitious yield shear coefficient of the flexible element and α si =theyield shear force coefficient of the stiff element. The distribution of α fi and α si isspecified to beαfiαsi-= = αi(31)αfIαsIfδi sδimifδ i , s δ i , and m i are assumed to be = = = const.δ δ mf1s11393

where a is the constant peculiar to the type <strong>of</strong> restoring force characteristics. γ 1 ranges2N⎛ ⎞⎜ ∑ mj⎟j i2 k1 ≤ γ1≤ ∑ si,⎜ = ⎟1si= ・ - α 1⎜ ・M⎟(23)k⎜ ⎟i⎝ ⎠−where αiis the optimum yield shear force coefficient which produces the equal--distribution <strong>of</strong> µi. The upper bound <strong>of</strong> γ 1 (=∑ Si ) is attained in the case where µiisequal in all stories. By equating W p in the case <strong>of</strong> the evenly distributed damage andthat in the case <strong>of</strong> arbitrarily distributed damage, - -µ can be related to µi. W p iswritten in two ways.1WPMg=4π2 2T022 2T022α1µi・κ12 −1µ1s aMg α γ1a2WP= ・4πκ1The balance <strong>of</strong> energy results inα2 −1µ1γ1κ12 -1∑α µai=κ1−∑i(24)sia, (25)−− r1µ1= (26)∑ siiµ5. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF MULTI-MASSSYSTEMSThe general form <strong>of</strong> shear type multi-mass systems is identified to be the flexible-stiffmixed system as is indicated in Fig.3. The system consists <strong>of</strong> the flexible elementwhich remains elastic and the stiff element which has a high elastic rigidity andbehaves inelastically. The extent <strong>of</strong> combinations is measured by the participationratio <strong>of</strong> the flexible element, f defined byf-f Q m= (27)sQY392

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