Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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Dutta and Das (2002, 2002b and refs. therein) also used one-storey models tostudy the effect of strength deterioration on the bidirectional response of codedesignedasymmetric structures. They concluded that the displacement and ductilitydemands on the flexible edge as well as on the rigid edge were much larger than thoseof their symmetric counterparts and of similar models but without strengthdeterioration. They also observed that the unidirectional input might grosslyunderestimate the response. These issues deserve further study.Stathopoulos and Anagnostopoulos (2003) examined critically the use of 1-storeymodels as proxies for multistorey asymmetric frame structures. These are due to theassumption that plastic hinges form in columns, rather than in beams. For examplethey found that the simple 1-mass shear-spring (or shear-beam) models commonlyused by researchers to assess seismic provisions may not be appropriate, since suchmodels over-predict the flexible edge displacements, as noted earlier by Ghersi et al.(1999).The easier accessibility of nonlinear 3-D computer programs in the 1990s freedresearchers from the need to extrapolate from the 1-storey models. Yet, single masstorsional behaviour continues to attract many researchers, mainly because it is able toprovide qualitative information on the global behaviour at low computational effort,and even to reveal hitherto unknown phenomena. Indeed, the second part of this paperpresents a design procedure based on single mass response.Most of the interest focused on multistorey frame structures, while severalstudies on wall-frames were also reported, and will be referred to subsequently.Studies by Duan and Chandler (1993) on multistorey structures modelled as shearbeams showed that there could be problems with uncritical extrapolation of 1-storeyresults. Nassar and Krawinkler (1991) observed that such modelling is likely to beconservative because realistic cases, in which plastic hinges form at beam-ends,usually show smaller ductility demands. Moghadam and Tso (1996) observed thatshear beam modelling does not lead to reliable estimates of important designparameters. They also concluded that the seismic provisions could not adequatelyprotect torsionally flexible buildings.De Stefano et al. (2002) studied the response of a code-designed unidirectionallyexcited 6-storey frame building. They attributed the excessive ductility demands inunexpected locations to overstrength, and concluded that code-designs, which arecalibrated to 1-storey models, may not achieve their goal of bringing the ductilitydemands in asymmetric structures in line with their symmetric counterparts. Thismatter should be further explored.Reports on multistorey asymmetric structures under bi-directional excitation alsobegan to emerge in the late 1990s, along with studies on unidirectionally excitedstructures. Fajfar and coworkers (e.g., Marusic and Fajfar 1999) compared theresponse of mass eccentric perimeter frame 5-storey models with their torsionallyflexible counterparts, i.e., those with lateral load resisting internal frames. Theydemonstrated that, as in 1-storey frames, increasing the ground motion intensitylowers twist amplification of the torsionally flexible structures. They also suggested371

that the SRSS combination of the two separate orthogonal inputs is a conservativeestimate of the response. More recently Rutenberg et al. (2002) demonstrated the hightorsional stiffness and strength of perimeter frame structures on the SAC 9-storeybuildings modelled as mass eccentric structures and excited bidirectionally. They alsoconcluded that corner columns could be quite vulnerable, as noted earlier by, e.g.,Cruz and Cominetti (2000). The recent study of Stathopoulos and Anagnostopoulos(2002) on 3 and 5 storey frame structures designed per EC8 concluded that even morecaution should be exercised when extrapolating from one-storey models. Forexample, they found that whereas in some cases code-designs lead to large ductilitydemands on the stiff side elements, the opposite results were obtained for thecorresponding multistorey structure. They also concluded that the amplification ofeccentricity as required by SEAOC/UBC has relatively small effect on the response,and hence does not appear to justify the additional computational effort involved.Finally, they found, as also some other researchers did, that code-design did notadequately protect the flexible edge elements. Very recently De la Colina (2003)presented a parameter study on code-designed 5-storey eccentric stiffness shearbuildings excited by the two components of the 1940 El Centro record. The resultsconfirm those obtained from 1-storey models, namely that a design eccentricity of1.5e for elements located on the flexible side of the floor deck and of 0.5e for therigid side elements recommended by several seismic codes lead to ductility demandslower or equal to those obtained for similar elements in similar but torsionallybalanced systems. He also concluded that an eccentricity not lesser than 0.2e forstoreys with very small or zero eccentricity should be stipulated in order to avoidexcessive ductility demand, again in line with some codes.The application of pushover analysis to asymmetric structures has becomepopular since the mid 1990s. However, assigning a shape to the loading vector is amuch more difficult problem than for the corresponding 2-D problem, (while thechoice of the target displacement is probably not). Several approaches have beenproposed. The simplest one is to apply the code loading shape along the mass axis ofthe building, or at a prescribed offset (the design eccentricity) until the targetdisplacement is reached. Indeed many earlier studies took this approach (seeRutenberg 2002). More recent studies by Fajfar and coworkers (e.g., Fajfar et al.2002) extended the N2 method to bidirectionally excited multistorey structures byevaluating the performance point separately for each direction and then combining theresults by means of the SRSS formula. Again, they concluded that for torsionally stiffstructures the approach leads to acceptable results. Ayala and Tavera (2002) proposea pushover procedure in which the shapes of the lateral loads in the two orthogonaldirections and of the torques about CM are obtained from 3-D modal analysis usingaccepted modal combination rules. The resulting 2 base shear and the base torqueversus roof displacement/rotation curves are converted into the 1st mode behaviourcurves and further transformed into the 1-DOF behaviour curve. Good prediction ofthe response is shown for the example 8-storey frame building. Chopra and Goel(2003) extended their modal pushover analysis procedure to asymmetric structures.372

that the SRSS combination <strong>of</strong> the two separate orthogonal inputs is a conservativeestimate <strong>of</strong> the response. More recently Rutenberg et al. (2002) demonstrated the hightorsional stiffness and strength <strong>of</strong> perimeter frame structures on the SAC 9-storeybuildings modelled as mass eccentric structures and excited bidirectionally. They alsoconcluded that corner columns could be quite vulnerable, as noted earlier by, e.g.,Cruz and Cominetti (2000). The recent study <strong>of</strong> Stathopoulos and Anagnostopoulos(2002) on 3 and 5 storey frame structures designed per EC8 concluded that even morecaution should be exercised when extrapolating from one-storey models. Forexample, they found that whereas in some cases code-designs lead to large ductilitydemands on the stiff side elements, the opposite results were obtained for thecorresponding multistorey structure. They also concluded that the amplification <strong>of</strong>eccentricity as required by SEAOC/UBC has relatively small effect on the response,and hence does not appear to justify the additional computational effort involved.Finally, they found, as also some other researchers did, that code-design did notadequately protect the flexible edge elements. Very recently De la Colina (2003)presented a parameter study on code-designed 5-storey eccentric stiffness shearbuildings excited by the two components <strong>of</strong> the 1940 El Centro record. The resultsconfirm those obtained from 1-storey models, namely that a design eccentricity <strong>of</strong>1.5e for elements located on the flexible side <strong>of</strong> the floor deck and <strong>of</strong> 0.5e for therigid side elements recommended by several seismic codes lead to ductility demandslower or equal to those obtained for similar elements in similar but torsionallybalanced systems. He also concluded that an eccentricity not lesser than 0.2e forstoreys with very small or zero eccentricity should be stipulated in order to avoidexcessive ductility demand, again in line with some codes.The application <strong>of</strong> pushover analysis to asymmetric structures has becomepopular since the mid 1990s. However, assigning a shape to the loading vector is amuch more difficult problem than for the corresponding 2-D problem, (while thechoice <strong>of</strong> the target displacement is probably not). Several approaches have beenproposed. The simplest one is to apply the code loading shape along the mass axis <strong>of</strong>the building, or at a prescribed <strong>of</strong>fset (the design eccentricity) until the targetdisplacement is reached. Indeed many earlier studies took this approach (seeRutenberg 2002). More recent studies by Fajfar and coworkers (e.g., Fajfar et al.2002) extended the N2 method to bidirectionally excited multistorey structures byevaluating the performance point separately for each direction and then combining theresults by means <strong>of</strong> the SRSS formula. Again, they concluded that for torsionally stiffstructures the approach leads to acceptable results. Ayala and Tavera (2002) proposea pushover procedure in which the shapes <strong>of</strong> the lateral loads in the two orthogonaldirections and <strong>of</strong> the torques about CM are obtained from 3-D modal analysis usingaccepted modal combination rules. The resulting 2 base shear and the base torqueversus ro<strong>of</strong> displacement/rotation curves are converted into the 1st mode behaviourcurves and further transformed into the 1-DOF behaviour curve. Good prediction <strong>of</strong>the response is shown for the example 8-storey frame building. Chopra and Goel(2003) extended their modal pushover analysis procedure to asymmetric structures.372

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