Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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ON DRIFT LIMITS ASSOCIATED WITH DIFFERENT DAMAGE LEVELSAhmed GHOBARAH 1ABSTRACTPerformance objectives in performance-based design procedures have been described in severalways according to the operational status of the structure or the level of damage sustained up tocollapse. The selection of the appropriate drift associated with different levels of damage forthe design is significant in terms economy and safety. The identification of drift levelsassociated with different states of damage remains one of the unresolved issues in thedevelopment of performance objectives in performance-based design and assessmentprocedures. The objective of this study is to develop the approach to establish the drift ofdifferent structural systems that is associated with different definable levels of damage to use asperformance objectives in the design of new structures and the evaluation of the seismicresistance of existing structures.Analytical and experimental data were used to examine the correlation between drift anddamage of various structural elements and systems. The analytical procedures included timehistoryanalysis, dynamic and static pushover analyses of various designs of reinforcedconcrete walls and moment resisting frames. Recently conducted tests as well as availableexperimental research results in the literature are reviewed for the appropriateness andconsistency of the data. The experimental work included static and dynamic testing of wallsand frame components.It was found that the drift associated with various damage levels of different reinforcedconcrete elements and structural systems vary significantly. Two main sets of drift limits weredefined for ductile and nonductile structural systems.Keywords: Performance-based design; Performance objectives; Drift; Damage; Momentresisting frames; Walls.1. INTRODUCTIONEarthquakes continue to cause substantial damage and loss of life in many partsof the world. Although many buildings designed to current codes did not collapseduring recent earthquakes, the level of damage to structures was unexpectedly high.In addition to the high cost of repairs, economic loss due to loss of use wassignificant. Conventional methods of seismic design have the objectives to providefor life safety (strength and ductility) and damage control (serviceability drift limits).1 Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada321

Current code design procedures succeeded in reducing loss of life during majorseismic events. However, much remains to be done in the area of damage reduction.Performance-based design is a general design philosophy in which the designcriteria are expressed in terms of achieving stated performance objectives when thestructure is subjected to stated levels of seismic hazard. The performance targets maybe a level of stress not to be exceeded, a load, a displacement, a limit state or a targetdamage state (Ghobarah 2001). Specifying structural performance objectives in termsof drift limits has not been extensively studied. A set of performance objectivesdefined in terms of drift was given by several publications such as SEAOC (1995)and FEMA (1997). The definition of comprehensive and realistic drift limits that areassociated with known damage states remains one of the important unresolved issuesin performance-based design procedures.The relationship between performance objectives and damage is best illustratedby the typical performance curve shown in Figure 1. Vision 2000 definedperformance objectives are marked on the capacity curve. In addition, the states ofdamage of the structure are identified on the capacity curve. The structure isconsidered to suffer no damage or sustain very minor damage up to concrete cracking.Between concrete cracking and the first yield of steel, the crack sizes are normally < 2mm and damage is considered to be repairable. Past steel yield, the cracks are widerthan 2 mm and repair becomes difficult, impractical or costly, thus the irreparabledamage classification. The described performance applies to ductile systems.However, nonductile systems may suffer brittle failure at any drift level that isassociated with repairable or irreparable damage states.The structural response in terms of displacement can be related to strain-basedlimit state, which in turn is assumed related to damage. The defined performance of astructure in terms of a state of damage, strain or deformation gives better indicator ofdamage than stresses. However, relating displacement limits and drift of the structureto damage is an oversimplification since the level of damage is influenced by severalother factors such as the structural system, the accumulation and distribution ofstructural damage, failure mode of the elements and components, the number ofcycles and the duration of the earthquake and the acceleration levels in case ofsecondary systems.The objective of this investigation is to develop the approach to quantify the driftlimits associated with different damage levels for some reinforced concrete structuralsystems such as moment resisting frames (MRF) and walls.322

Current code design procedures succeeded in reducing loss <strong>of</strong> life during majorseismic events. However, much remains to be done in the area <strong>of</strong> damage reduction.Performance-based design is a general design philosophy in which the designcriteria are expressed in terms <strong>of</strong> achieving stated performance objectives when thestructure is subjected to stated levels <strong>of</strong> seismic hazard. The performance targets maybe a level <strong>of</strong> stress not to be exceeded, a load, a displacement, a limit state or a targetdamage state (Ghobarah 2001). Specifying structural performance objectives in terms<strong>of</strong> drift limits has not been extensively studied. A set <strong>of</strong> performance objectivesdefined in terms <strong>of</strong> drift was given by several publications such as SEAOC (1995)and FEMA (1997). The definition <strong>of</strong> comprehensive and realistic drift limits that areassociated with known damage states remains one <strong>of</strong> the important unresolved issuesin performance-based design procedures.The relationship between performance objectives and damage is best illustratedby the typical performance curve shown in Figure 1. Vision 2000 definedperformance objectives are marked on the capacity curve. In addition, the states <strong>of</strong>damage <strong>of</strong> the structure are identified on the capacity curve. The structure isconsidered to suffer no damage or sustain very minor damage up to concrete cracking.Between concrete cracking and the first yield <strong>of</strong> steel, the crack sizes are normally < 2mm and damage is considered to be repairable. Past steel yield, the cracks are widerthan 2 mm and repair becomes difficult, impractical or costly, thus the irreparabledamage classification. The described performance applies to ductile systems.However, nonductile systems may suffer brittle failure at any drift level that isassociated with repairable or irreparable damage states.The structural response in terms <strong>of</strong> displacement can be related to strain-basedlimit state, which in turn is assumed related to damage. The defined performance <strong>of</strong> astructure in terms <strong>of</strong> a state <strong>of</strong> damage, strain or deformation gives better indicator <strong>of</strong>damage than stresses. However, relating displacement limits and drift <strong>of</strong> the structureto damage is an oversimplification since the level <strong>of</strong> damage is influenced by severalother factors such as the structural system, the accumulation and distribution <strong>of</strong>structural damage, failure mode <strong>of</strong> the elements and components, the number <strong>of</strong>cycles and the duration <strong>of</strong> the earthquake and the acceleration levels in case <strong>of</strong>secondary systems.The objective <strong>of</strong> this investigation is to develop the approach to quantify the driftlimits associated with different damage levels for some reinforced concrete structuralsystems such as moment resisting frames (MRF) and walls.322

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