Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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Figure 8. Two stories (left) and hybrid test on shake table (right).A sample result from a sine-sweep test is .shown in the frequency domain inFigure 9. The result is compared with a computational simulation of the two storymodel. The result shows a small discrepancy in the damping representation. This isthe subject of current work.The results from real-time hybrid tests are presented for two cases:• Two stories structure — tested and analyzed using h shake table motion.• Hybrid system: one story with an actuator on physically tested on shake table0. 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.00.0140.0120.0100.0080.0060.0040.0020.0000.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0Figure 9. Results of simulation experiments.The results in Figure 9 (on left) show the transfer function of the systemmeasured during the experiment and the reference computation at first floor. Figure9 (on right) shows the computed reponse of the virtual second story from measureddata versus the analytical simulation. The hybrid test is capable to achieve bothamplitude and frequency content with minor differences — attributed to theresolution of the data acquisition system The rest of discrepancies are believed tostem from unmodelled damping in the system and from some latency.9. CONCLUDING REMARKSThe Real Time Dynamic Hybrid Testing System is implementing combined physicaltesting and computational simulations to enable dynamic testing of sub-structures267

including the rate and inertial effects while considering the whole system. The paperpresents a new force control scheme with a predictive compensation procedure whichenabled the real-time implementation. The new system was tested through benchtests and medium scale pilot testing successfully. The procedures are implemented inthe full / large scale University at Buffalo NEES node which includes 2 six-degree-offreedomshake tables and three high-speed dynamic actuators and a structural testingsystem controller (STS) capable to implement the control algorithms presented above.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was made possible by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant CMS0086611 and CMS0086612. The authors acknowledge the financial support.REFERENCESChu, S. C., T. T. Soong, and A. M. Reinhorn. (2002). “Real-Time Active ControlVerification via Structural Simulator”, Journal of Engineering Structures, 24 (3)343–353.Horiuchi, T., et al. (1999). Real-time hybrid experimental system with actuator delaycompensation and its application to a piping system with energy absorber,Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 28(11), 1121–1141.Kausel, E. (1998), New seismic testing method I: Fundamental concepts, Journal ofEngineering Mechanics-ASCE, 124(5): 565–570.Mahin, S. A., P. B. Shing, C. R. Thewalt. (1985). Pseudo dynamic method for seismictesting, J. Struc. Engrg., ASCE, 115(8), 2113–2128.Nagarajaiah, S., A. M. Reinhorn, and M. C. Constantinou. (1992). Experimental-Study of Sliding Isolated Structures with Uplift Restraint, Journal of StructuralEngineering-ASCE, 1992 118(6): 1666–1682.Nakashima, M., H. Kato, and E. Takaoka.(1992). Development of real-time pseudodynamic testing, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,21(1), 79–92.Reinhorn, A. M., M. V. Sivaselvan, Z. Liang, and X. Shao. (2004). Real-timeDynamic Hybrid Testing of Structural Systems, 13 th World Conference onEarthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., August 1–6, Paper No. 1644.Shing, P. B., and S. A. Mahin. (1985). Computational aspects of a seismicperformance test method using on-line computer control, EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics, 13, 507–526.Sivaselvan, M., and A. M. Reinhorn. (2004). Nonlinear Structural Analysis towardsCollapse Simulation: A Dynamical Systems Approach, Technical ReportMCEER-04-0005, MCEER, University at Buffalo.268

including the rate and inertial effects while considering the whole system. The paperpresents a new force control scheme with a predictive compensation procedure whichenabled the real-time implementation. The new system was tested through benchtests and medium scale pilot testing successfully. The procedures are implemented inthe full / large scale <strong>University</strong> at Buffalo NEES node which includes 2 six-degree-<strong>of</strong>freedomshake tables and three high-speed dynamic actuators and a structural testingsystem controller (STS) capable to implement the control algorithms presented above.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was made possible by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant CMS0086611 and CMS0086612. The authors acknowledge the financial support.REFERENCESChu, S. C., T. T. Soong, and A. M. Reinhorn. (2002). “Real-Time Active ControlVerification via Structural Simulator”, Journal <strong>of</strong> Engineering Structures, 24 (3)343–353.Horiuchi, T., et al. (1999). Real-time hybrid experimental system with actuator delaycompensation and its application to a piping system with energy absorber,Journal <strong>of</strong> Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 28(11), 1121–1141.Kausel, E. (1998), New seismic testing method I: Fundamental concepts, Journal <strong>of</strong>Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 124(5): 565–570.Mahin, S. A., P. B. Shing, C. R. Thewalt. (1985). Pseudo dynamic method for seismictesting, J. Struc. Engrg., ASCE, 115(8), 2113–2128.Nagarajaiah, S., A. M. Reinhorn, and M. C. Constantinou. (1992). Experimental-Study <strong>of</strong> Sliding Isolated Structures with Uplift Restraint, Journal <strong>of</strong> StructuralEngineering-ASCE, 1992 118(6): 1666–1682.Nakashima, M., H. Kato, and E. Takaoka.(1992). Development <strong>of</strong> real-time pseudodynamic testing, Journal <strong>of</strong> Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,21(1), 79–92.Reinhorn, A. M., M. V. Sivaselvan, Z. Liang, and X. Shao. (2004). Real-timeDynamic Hybrid Testing <strong>of</strong> Structural Systems, 13 th World Conference onEarthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., August 1–6, Paper No. 1644.Shing, P. B., and S. A. Mahin. (1985). Computational aspects <strong>of</strong> a seismicperformance test method using on-line computer control, EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics, 13, 507–526.Sivaselvan, M., and A. M. Reinhorn. (2004). Nonlinear Structural Analysis towardsCollapse Simulation: A Dynamical Systems Approach, Technical <strong>Report</strong>MCEER-04-0005, MCEER, <strong>University</strong> at Buffalo.268

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