Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley


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4. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMFigures 3a and 3b consider Taiwan seismic code draft updated in 2002. It stipulates,for a hard rock site, the S a (T=1 sec) values for earthquake hazard <strong>of</strong> 10% chance <strong>of</strong>exceedance in 50 years (10/50 Design Earthquake, DE) and 2/50 (MaximumConsidered Earthquake, MCE) earthquakes as 0.68g and 0.91g, respectively. The 5%damped S a values for TCU082EW records are also shown on Figs. 3a and 3b. Thecorresponding PGA values for the 10/50 and 2/50 levels <strong>of</strong> excitations are 0.46g and0.62g, respectively, for the TCU082EW record. Similarly, for the LP89g04NS record,the corresponding PGA values for the 10/50 and 2/50 levels <strong>of</strong> excitations are 0.40gand 0.54g, respectively.Sa(T=1)=0.68g0.4 DE,10 / 500.5MCE, 2 / 50ξ=5%ξ=5%000 1 2 3(b)Period (sec)Period (sec)Figure 3. Design acceleration spectra (a)10/50 (b)2/50 hazard level.As shown in Fig. 4, the two earthquake records are TCU082EW (from the 1999ChiChi earthquake) and LP89g04NS (from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake), both <strong>of</strong>which are considered to represent general motions without near-field directivityeffects. The original test plan was to scale these two records in acceleration amplitudeto represent four separate pseudo-dynamic loading events, which were sequenced asfollow: (1) TCU082 scaled to represent a 50/50 hazard intensity, i.e., with a 50%chance <strong>of</strong> exceeding in 50 years, (2) LP89g04 scaled to a 10/50 hazard intensity,which represents the design basis earthquake, (3) TCU082 scaled to a 2/50 hazard,and (4) LP89g04 scaled to a 10/50 hazard — identical to loading (2). The recordsscaling is based on matching the spectral acceleration at one second period to thespecified earthquake hazard levels.Acceleration(m/sec 2 )Sa (g)2.21.10-'s Code 2002TCU082 EWLP89g04NS(PGA) LP89g04NS=0.40g(PGA) TCU082=0.46gTCU082, PGA=0.217g-2.20 15 30 45Time (sec)(a) 0 1 2 3Acceleration(m/sec 2 )2.21.10-1.1LP89g04, PGA=0.212g-2.20 10 20 30 40Time (sec)Figure 4. Original ground accelerations used in test (before scaling).Sa (g)2.521.51Taiwan's Code 2002TCU082 EWLP89g04NS(PGA) LP89g04NS=0.54g(PGA) TCU082=0.62gSa(T=1)=0.91g249

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