Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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factor γ I is 1.4 or 1.2 for essential or large occupancy buildings, respectively. A γ I -value of 0.8 is recommended for buildings of reduced importance for public safety.The same spectral shape is used for the seismic action for both performancelevels, with a single multiplicative factor reflecting the difference in hazard level. Thevalue of this factor should express national choice regarding protection of property,but also the local seismotectonic environment. A value of 0.4 or 0.5 is recommendedfor this NDP-conversion factor, giving at the end about the same property protectionin ordinary or large-occupancy buildings, less property protection for buildings of lowimportance (by 15–20% at the level of the seismic action) and higher propertyprotection for essential facilities (by 15–20% at the level of the seismic action),possibly allowing them to operate during or immediately after a frequent event.The drift limit under the 10% in 10 years “serviceability” earthquake is 0.5% ifnon-structural elements are brittle and attached to the framing, 0.75% if they areductile, and 1% if they are not forced to follow structural deformations or do notexist. The 1% drift limit is to protect also structural members from significantinelastic deformations under the “serviceability” earthquake. Drift demands arecalculated on the basis of the equal-displacement rule (and in concrete buildings for50% of the uncracked gross section stiffness). As the National Annex will set thelevel of “serviceability” earthquake, it will also determine to which extent these limitswill control member dimensions. With the EC8-recommended values of 0.5x0.8=0.4to 0.4x1.4=0.56 for the ratio of the “serviceability” to the “design” seismic action,these limits are 2 to 3 times stricter than in current US codes and control membersizes in concrete moment frames (and in steel and composite as well).The standard design procedure for the (local-)collapse prevention level is forcebaseddesign on the basis of the results of linear analysis for the 5%-damped elasticspectrum reduced by the “behavior factor” q. In DC M (Medium M) and H (High H)buildings the global energy dissipation and ductility capacity needed for q-factorvalues (well) above the value of 1.5 attributed to overstrength is ensured via:• measures to control the inelastic response mechanism, so that concentrationof inelastic deformation in a small part of the structure (mainly a soft storymechanism) and brittle failure modes are avoided;• detailing of the plastic hinge regions for the inelastic deformations expectedto develop there under the design seismic action.Concentration of inelastic deformations and soft story mechanisms are avoidedby configuring and proportioning the lateral-force resisting system so that verticalmembers remain practically straight — i.e., elastic — above the base. Concrete wallor dual systems are promoted and are capacity-designed for yielding to take placeonly at base of their walls. In concrete moment frames columns are capacity-designedto be stronger than the beams, with an overstrength factor of 1.3 on beam designflexural capacities in their comparison with those of columns. All concrete beams,columns and walls are capacity-designed against (brittle) shear failure.DC M and H represent two different balances of strength and ductility, more orless equivalent in terms of total material requirements and performance at the local4

collapse prevention level (Panagiotakos and Fardis, 2004a, 2004b). DC M is slightlyeasier to design for and achieve at the site and may provide better performance inmoderate earthquakes. DC H may give better performance under motions (much)stronger than the design seismic action. Unlike US codes, EC8 does not link selectionof the ductility class to seismicity or to the importance and occupancy of the building,nor puts any limit to their application. The choice is left to the National Annex, whichmay in turn leave it to the designer depending on the particular project.Unless the Country objects through its National Annex to Eurocode 8, it isallowed to design without employing the q-factor, but directly on the basis ofnonlinear analysis (pushover or time-history analysis). In that case ductile membersverified by comparing directly deformation supplies to demands. The definition ofacceptable member deformation limits is left to the National Annexes. To ensure aminimum global and local ductility in buildings designed on the basis of nonlinearanalysis, Eurocode 8 requires that they meet all DC M rules (for member detailing,strong columns-weak beams in frames, capacity design in shear, etc.). By allowingdesign directly through nonlinear analysis with member verification on the basis ofdeformations, the 1 st generation of Eurocode 8 paves the way for fully displacementanddeformation-based design in the 2 nd generation.2.2 Member Detailing for Deformation Demands Derived from the BehaviorFactor2.2.1 Required Curvature Ductility Factor µ φ at the End Section of PlasticHingesIn buildings designed with the common forced-based approach that employs the q-factor for the reduction of elastic forces, the value of q is taken to be related to theglobal displacement ductility factor, µ, through the Vidic et al. (1994) q-µ-T relation:µ δ =q, if T 1 ≥T C , µ δ =1+(q-1)T C /T 1 , if T 1

collapse prevention level (Panagiotakos and Fardis, 2004a, 2004b). DC M is slightlyeasier to design for and achieve at the site and may provide better performance inmoderate earthquakes. DC H may give better performance under motions (much)stronger than the design seismic action. Unlike US codes, EC8 does not link selection<strong>of</strong> the ductility class to seismicity or to the importance and occupancy <strong>of</strong> the building,nor puts any limit to their application. The choice is left to the National Annex, whichmay in turn leave it to the designer depending on the particular project.Unless the Country objects through its National Annex to Eurocode 8, it isallowed to design without employing the q-factor, but directly on the basis <strong>of</strong>nonlinear analysis (pushover or time-history analysis). In that case ductile membersverified by comparing directly deformation supplies to demands. The definition <strong>of</strong>acceptable member deformation limits is left to the National Annexes. To ensure aminimum global and local ductility in buildings designed on the basis <strong>of</strong> nonlinearanalysis, Eurocode 8 requires that they meet all DC M rules (for member detailing,strong columns-weak beams in frames, capacity design in shear, etc.). By allowingdesign directly through nonlinear analysis with member verification on the basis <strong>of</strong>deformations, the 1 st generation <strong>of</strong> Eurocode 8 paves the way for fully displacementanddeformation-based design in the 2 nd generation.2.2 Member Detailing for Deformation Demands Derived from the BehaviorFactor2.2.1 Required Curvature Ductility Factor µ φ at the End Section <strong>of</strong> PlasticHingesIn buildings designed with the common forced-based approach that employs the q-factor for the reduction <strong>of</strong> elastic forces, the value <strong>of</strong> q is taken to be related to theglobal displacement ductility factor, µ, through the Vidic et al. (1994) q-µ-T relation:µ δ =q, if T 1 ≥T C , µ δ =1+(q-1)T C /T 1 , if T 1

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