Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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In general, these types of bench-mountedscientific equipment are short and rigid, thus,imposed seismic excitation results in a slidingdominatedresponse, rather than a rockingdominatedresponse. An example of a typicalscience laboratory bench-shelf system, withequipment mounted onto the surface of the bench,is shown in Figure 1. Upon sliding, there is concernthat the equipment may be damaged either byfalling from the bench-top surface or throughimpact with neighboring equipment or surroundingsidewalls. The probability that either potential limitstates will be exceeded is often expressed in theform of a seismic fragility curve. A seismicfragility curve associates the probability ofexceedance of a defined limit state (a damagemeasure, DM) with an engineering demandparameter (EDP). An EDP may be considered aninput parameter to the fragility curve, for example,maximum floor acceleration or maximum interstorydrift.Since the sliding of unrestrained rigid equipment is initiated when theacceleration at the top of the supporting element overcomes the resistance due tofriction between the two surfaces of contact, considering the accelerationamplification due to a support element (such as a furnishing element) in the fragilitycurve development is very important. Science laboratory benches often have uni-strutrailing systems providing a pinned support at the floor and ceiling to anchor thebench, creating a system with some flexibility. The result may be that the naturalfrequency of the laboratory bench system lies within the acceleration sensitive zone ofthe input floor response spectrum, and may therefore experience accelerationamplification. However, since the sliding response is nonlinear, it is not possible todetermine the response of the equipment by simply scaling the input acceleration toaccount for the bench amplification. This has also been observed by other researchers[e.g., Shao and Tung (1999) and Garcia and Soong (2003)].1.1 Background and Previous WorkFigure 1. Typical benchmountedequipment within aScience Laboratory (Photocourtesy of Mary Comerio).Research has been conducted to understand the toppling and sliding behavior ofunrestrained rigid equipment under seismic excitation. Perhaps the first analyticalformulation describing the fundamental equations of motion for rigid unattachedbodies was presented by Shenton and Jones (1991). In later work, Shenton (1996)investigates the criteria for sliding and rocking and sliding-rocking of rigid bodymodes. Shao and Tung (1999) cast the problem into a statistical formulation, studying198

the mean and standard deviation of sliding relative to a rigid base considering anensemble of 75 real earthquake motions. This work also considered the probability ofover turning and rocking for rigid bodies. Similarly, Choi and Tung (2002) studiedthe sliding behavior of a freestanding rigid body under the action of base excitation.The objective of this study was to estimate the amount of sliding when a rigid body issubjected to real earthquake motion. In this context, Choi and Tung (2002) apply anextension of Newmark’s (1965) work, using absolute base spectral displacementrather than maximum velocity, as was done by Newmark (1965).Studies have reported the effect of sliding response due to both verticalacceleration and base frictional coefficient [e.g., Taniguchi (2002), Garcia and Soong(2003)]. Taniguchi (2002), for example, investigated the nonlinear seismic responseof free-standing rectangular rigid bodies on horizontally and vertically acceleratingrigid foundations. The equations of motion and associated boundary conditionscorresponding to commencement and termination of liftoff, slip and liftoff-slipinteraction motions are provided. Applying a large number of time historiesTaniguchi (2002) found that the response of the body is sensitive to small changes inthe friction coefficient and slenderness of the body, and to the wave properties andintensity of ground motions. It was also observed that vertical excitation addsirregularities to the behavior, as it excites or dampens the response depending uponthe direction. Recent work by Garcia and Soong (2003) provide analyticallydeveloped seismic sliding fragility curves using design spectrum compatible timehistories. Two different damage measures (DMs) are considered for development ofsliding fragility in the study of Garcia and Soong (2003): (i) excessive relativedisplacement and (ii) excessive absolute acceleration. This study concluded that thesliding response is very sensitive to the coefficient of friction. It was also observedthat neglecting vertical acceleration might lead to unconservative estimates of sliding.Although previous studies have contributed to determining sliding responseestimation, both in a deterministic and probabilistic sense, consideration of uncertainparameters in this estimation has not been provided. For sliding bodies in a realisticbuilding setting, even small environmental changes (e.g., moisture, dust, etc.), canchange the interface resistance characteristics. Furthermore, from the aforementioneddiscussion, it is clearly that considering the supporting structure (bench and building)is important. These two uncertain issues are the focus of this paper.2. ANALYTICAL FORMULATION2.1 Pure Sliding under Horizontal ExcitationConsidering the free body diagram of the rigid equipment shown resting on the top ofa bench in Figure 2, the condition describing the onset of the movement of the bodymay be expressed as:m& x&(t)≥ µ mg(1)s199

In general, these types <strong>of</strong> bench-mountedscientific equipment are short and rigid, thus,imposed seismic excitation results in a slidingdominatedresponse, rather than a rockingdominatedresponse. An example <strong>of</strong> a typicalscience laboratory bench-shelf system, withequipment mounted onto the surface <strong>of</strong> the bench,is shown in Figure 1. Upon sliding, there is concernthat the equipment may be damaged either byfalling from the bench-top surface or throughimpact with neighboring equipment or surroundingsidewalls. The probability that either potential limitstates will be exceeded is <strong>of</strong>ten expressed in theform <strong>of</strong> a seismic fragility curve. A seismicfragility curve associates the probability <strong>of</strong>exceedance <strong>of</strong> a defined limit state (a damagemeasure, DM) with an engineering demandparameter (EDP). An EDP may be considered aninput parameter to the fragility curve, for example,maximum floor acceleration or maximum interstorydrift.Since the sliding <strong>of</strong> unrestrained rigid equipment is initiated when theacceleration at the top <strong>of</strong> the supporting element overcomes the resistance due t<strong>of</strong>riction between the two surfaces <strong>of</strong> contact, considering the accelerationamplification due to a support element (such as a furnishing element) in the fragilitycurve development is very important. Science laboratory benches <strong>of</strong>ten have uni-strutrailing systems providing a pinned support at the floor and ceiling to anchor thebench, creating a system with some flexibility. The result may be that the naturalfrequency <strong>of</strong> the laboratory bench system lies within the acceleration sensitive zone <strong>of</strong>the input floor response spectrum, and may therefore experience accelerationamplification. However, since the sliding response is nonlinear, it is not possible todetermine the response <strong>of</strong> the equipment by simply scaling the input acceleration toaccount for the bench amplification. This has also been observed by other researchers[e.g., Shao and Tung (1999) and Garcia and Soong (2003)].1.1 Background and Previous WorkFigure 1. Typical benchmountedequipment within aScience Laboratory (Photocourtesy <strong>of</strong> Mary Comerio).Research has been conducted to understand the toppling and sliding behavior <strong>of</strong>unrestrained rigid equipment under seismic excitation. Perhaps the first analyticalformulation describing the fundamental equations <strong>of</strong> motion for rigid unattachedbodies was presented by Shenton and Jones (1991). In later work, Shenton (1996)investigates the criteria for sliding and rocking and sliding-rocking <strong>of</strong> rigid bodymodes. Shao and Tung (1999) cast the problem into a statistical formulation, studying198

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