Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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Pinto et al., 2004). The probability of being in a particular damage band may then beobtained from the difference between the bordering limit state exceedanceprobabilities.3.1 Probabilistic Treatment of the DemandThe cumulative distribution function of the displacement demand can be found usingthe median displacement demand values and their associated logarithmic standarddeviation at each period. The cumulative distribution function can be used to obtainthe probability that the displacement demand exceeds a certain value (x), given aresponse period (T Lsi ) for a given magnitude-distance scenario.The displacement demand spectrum that might be used in a loss estimation studycould take the form of a code spectrum or else a uniform hazard spectrum derivedfrom PSHA for one or more annual frequencies of exceedance. Both of these optionshave drawbacks in being obtained from PSHA wherein the contributions from allrelevant sources of seismicity are combined into a single rate of occurrence for eachlevel of a particular ground-motion parameter. The consequence is that if the hazard iscalculated in terms of a range of parameters, such as spectral ordinates at severalperiods, the resulting spectrum will sometimes not be compatible with any physicallyfeasible earthquake scenario. Furthermore, if additional ground-motion parameters,such as duration of shaking, are to be incorporated – as they are in HAZUS (FEMA,1999), in the definition of the inelastic demand spectrum – then it is more rational notto combine all sources of seismicity into a single response spectrum but rather to treatindividual earthquakes separately, notwithstanding the computational penalty that thisentails. Another advantage of using multiple earthquake scenarios as opposed toPSHA is the facility of being able to disaggregate the losses and identify theearthquake events contributing most significantly to the damage.The approach recommended therefore is to use multiple earthquake scenarios,each with an annual frequency of occurrence determined from recurrencerelationships. For each triggered scenario, the resulting spectra are found from aground-motion prediction equation. In this way, the aleatory uncertainty, asrepresented by the standard deviation of the lognormal residuals, can be directlyaccounted for in each spectrum. The cumulative distribution function of thedisplacement demand can then be compared with the joint probability densityfunctions of displacement capacity and period (Section 3.2), and the annualprobability of failure for a class of buildings can be found by integrating the failureprobabilities for all the earthquake scenarios (see Crowley et al., 2004).3.2 Probabilistic Treatment of the CapacityAs has been presented previously, the limit state displacement capacity (∆ Lsi ) of eachbuilding class can be defined as a function of the fundamental period (T Lsi ), thegeometrical properties of the building, and the mechanical properties of the180

construction materials. Similarly, the limit state period (T Lsi ) of each building classcan be defined as a function of the height (or number of storeys), the geometricalproperties of the building, and the mechanical properties of the construction materials.The uncertainty in ∆ Lsi and in T Lsi is accounted for by constructing a vector ofparameters that collects their mean values and standard deviations. By assigningprobability distributions to each parameter, FORM can be used to find both thecumulative distribution function (CDF) of the limit state displacement capacity,conditioned to a period, and the CDF of the limit state period, which are thencombined to create the joint probability density function of capacity.3.2.1 Probabilistic Modelling of Geometrical PropertiesA given building class within a selected urban area may comprise a large number ofstructures that present the same number of storeys and failure mode, but that featurevarying geometrical properties (e.g., beam height, beam length, column depth,column/storey height), due to the diverse architectural and loading constraints thatdrove their original design and construction. Since such variability does affect in asignificant manner the results of loss assessment studies (see Glaister and Pinho,2003), it is duly accounted for in the current method by means of the probabilisticmodelling described below.Clearly, one could argue that by carrying out a detailed inspection of the buildingstock, such variability could be significantly reduced (in the limit, if all buildingswere to be examined, it could be wholly eliminated), however at a prohibitive cost interms of necessary field surveys and modelling requirements (vulnerability wouldthen be effectively assessed on a case-by-case basis). This epistemic component ofthe geometrical variability of reinforced concrete members has been modelled in thepresent work by means of normal or log-normal probability distribution functions,derived from European building stock data, as described in Crowley et al. (2004).3.2.2 Probabilistic Modelling of Reinforcing Bar Yield StrainMirza and MacGregor (1979) have suggested that once a probabilistic distribution foryield strength has been found, it can be divided by a deterministic value of themodulus of elasticity, which features a very low coefficient of variation, to producethe distribution of the yield strains. These two researchers have also concluded,through a series of experimental parametric studies, that a normal distribution wouldaccurately represent the variability of reinforcement bars’ yield strength, in thevicinity of the mean, whilst a beta distribution correlated well over the whole range ofdata. The coefficient of variation in the yield strength was found to be between 8% -12% when data were taken from different bar sizes from many sources. Morerecently, the Probabilistic Model Code (JCSS, 2001) has also suggested that a normaldistribution can be adopted to model the yield strength of steel. Therefore, a normaldistribution for the steel yield strength (and subsequently yield strain) has beenadopted in the current work.181

construction materials. Similarly, the limit state period (T Lsi ) <strong>of</strong> each building classcan be defined as a function <strong>of</strong> the height (or number <strong>of</strong> storeys), the geometricalproperties <strong>of</strong> the building, and the mechanical properties <strong>of</strong> the construction materials.The uncertainty in ∆ Lsi and in T Lsi is accounted for by constructing a vector <strong>of</strong>parameters that collects their mean values and standard deviations. By assigningprobability distributions to each parameter, FORM can be used to find both thecumulative distribution function (CDF) <strong>of</strong> the limit state displacement capacity,conditioned to a period, and the CDF <strong>of</strong> the limit state period, which are thencombined to create the joint probability density function <strong>of</strong> capacity.3.2.1 Probabilistic Modelling <strong>of</strong> Geometrical PropertiesA given building class within a selected urban area may comprise a large number <strong>of</strong>structures that present the same number <strong>of</strong> storeys and failure mode, but that featurevarying geometrical properties (e.g., beam height, beam length, column depth,column/storey height), due to the diverse architectural and loading constraints thatdrove their original design and construction. Since such variability does affect in asignificant manner the results <strong>of</strong> loss assessment studies (see Glaister and Pinho,2003), it is duly accounted for in the current method by means <strong>of</strong> the probabilisticmodelling described below.Clearly, one could argue that by carrying out a detailed inspection <strong>of</strong> the buildingstock, such variability could be significantly reduced (in the limit, if all buildingswere to be examined, it could be wholly eliminated), however at a prohibitive cost interms <strong>of</strong> necessary field surveys and modelling requirements (vulnerability wouldthen be effectively assessed on a case-by-case basis). This epistemic component <strong>of</strong>the geometrical variability <strong>of</strong> reinforced concrete members has been modelled in thepresent work by means <strong>of</strong> normal or log-normal probability distribution functions,derived from European building stock data, as described in Crowley et al. (2004).3.2.2 Probabilistic Modelling <strong>of</strong> Reinforcing Bar Yield StrainMirza and MacGregor (1979) have suggested that once a probabilistic distribution foryield strength has been found, it can be divided by a deterministic value <strong>of</strong> themodulus <strong>of</strong> elasticity, which features a very low coefficient <strong>of</strong> variation, to producethe distribution <strong>of</strong> the yield strains. These two researchers have also concluded,through a series <strong>of</strong> experimental parametric studies, that a normal distribution wouldaccurately represent the variability <strong>of</strong> reinforcement bars’ yield strength, in thevicinity <strong>of</strong> the mean, whilst a beta distribution correlated well over the whole range <strong>of</strong>data. The coefficient <strong>of</strong> variation in the yield strength was found to be between 8% -12% when data were taken from different bar sizes from many sources. Morerecently, the Probabilistic Model Code (JCSS, 2001) has also suggested that a normaldistribution can be adopted to model the yield strength <strong>of</strong> steel. Therefore, a normaldistribution for the steel yield strength (and subsequently yield strain) has beenadopted in the current work.181

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