Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley

Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley Report - PEER - University of California, Berkeley
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THE ATC-58 PROJECT PLAN FOR NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTSRobert E. BACHMAN 1ABSTRACTThe Applied Technology Council (ATC) with sponsorship from the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency has initiated a project to develop next-generation performance-basedseismic design guidelines that will apply to both new and existing buildings (the ATC-58project). The project includes a significant focus on non-structural components in recognitionof the major economic losses associated with damage of non-structural components observed inrecent earthquakes. In this paper, the plan for development of guidelines for the nonstructuralcomponents portion of the project is presented. The planned guidelines will cover the processof designing, testing, verifying and installing nonstructural components and will provideguidance on how one would go about assessing the probable life loss, repair costs anddowntime associated with various design alternatives, as well as the associated indirecteconomic impacts. When implemented the plan will provide tools that will allow these losses tobe reduced in the future in a practical and reliable way. The effort involved in compilingprobabilistically based performance data and acceptance criteria for the many structural andnonstructural systems that comprise the building inventory is an immense task which is beyondthe funding ability of any single private or public agency. Therefore, it is anticipated that muchwork associated with developing this performance data and acceptance criteria will beperformed outside the project and will continue on for many years.Keywords: Design criteria; Performance-based engineering; Nonstructural components.1. INTRODUCTIONThe Applied Technology Council with sponsorship of the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA) has commenced on a project to develop nextgenerationperformance-based seismic design guidelines (The ATC-58 Project). Theguidelines are to be applicable to the design of new buildings as well as to theupgrade of existing buildings. The guidelines are to address both the design ofbuilding structural systems and the nonstructural components housed within thebuildings. There is a significant project focus on nonstructural components inrecognition of the major economic losses associated with damage of nonstructuralcomponents observed in recent earthquakes. The guidelines will be probabilistically1 Principal, Robert E. Bachman, Consulting Structural Engineer, Sacramento, California, USA125

ased to allow performance to be evaluated for specified levels of seismic hazard withdefined reliability and levels of confidence.Performance-based seismic design originally evolved as a concept whereby thedesired performance level (e.g., immediate occupancy) for a given structure(including the nonstructural components housed within), along with a specified levelof shaking, are defined at the initiation of the design process. The decision-maker isasked to select one or more of these performance levels, and a ground motion event orhazard level for which this performance is to be achieved and the designer is expectedto develop a design capable of meeting these expectations. Under the ATC-58project, this concept has evolved such that performance is defined in terms of the riskof life loss, direct economic loss (repair / replacement cost) and indirect economicloss (loss associated with facility downtime), considering either individual earthquakeevents or the entire range of events that may affect a facility. The designer will beprovided with a procedure that is intended to allow determination as to whether thedesired performance can be achieved. For critical facilities, the selected performancemay be dominated by the need to have designated nonstructural components functionfollowing severe earthquakes.Existing codes for the seismic design of new buildings are prescriptive in natureand are intended principally to provide for life-safety when the design levelearthquake occurs. While current codes are intended to produce buildings that meet alife safety performance level for a specified level of ground shaking, they do notprovide an explicit procedure that enables the designer to determine if otherperformance levels will be achieved, or exceeded. During a design level earthquake, acode-designed building should achieve the goal of preventing the loss of life or lifethreateninginjury to the occupants, but could sustain extensive structural andnonstructural damage and be out of service for an extended period of time. In somecases, the damage may be too costly to repair, with demolition being the only viableoption.With the publication of the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation ofExisting Buildings (FEMA 273 Report) in 1997, the technology available for theseismic rehabilitation of buildings greatly advanced beyond the technology availablefor the seismic design of new buildings. Designers were provided, for the first time,with a consistent set of procedures that enabled them to execute performance-baseddesign. These procedures were further refined in the Prestandard and Commentaryfor the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings (FEMA 356), which was published in2000. While these documents represent important and significant advances in seismicdesign practice, the FEMA 273/356 procedures have several significant shortcomings.First the procedures do not directly address control of economic loss, one of the mostsignificant concerns of decision makers. Secondly, the procedures are focused onassessing the performance of individual building components, rather than the buildingas a whole. Most significantly, however, the reliability of the procedures in deliveringthe desired performance is not known and cannot easily be determined.126

ased to allow performance to be evaluated for specified levels <strong>of</strong> seismic hazard withdefined reliability and levels <strong>of</strong> confidence.Performance-based seismic design originally evolved as a concept whereby thedesired performance level (e.g., immediate occupancy) for a given structure(including the nonstructural components housed within), along with a specified level<strong>of</strong> shaking, are defined at the initiation <strong>of</strong> the design process. The decision-maker isasked to select one or more <strong>of</strong> these performance levels, and a ground motion event orhazard level for which this performance is to be achieved and the designer is expectedto develop a design capable <strong>of</strong> meeting these expectations. Under the ATC-58project, this concept has evolved such that performance is defined in terms <strong>of</strong> the risk<strong>of</strong> life loss, direct economic loss (repair / replacement cost) and indirect economicloss (loss associated with facility downtime), considering either individual earthquakeevents or the entire range <strong>of</strong> events that may affect a facility. The designer will beprovided with a procedure that is intended to allow determination as to whether thedesired performance can be achieved. For critical facilities, the selected performancemay be dominated by the need to have designated nonstructural components functionfollowing severe earthquakes.Existing codes for the seismic design <strong>of</strong> new buildings are prescriptive in natureand are intended principally to provide for life-safety when the design levelearthquake occurs. While current codes are intended to produce buildings that meet alife safety performance level for a specified level <strong>of</strong> ground shaking, they do notprovide an explicit procedure that enables the designer to determine if otherperformance levels will be achieved, or exceeded. During a design level earthquake, acode-designed building should achieve the goal <strong>of</strong> preventing the loss <strong>of</strong> life or lifethreateninginjury to the occupants, but could sustain extensive structural andnonstructural damage and be out <strong>of</strong> service for an extended period <strong>of</strong> time. In somecases, the damage may be too costly to repair, with demolition being the only viableoption.With the publication <strong>of</strong> the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation <strong>of</strong>Existing Buildings (FEMA 273 <strong>Report</strong>) in 1997, the technology available for theseismic rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> buildings greatly advanced beyond the technology availablefor the seismic design <strong>of</strong> new buildings. Designers were provided, for the first time,with a consistent set <strong>of</strong> procedures that enabled them to execute performance-baseddesign. These procedures were further refined in the Prestandard and Commentaryfor the Seismic Rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> Buildings (FEMA 356), which was published in2000. While these documents represent important and significant advances in seismicdesign practice, the FEMA 273/356 procedures have several significant shortcomings.First the procedures do not directly address control <strong>of</strong> economic loss, one <strong>of</strong> the mostsignificant concerns <strong>of</strong> decision makers. Secondly, the procedures are focused onassessing the performance <strong>of</strong> individual building components, rather than the buildingas a whole. Most significantly, however, the reliability <strong>of</strong> the procedures in deliveringthe desired performance is not known and cannot easily be determined.126

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