All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria
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COMMITTEESForming a committeeCommittee positionsEffective committee meetingsMeetings / AgendasTaking minutesAnnual general meetingCommittee handoverIncorporationPlaygroups as employersChecklist

COMMITTEESForming a committeeCommittee positionsEffective committee meetingsMeetings / AgendasTaking minutesAnnual general meetingCommittee handoverIncorporation<strong>Playgroup</strong>s as employersChecklist

COMMITTEESForming acommitteeA single session playgroup rarely needs a formalcommittee. Individuals may take on the job of acoordinator, treasurer, <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> contactperson and purchasing officer. Formal meetings are notnecessary because decisions can be made at playgroup.When a playgroup has more than one session, or if theplaygroup is incorporated, a committee is necessary.A playgroup committee is a group of parents/caregiversappointed to manage the playgroup. Each member hasequal rights.They volunteer their time and expertise and should bereimbursed for any out of pocket expenses.Forming a new committeeWhen setting up a committee be clear about:• its function• powers• what decisions it can make regarding the runningof each session• what policies are necessary• how every member can be heard• how decisions are communicated back tomembers.• Ask each committee member to actively recruittheir replacement.• Talk to prospective committee members aboutcommittee roles and responsibilities.• Approach parents or caregivers who could do thejob.• Invite prospective members to attend a committeemeeting.• Have a nomination system; many people are tooshy to put their own name forward.• Make it mandatory that each session has onerepresentative on the committee, norepresentative, no session.• If people can’t commit for a year try shorterperiods on a roster system.Become a team people want to join• Respect and support each other; share theworkload evenly.• Don't let any position become so big that no onewants to take it over.• Don't try to do too much, only take on what isreasonable and achievable.• Show you value each person's contribution with athank you certificate, flowers or small gift whenappropriate.• Have fun; try an end of year committee night outto reward yourselves!T-together E-everyone A-achieves M-moreThe committee will usually consist of a president,secretary, treasurer and a representative from eachplaygroup session. Other positions may include vicepresident,enrolment officer, <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>contact person, fundraising secretary, public officer,purchasing officer or publicity officer.You may not need all these positions. Some positionscan be combined. Choose only the positions that willbest serve your playgroup.Recruiting committee membersRecruiting playgroup committee members is oftenhard. <strong>Playgroup</strong> families lead busy lives oftencombining part time work, establishing a home andchild raising, and may not have time to be on acommittee.Recruiting tips• Have a clear job description for each position.• Actively recruit throughout the year.116 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

COMMITTEESCommittee positionsRoles and responsibilitiesPresident• Spokesperson and motivator for the playgroup• Chairperson for all committee meetings• Acts on behalf of all playgroup sessions• Often a signatory for cheques• Writes annual report for annual general meeting• Familiar with playgroup constitution and policiesVice-president• Assists and supports the president• Takes responsibility as delegated by the presidentSecretary• Responsible for documents and records• Takes minutes at meetings• Distributes minutes as soon as possible after themeeting• Sets agendas with the president• Provides minutes from previous meeting• Prepares actions sheet for who and what is to bedone• Notes all correspondence• Replies to all correspondence• Notifies all members of meeting times and datesTreasurer• Plans and reviews the budget• Collects and banks all money including fees andfundraising• Presents a financial statement of all incoming andoutgoing monies to each committee meeting• Keeps ledgers, bank books, cheque books andreceipt books current• Arranges an audit with receipts for annual generalmeeting (if needed). NB: An audit is not necessaryfor incorporation. See page 124 for details<strong>Playgroup</strong> session representatives• Represents views of their playgroup session• Assists where required• Feeds back information to their playgroup session• Maintains confidentiality of all matters discussed• Attends meetings or sends a representative• Participates in discussion and decision making• Delegates responsibilities back to membersPublic officerOnly needs to be elected at a playgroup’s annualgeneral meeting if it is incorporated.The public officer role may be part of the secretary’sduties.Responsibilities• Notifies the Registrar of their appointment within14 days• Lodges with the Registrar with 14 days anychange of address of the public officer or theregistered address of the association• Lodges with the Registrar any resolution forchange of name within 28 days of the resolutionbeing passed• Within one month after the annual generalmeeting, lodges with the Registrar an AnnualStatement by Public Officer, other requiredfinancial documents and the prescribed fee• Lodges with the Registrar within 28 days anyapplication for approval of rule changes or changesof the Statement of Purposes• Produces any books requested by the Registrar• Informs the Registrar of any changes to theconstitution• Notifies the Registrar of special resolution relatingto wind up and distribution of the association’sassets within 28 days of passing the resolution. ANotice of Special Resolution for Distribution ofAssets on Voluntary Winding Up must be lodgedwith the prescribed feeFor more information see the Incorporated AssociationFact Sheet 7 is available on the Consumer Affairs<strong>Victoria</strong> Website at officer• Needs to have voicemail, an answering machine ormobile phone• Keeps a list of all families attending playgroupsessions• <strong>All</strong>ocates families to playgroup sessions at thebeginning of each year• Keeps membership even throughout sessions• Keeps names and phone numbers of families onwaiting lists or refers them on to other playgroups• Places families in the most appropriate session• Ensures enrolment forms are filled in• Recommends when new sessions need to bestarted• Is the phone contact, therefore the first contact fornew families who want to enrol<strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual 117

• May also be the contact person for <strong>Playgroup</strong><strong>Victoria</strong>• Ensures new families are warmly welcomed andhave enough information about the playgroup• Is the contact name appearing on print and onlinemunicipal playgroup directoriesPurchasing officer• Purchases all day to day requirements (tea, coffee,milk)• Purchases art/craft supplies and other equipment• Ensures there are enough supplies for allplaygroup sessions• Develops a system for playgroup sessions torequest equipment• Works to a budget• Keeps all catalogues, available discounts and list ofpurchases made• Maintains the equipment inventoryMaintenance officer• Coordinates working bees• Oversees maintenance of all equipment andstorage areasPublicity officer• Promotes and advertises playgroup to ensurecontinued membership• Encourages activities during National <strong>Playgroup</strong>WeekFundraising officer• Coordinates the fundraising working party• Contact person for the annual <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>Raffle• Suggests and recommends fundraising ventures tothe committee• With the treasurer recommends fundraisingtargets to the committee• Presents a report to the committee meeting aftereach fundraising event<strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> contact personThis position is essential on the committee and needsto work closely with or be the enrolment officer. See‘Contact person’ on page 27.118 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

COMMITTEESEffective committeemeetingsPlanning meetings<strong>Playgroup</strong> members are volunteers and their time andenergy is too valuable to waste on unnecessarymeetings.Decide on the frequency, time, place and length ofmeetings to suit committee members. Yourconstitution states how many meetings are necessary.<strong>All</strong> members need to leave a meeting feeling they havecontributed, clearly understand decisions made andare committed to completing tasks they have beendelegated.Meetings are held to:• share information• raise issues• set up systems• plan events, programs• make decisions• resolve conflict• address problems• support all playgroup sessions• make and evaluate policies• build team, motivate people• share responsibilities• hear views• monitor finances• share work load• get consensus.President's role• Responsible for the agenda• Chairperson or delegates this responsibility• Starts meeting on time• Welcomes and introduces visitors• Keeps meeting running smoothly• Encourages everyone to follow the agenda andkeeps discussion relevant to the agenda item beingdiscussed• Participates but does not dominate• Summarises and clarifies each decision as to whowill carry out the action and in what time frame• Acknowledges and shows appreciation for allwork doneSecretary's role• Sets and distributes agenda in consultation withthe president• Brings minute book and takes minutes• Lists all correspondence on the agenda• Reads important letters to the meeting whenrequested• Responds to correspondence as directed by themeeting• Ensures minute book is kept for seven yearsExecutiveThis is a small group that usually consists of thepresident, vice-president, secretary and treasurer whomay be given the power to make decisions on urgentmatters that arise between meetings. Misuse ofexecutive meetings to make other than urgentdecisions will cause divisions within the committee.Only use executive meetings for pressing situations.QuorumA quorum is the minimum number of committeemembers required to attend for decisions to be passedand the meeting to proceed. It is usually set in yourplaygroup constitution and is often half committeemembers plus one. No quorum - no meeting.Ten features of effective committeemeetings1. Notice of meeting and agenda out early2. Room set up early3. Members warmly welcomed4. Extra agendas available5. Open and friendly discussion6. Chairperson keeps meeting running smoothly7. Everyone's contribution heard and valued8. Decisions made, responsibilities delegated9. Time for supper and a chat10. Wider playgroup community informed ofdecisions<strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual 119

COMMITTEESMeetings/AgendasTen meeting destroyers1. Members come unprepared without agendas.2. Disorganised and starts late.3. Ideas are criticised4. People get angry, fights erupt, gossip is allowed.5. People interrupt and dominate with strongopinions.6. People feel intimidated and too uncomfortable tocontribute.7. New members and guests are ignored.8. One agenda item takes up most of the meetingtime.9. Meeting goes very late; some have to leave beforethe meeting is finished.10. People leave feeling frustrated.Ten tips for the effective chairperson1. Be an arbitrator not a dictator.2. Plan well for the meeting and have information onall agenda items available.3. Start and end on time; keep the meeting to 1-1½hours.4. Welcome new members, encourage everyone toparticipate.5. Keep to the agenda giving reasonable time for eachitem.6. Acknowledge everyone's input in a nonjudgementalway.7. Remain open-minded; get the general feeling ofthe meeting.8. Keep discussion to the point, sum up and draweach agenda item to a conclusion.9. Encourage complaints to come packaged with asolution.10. Be positive; look for solutions and work togetherto achieve them. Enforce ground rules whennecessary.Agenda• A numbered list of things to be done/discussed• Includes unresolved or continuing issues from theprevious minutes• Includes new issues with additional backgroundpapers• Written with issues simple to resolve placed first• Usually set by the president and secretary• Gives all details of the meeting, i.e. thechairperson, date, time, place• <strong>All</strong>ows all members to contribute• Distributed well before meeting• Gives all members opportunity to prepare for themeeting• Followed step-by-step at the meetingSample agendaAgenda of Black Rock <strong>Playgroup</strong>Black Rock Community House16 Black Rock RdThursday 11 February 2010 at 7.30pmChairperson:1. Welcome2. Present and apologies3. Minutes from previous meetingConfirmed and seconded4. Business arising from minutes5. Correspondence6. Reports6.1. President's report6.2. Treasurer's report6.3. Fundraising report7. General business8. Next meetingDate, time, venue9. Agenda items to (name) _______________By (date)_______________Work through conflict resolution strategies if you runinto difficulty or call the <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> Members’Hotline on 1800 171 882.120 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

COMMITTEESTaking minutesMinutes• Official permanent record of a meeting• Follows the agenda’s format• Signed by the president• Kept in a bound minute book that cannot havepages removed• Taken by the secretary and distributed to allcommittee members• Accurate, concise account of decisions made• Ratified at the next meeting• Have an action beside each task and the name ofthe person taking responsibility for the actionSample minutesMinutes of Black Rock <strong>Playgroup</strong> CommitteeBlack Rock Community House16 Black Rock RdThursday 11 February 2010 at 7.30pmChairperson: J. Jones1. WelcomeJ. Jones welcomed all present2. PresentJ. Smith, B. Choong, L. Black, T. Smith, S.Bertranelli, B. Lang, J. JonesApologiesW. Wong3. Minutes from previous meetingMoved: B. Chong, Seconded: L. Black4. Business arising from minutes5. Correspondence5.1. Letter from <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>Action: Jan to put on noticeboard5.2. Reply from SafewaySafeway is willing to donate 10 loaves.Action: Brenda Chong to pick up on Friday, 12March.6. Reports6.1. President's report (Attached)6.2. Treasurer's report (Attached)Accounts presented for payment− Purchase sand for sandpit. Col Smith & Co.approved− Petty cash $50 approved− President’s expenses of $42.55 approved6.3. Fundraising reportWe need people to volunteer to go on the rosterfor cake stall on Saturday, 20 March.Action: <strong>All</strong> playgroup session reps to find oneperson to fill in gaps. Advise Jane Smith by 10March.7. General business7.1. Fees<strong>All</strong> families will be notified in writing of anyoutstanding fees informing them of theirresponsibility to have all term fees paid by thirdweek of term. Assistance will be offered to anyonehaving difficulty.Action: Secretary and treasurer by 10 March.7.2. Excursions<strong>All</strong> playgroup sessions are asked to organise theirterm one excursion. A joint excursion for allsessions will be arranged in term two.Action: Session reps to inform their group andbring suggestions for term two outing to nextmeeting.8. Next meeting3 May, 7.30pmJan’s house, 56 Black Rd, North Black Rock, call9993 99939. Agenda itemsAgenda items to secretary by 23 AprilValue volunteersIt is important that all committee members feel valuedand needed. Throughout the year each committeeperson needs to have tasks to complete and beacknowledged for their time and effort.<strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual 121

COMMITTEESAnnual generalmeetingAn annual general meeting (AGM) is:• a public meeting where the playgroup committeeis accountable for playgroup management for theprevious year• a condition of incorporation• held according to rules set down in theplaygroup's constitution.Make your annual general meeting an occasion peoplewill want to come to, or the enrolment night for thenext year.The playgroup community needs to be informed of themeeting date, place and business in accordance withconstitutional guidelines.Once an association has had its AGM at the end of itsfinancial year it is required to lodge an AnnualStatement by Public Officer with the prescribed feeand copy of its financial statements with ConsumerAffairs <strong>Victoria</strong>.The financial statements must include a breakdown ofthe income and expenditure and list assets and whatthey are worth. Make sure the secretary includes yourplaygroup’s incorporation status and number on allcorrespondence. Visit formore information.5. Adoption of reportsMoved and seconded6. <strong>All</strong> positions declared vacantIndependent chairperson takes over the meeting7. Election of office bearers and general committee8. Appointment of auditor (if required by yourconstitutional rules)9. Welcome to new committeeVote of thanks to all departing committeemembers10. Guest speaker11. Close of meetingAs soon as possible after the AGM complete acommittee information sheet on page 131 anddistribute to all members.Sample AGM agendaAGENDA17th Annual General MeetingBlack Rock <strong>Playgroup</strong>12 February 20101. Welcome2. Present and apologies3. Confirmation of the minutes of the 16th AnnualGeneral MeetingConfirmed, moved and seconded4. Reports4.1 President4.2 Secretary4.3 Treasurer4.4 Reports from other positions (if any)122 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

COMMITTEESCommittee handoverImmediately after your annual generalmeeting, arrange for the outgoing playgroupcommittee to meet with the incomingcommittee to hand over information.Hand over checklist <strong>All</strong>ow time for outgoing people to hand overrelevant written information to theirreplacement. Give a clear job description to the incomingpresident, secretary, treasurer, public officer,<strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> contact person, enrolmentsecretary and session coordinators. The treasurer needs to be sure all finances are inorder. She may consider getting the booksaudited. This meeting is a good time to arrangethe change of signatories with your bank. Incoming people should have the chance to talkabout their job and ask questions. List names, addresses and phone numbers ofeveryone on the old and new committee. Share an overview of the coming year. This mayinclude <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> events such asNational <strong>Playgroup</strong> Week and other celebrationsrelevant to your playgroup and community. Celebrate the successes of the year andacknowledge hard work all volunteers put intoyour playgroup. Set dates for committee meetings for the comingyear.• Hall or venue details: key arrangements, contactnames and numbers• Events and outings information• List of resource people and phone numbers –<strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>, local council, maternal andchild health coordinator• List of equipment suppliers• A to Z playsheets downloaded from the memberarea at fileBack copies of Totline magazineIncorporationIf your playgroup is incorporated be sure all the tasksof a public officer have been completed.For more help with your changeover call the Members’Hotline on 1800 171 882.Information to hand overGeneral information file• <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual• <strong>Playgroup</strong> constitution• Equipment inventory• Accident, incident or injury record book• <strong>Playgroup</strong> membership information• <strong>All</strong> paperwork, if incorporated<strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual 123

COMMITTEESIncorporation<strong>About</strong> incorporationIncorporation is the joining of a number of individualsinto one legally recognised body, an incorporatedassociation. An unincorporated association exists onlyas a collection of private individuals personallyresponsible for the group’s activities. These individualscan be personally sued and held responsible for thegroup’s debt.<strong>All</strong> playgroups are advised to consider incorporation.When to incorporateIf your playgroup:• has several playgroup sessions run by a committee,incorporation provides greater legal protection forgroup members, particularly for those mostinvolved, the committee or group leaders• leases or owns premises• wishes to apply for grants of more than $5000(some local governments will only give grants toplaygroups that are incorporated)• enters contracts• employs staff• needs to be incorporated as a requirement forusing a council venue.AuspicingOrganisations that are already incorporated canauspice your playgroup to become part of theirincorporated body. Some playgroups are auspiced by achurch or neighbourhood house. <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>can auspice member playgroups to obtain grants thatare only available to incorporated bodies.InsuranceIncorporation protects a committee against liabilitybut does not remove the need for a playgroup to takeout insurance. An incorporated playgroup still has aresponsibility to protect its members, volunteers, paidworkers and the general public.Family Membership to <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> offersinsurance that provides valuable protection againstpotential liabilities of playgroups, committee members,workers and members.How to incorporate1. Form a working group.2. Purchase an incorporation kit.3. Choose a name for your association.4. Draft a Statement of Purpose.5. Draw up a set of rules (constitution) for yourassociation.6. Nominate a public officer (see ‘Public officer’ onpage 117).7. Determine the registered address of theassociation.8. Call a meeting to authorise incorporation.9. Send forms to Consumer Affairs <strong>Victoria</strong>, GPOBox 123 Melbourne 3001, for approval.10. Receive a Certification of Incorporation fromConsumer Affairs <strong>Victoria</strong>.Incorporation publicationsFor a guide to incorporation call Consumer Affairs<strong>Victoria</strong> on 1300 558 181 or kits can be purchased from the LawInstitute Bookshop. Call 9607 9315 or<strong>All</strong> playgroups intending to incorporate or who areincorporated should have a copy of the IncorporationAct, available from Consumer Affairs <strong>Victoria</strong>. Call1300 558 181 or visit <strong>Victoria</strong> – Incorporation is an excellentpublication that will take you through the process ofincorporating and outlines annual procedures. Itincludes a copy of incorporation forms and is availablefrom the <strong>Victoria</strong>n Council of Social Service (VCOSS),call 9654 5050, email or or rules of the associationA constitution is a set of rules by which the association(your playgroup) is governed. Your playgroupcommittee follows the principles in the rules tooperate the playgroup.Monitor your constitution to keep it relevant. Theprocedure for making changes is set down in yourconstitution. Changes must be lodged as prescribed inthe Incorporation Act and the appropriate fee paid.Winding up incorporated associationsVisit for information andsteps to follow.124 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

COMMITTEESChecklist<strong>Playgroup</strong> committees are a team ofvolunteers. How well is your team doing?Your playgroup committee has playgroup membersresponsible for the following duties which are beingcarried out effectively. Set committee meeting dates. Discuss matters and make binding decisions forthe benefit of all playgroup sessions. Negotiate and pay rent. Keep a waiting list. Start new sessions. Liaise with other groups using the centre. Organise working bees for play and storageareas. Set fees. Keep the constitution current. Plan and coordinate excursions. Keep an inventory of equipment. Buy new toys and equipment. See all play equipment is well maintained. Organise fundraising. Set and review playgroup philosophy andpolicies. Manage all matters concerning incorporation. Centrally arrange enrolments. Keep account of all incoming and outgoing mail. Arrange the annual general meeting (ifincorporated). Sign cheques. Have the accident and injury book available. See that this manual is available to all members. Recruit new committee members. Bank fundraising money. Write the annual report. Regularly send membership fees to <strong>Playgroup</strong><strong>Victoria</strong>. Make sure all constitutional requirements aremet. Check all legal requirements in regard to privacy,confidentiality, fundraising events, food handlingand discrimination are met.Committee meeting checklist Read agendas and minutes and come to themeeting prepared and ready to contribute. Attend meetings regularly. Feedback meeting information to the playgroupsession. Work together as a team. Contribute to the discussion. Respect the confidentiality of matters discussedat meetings.Photocopy this checklist. Tick items that yourplaygroup is achieving and cross ones that needattention. Encourage committee to discuss results andvoice any suggestions or concerns. Develop futureplans and put them into action as soon as possible.Revisit this checklist annually.Assessment date:__________________________Person responsible to follow through:__________________________126 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

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