European Identity - Individual, Group and Society - HumanitarianNet

European Identity - Individual, Group and Society - HumanitarianNet

European Identity - Individual, Group and Society - HumanitarianNet


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118 EUROPEAN IDENTITY. INDIVIDUAL, GROUP AND SOCIETYby governments as such. Teacher at pre-University levels must be awareof the fact that Primary <strong>and</strong> Secondary schools must be not onlyteaching but also research institutions. More so, research is intrinsic toeducation.Absence of research in educational institutions should be regardedas a symptom of quality loss <strong>and</strong>, for this reason, it should be regardedas a call of attention for educational administrators as well as a clear<strong>and</strong> precise sign to intervene in the right direction.However, it must be indicated that research requires time <strong>and</strong>peace. Consequently, the concept of lesson schedule needs to berestructured <strong>and</strong> reinterpreted, allowing time for both individual <strong>and</strong>team research applied to classroom situations.Such research projects do not only promote reflection uponpresent-day topics of common educational interest. Their developmentalso involves the work of a large number of professionals fromdifferent levels <strong>and</strong> countries who contribute to promoting the <strong>European</strong>dimension of education as well as intercultural enrichment,language learning, information <strong>and</strong> communication technology (ICT)use, access to lifelong learning as well as adhesion to values such astolerance, respect <strong>and</strong> solidarity, which constitute the basis of convivialcitizenship.In the new millennium, the above aspects should be consideredessential for quality education, not only as a means but also as one ofits major goals.Generally speaking, it should be underscored that priority projectsare those which contribute significantly to teacher developmentinnovation, highlighting the renewal <strong>and</strong> recovery of the teacher´s rolewhich also means recovery of his or her social <strong>and</strong> professional identity.More specifically, in order for a 21 st century teacher to efficientlymeet the challenges he is faced with whilst carrying out his duties, hemust contribute to the following goals:—To help students to rethink <strong>and</strong> restructure part of the learningacquired outside the classroom <strong>and</strong> to develop skills based on it.—To design strategies for the application of his educationalresearch projects.—To develop methods in order to adapt structures <strong>and</strong> school´sforms of organization to the needs, problems <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong>s oftoday´s society.—To improve the systems which facilitate <strong>and</strong> make the transitionfrom school to the labour market possible, with special emphasison career guidance <strong>and</strong> specialised counselling.

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