Myotest PRO Device

Myotest PRO Device

Myotest PRO Device


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<strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> <strong>Device</strong>thinking movementA genuine biomechanical analysis laboratory at your disposalIt is the complete solution. Expertise in the field combined with thepower of computer calculations. The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device combinesall the functions of the <strong>Myotest</strong> SPORT device with our software forthe recording and biomechanical analysis of data: the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong>software.Efficient, simple to use, with immediate results right there on the trainingground, the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device is a limitless analysis tool foranyone looking to go that bit further in the planning of training, themanagement of workloads and the monitoring of athletes.A quick and simple way to measure performance. The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> devicedoes not require prior installation. In the field, attached to the athlete’s waist orthe weight-training device, it collects all the information that you need directly…Optimization of training. The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device doesn’t stop at measuringthe athlete’s performance; it provides information that is both precise and indispensablefor training.Graphic analysis of results. Thanks to software enabling the biomechanicalanalysis of results, it is possible to study and compare performance over a periodof time but also vis-à-vis other athletes…Share and compare on the Web. The <strong>Myotest</strong> website is both a storage platform anda platform for sharing results. An ideal tool for remote communication…To find out more, see overleafwww.myotest.com9 simple preprogrammed tests<strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> performance tests arebased on standard exercises adaptedfor all sports. A common languagefor all professionals responsible fortraining and managing athletes.To find out more about the tests, seethe <strong>Myotest</strong> SPORT device presentationsheet.A tool for professionalsThe <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device was designedto respond to the needs ofsports professionals (coaches, physicaltrainers, sports doctors and physiotherapists).Developed by physicaltrainers and validated by scientistsfrom around the world, the <strong>Myotest</strong><strong>PRO</strong> device provides precise and reproduciblevalues.A complete packCompact (size of an MP3) and light(59g), the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> comes with:• A belt for fixing to the waist• A clip for fixing to barbells• Extra Velcro• USB cable for connecting PC• <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> software• DVD, guides in 6 languages• A carry case

The <strong>Myotest</strong> revolutionA tool for the field – easy to useand transport. A genuine analysislaboratory that will fit into thebags of coaches, trainers or athletes.A range of preprogrammed tests andone undefined test to measure specificmovements. All of these testsand the corresponding results havebeen verified and validated by theinternational scientific community.Muscular profiles, jumps, strideanalyses and training reports. The<strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device supports thecoach and thus the athlete in allphases of performance.The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device enables themeasurement, without prior installation,of the power, force and speedof an athlete’s movement as well asthe height of a jump, contact timeand even an athlete’s fatigue resistance.The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device enablessports professionals to define trainingloads and to check that movementsare being executed correctly.Whether during training or competitionperiods, they thus have preciseinformation available that is indispensablein monitoring the athlete.New!The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device now includesall <strong>Myotest</strong>’s expertise, includingits stride analysis – a uniquereport that enables athletes to gainperfect self-awareness.A <strong>Myotest</strong> exclusive (to find outmore see the <strong>Myotest</strong> SPORT devicepresentation sheet – reports section).Professional softwareIn collaboration with the best biomechanicsexperts, we have createda professional piece of investigativesoftware specially developedfor our devices that will allow youto deconstruct and analyze everysporting movement.Every moment of muscular activityis interpreted – whether thrust, brakingor inversion phases. You caneven measure the force and durationof impact, time in the air, bilateraldifferences, etc.Measure and compareIn addition to analysis using graphsand curves, the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong>software is equipped with toolsthat enable you to go even furtherin your understanding of movement.These options result in very importanttime gains for professionalswhen planning training.Working from the results providedby your device, the software givesthe ideal loads for each trainingslot, such as speed, strength-speed,strength-force, hypertrophy andmaximum power. Loads and the correspondingspeeds of execution.Analysis factors such as these are indispensablefor the correct understandingof sporting movement andfor studying the effects of training.Share and compare resultsThe <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> device providesaccess to both the <strong>Myotest</strong> websiteand to its platform for savingand sharing results.By connecting the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>PRO</strong> deviceto a PC, you gain direct accessto advanced functions that enableyou to compare, analyze, save andshare the results of tests (personaland secure access).Analyze. Results can be analyzedwith the help of graphics and historicalsequences. Measuring the developmentof performance becomesintuitive.Share. It is very easy to share resultsremotely, to monitor an athlete’s fitnesswhile they are away or to enterinto dialogue with other professionalsor technical staff.Compare. The <strong>Myotest</strong> platformenables you to compare results withother users. Either anonymously orpersonally (athlete from the samegroup, from one team…).www.myotest.com

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