Total no - Safdarjung Hospital

Total no - Safdarjung Hospital

Total no - Safdarjung Hospital


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Dated: 22/02/2013Hkkjr ljdkjGOVERNMENT OF INDIAfpfdRlk v/h{kd dk dk;kZy;OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENTliQnjtax vLirky ,oa oh-,e-,e- dkWystSAFDARJANG HOSPITAL & V.M.M.C.ubZ fnYyh&110029-NEW DELHI-110029.No.: L-3/GS/2012-13M/s …………………………………..………………………………………..……………………………………….Sub: Limited Tender Rate Enquiry for procurement of Linen items as per details given below.Last Date & Time of Submission of Tender : 15.03.2013 (Friday) before 10.30 AMDate of Opening of Tender : 15.03.2013 (Friday) at 10.30 a.m.On behalf of Hon’ble President of India, Addl. D.G & Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong>& V.M.M.C., New Delhi hereby invites LIMITED TENDER RATE ENQUIRY FOR PROCUREMENTOF LINEN ITEMS as per list given below:S.No. Name of theItem1. AbdominalSplit Sheet(Green)2. TableSheet:3. SpinalSheets4. BlueBlanket:5. Green DoorCurtain6. RedBlanketwoolen:7. PrintedcurtainSpecification Material I.S.I. No. Approx.DemandE.M.D.Size : 121.92 cm x Thick closely woven ISI : 1000 Nos.182.88 cm (48” x cotton /Khadi.745:1990`. 2000/-72”with reinforcedslit margins.Size : 1.15 mtr. X Casement cloth ISI : 745 : 5000 Nos.1.15 mtr. Green in (Readymade) (Pre-shrink 1990`. 6000/-Colour.Superior quality)15.24 cm (6”) Green Casement cloth ISI: 4000 Nos.Diameter hole in (pre-shrink Superior 645:1990`. 8000/-centre (ready made) quality) :Size: 1.15 mtr. X1.15 mtr.Size: 230cms x 151 (Readymade) (Superior ISI:1681:1 500 No. `. 3000/-cmsQuality998Stitched both sidessize: L-2.25mtr. B-1.15mtr to 1.20 mtr.Size: 230cms x 151cmsSize: L-2.25mtr. B-1.15mtr. to 1.20mtr.Casement cloth Green inColour (Readymade)(Pre-shrink superiorquality)Red in colour(Readymade) (SuperiorQuality)Stitched both sidesprinted cloth cotton(Readymade) withcurtain tape (Preshrinksuperiorquality)ISI:745 :1990ISI:1681:1998--2000 No.500 Nos.1500 No.`. 7000/-`. 3000/-`. 5000/-

S.No. Name ofthe Item8. WhiteApron9. PatientCoat &PyjamaSpecification Material I.S.I. No. Approx.DemandSize: (40 XL/ (42)XXL, Half & Fullsleeves with 3pockets (1+2) with<strong>Safdarjung</strong><strong>Hospital</strong> andVMMC Logo onupper pocket asenclosed.Standard size:40x42(Readymade) (PreshrinkSuperiorquality)Terri cot (Readymade)(Pre-shrink superiorquality)Matching patta cloth,cotton full sleeves----500 Nos.1500 Nos.E.M.D`. 2000/-`. 4000/-INSTRUCTION AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER1. Tender should be addressed to the Addl. D.G & M.S., VMMC & Safdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong>, New Delhi-110029 and deposit your sealed quotation in the Tender box kept at New OPD Building, GroundFloor, Medical Superintendent’s Office Block of this hospital on or before 15-03-2013 upto 10.30AM, failing which the tender shall be rejected. Terms and conditions for supply should invariably beindicated on each schedule otherwise it would be taken on its face value. The rates may be quoted onseparate sheet for each schedule failing which the tender(s) will be rejected.2. MIXED QUOTATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR ACCEPTANCE.3. E.M.D. : AS MENTIONED AGAINST EACH ITEM4. Tender Ref. No. : L-3/GS/2012-135. Subject : LIMITED TENDER RATE ENQUIRY FORPROCUREMENT OF LINEN ITEMS6. Last Date of Submissio<strong>no</strong>f Tender : 15.03.2013 (Friday) before 10.30 AM7. Name of the firm : ……………………………………………………….8. THIS TENDER DOCUMENT AND SUBSEQUENT RATE CONTRACT WITH APPROVEDFIRMS IS NON-TRANSFERABLE.9. The tenderers should take care that the rates and amounts are written in such a way that interpolationis <strong>no</strong>t possible; <strong>no</strong> blanks should be left which would otherwise, make the tender rejected.10. Any failing of omission to carry out the provision of the contract by the supplier shall <strong>no</strong>t give rise toany claim by any party, one against the either, if such failure of omission or arises from an act of God,which shall include all acts of natural calamities such as fire, flood, earthquake hurricane or anypestilence or from civil strikes, compliance with any stature and/or regulation of the Government,lookouts and strikes, riots, embargoes or from any political or other reasons beyond the supplierscontrol including war (whether declared or <strong>no</strong>t) civil war or state or insurrection, provided that <strong>no</strong>ticeor the occurrence of any event by either party to the other shall be given within two weeks from thedate of occurrence of such an event which could be attributed to force major conditions.

11. The tenderer shall furnish following certificates invariably along with technical bid, as applicable,otherwise quotation shall be summarily rejected:a) A declaration on <strong>no</strong>n-judicial stamp paper worth `. 100/- (`. Hundred only) duly attested bythe proprietor of the firm, in case, the firm is in proprietorship.b) An attested copy of partnership deed duly registered by the Registrar of firms, in case, ofpartnership firm.c) An attested copy of article of memorandum with constitution of firm and guidelines, in case,of private limited firm with name, photo & signatures of all Directors.d) NOC from partners in favour of signing authority or Prop. As such type of case (whereverapplicable).12. SELECTION WILL BE MADE PURELY ON SAMPLE AND QUALITY BASIS.13. Rates should be quoted strictly as per the tender specifications and should be valid for a period ofminimum one year or till finalization of next tender and any deviation from specification shall <strong>no</strong>t beconsidered at all.14. TENDER SHALL BE REJECTED IF THE COPY OF SALES TAX REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATE (Now called as VAT) IS NOT FURNISHED. FIRM SHALL FURNISH ACERTIFICATE ON THEIR FIRM’S LETTER HEAD STATING THAT UPTO DATE RETURNSHAVE BEEN FILED AND THERE ARE NO DUES WITH THE CONCERNED DEPARTMENT.FIRM WILL ALSO SUBMIT THE COPIES OF SUCH RETURNS (LATEST) SUBMITTED TOTHE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE & TAXES. Sales tax and other statutory levies should be shownseparately and should <strong>no</strong>t be included in the basic price, otherwise it will <strong>no</strong>t be considered.15. Any action on the part of the tenderer to influence anybody in this hospital will be taken as an offenceand the tender submitted by the firm will subsequently be rejected.16. You are requested to read the attached instruction, terms and conditions of this Open Tender RateEnquiry and accordingly quote your lowest rates for the said items.Sl. No.as perschedulePlease quote your rates in the following format for the purchase of articles :Name ofitems withspecificationBrandname (ifany whereapplicable)Unit ofratequotedRatequoted inbothwordsandfiguresTax if anypleaseindicate % oftax<strong>Total</strong> priceincludingall taxesDeliveryperiodrequired1 2 3 4 5 6 7 817. The validation of the tender is from the date of approval of Addl. D.G. & Medical Superintendent.The successful tenderers are bound to supply the materials on the rate once quoted by them and onceapproved by the competent authority of this hospital. Any hike in price on later stage will <strong>no</strong>t be paidextra if <strong>no</strong>t levied by the Govt. of India.18. Only one rate of best quality according to our specification should be quoted against each item. On <strong>no</strong>account should different qualities i.e. A, B, & C of items be quoted. The item that has been quoted asper different qualities (in contravention to the specification) will <strong>no</strong>t be considered at all.19. Samples of quoted items should be submitted in General Store Department latest by 14-03-2013till 3.30 P.M. in separate enclosure with proper marking of the names of firms with proper challan.No Quotation will be accepted without sample and the receipt of sample should be attached with thetender form.

20. JPC of this hospital will inspect and approve the samples submitted by the tenders for consideration.21. The successful tenderer should strictly adhere to supply the material as per the sample approved/Tender specification.22. If at any stage during the tenure of the tender the successful tenderer reduces the sales price lowerthan the quoted rates under agreement will forthwith <strong>no</strong>tify such reduction of the sale price to theundersigned immediately.23. The supplied material & goods should be as per approved sample/specifications which shall beinspected by the inspection committee for acceptance. The supplied material and goods <strong>no</strong>t inaccordance with approved sample /specification are liable for rejection.24. The Addl. D.G & M.S of this hospital reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or all the tenderat any stage without assigning any reason what so ever.25. The delivery of stores will be required at door viz. Safdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong> (General Store Department)handling /Cartage charges or any other charges which are <strong>no</strong>t levied by the Govt. of India will <strong>no</strong>t bepaid extra.26. Rate Quotations should be neatly typewritten both in figure and words or should be printed oncomputer printer, free from erasures, fluidings, cuttings and overwriting, (Handwritten quotation willbe rejected).27. The quantity shown is an estimated requirement and it can be increased /decreased. It will beprerogative of the Safdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong> to place the supply order for the whole lot/item or in piecemealbasis depending upon the requirement of the hospital.28. The Earnest Money should be deposited accordingly in shape of Demand Draft /Banker’s Chequewhich should have at least 6 months validity. Drawn in favour of Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang<strong>Hospital</strong>, New Delhi should be attached with the Tender failing which quotation will be ig<strong>no</strong>red andtreated as cancelled without any reference. Tenderer’s address should be written on the back sideof the Draft/Banker’s cheque.29. Successful tenderer requires to deposit Performance Security @ 10% of the total value in shape ofDemand Draft/Banker’s Cheque, Bank Guarantee, drawn in favour of Medical Superintendent,Safdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong>, New Delhi which should be valid upto 90 days after the completion ofperformance obligation irrespective of its registration status before placing order to them. If thesuccessful tenderer fails to submit the Performance Security the order will be treated as cancelled.30. The successful tenderer should ensure immediate supplies with in stipulated period if supply orderplaced to them. Undertaking from the firm to supply the quoted items within the stipulated timeperiod is also required. Undertaking to replace defective items if any at the cost of supplier includingguarantee/warrantee certificate at the time of supplied stores.31. If the delivery is <strong>no</strong>t affected on due date, the Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong> will havethe right to impose penalty as under :a) First extension for a month or part thereof …………… 0.5%b) Second extension for additional months ……………1%c) In case of <strong>no</strong>n-supply ……………5% + the firm will be debarredfor participating in future tender of this hospital.ORd) In case of default unless permitted by the hospital only if a consent request from the firmmentioning reason acceptable to the hospital and as per the sample approved or fails to supplythe store within delivery period the order will be liable to be treated as cancelled and securitymoney /performance security will be forfeited and the firm will be debarred for participatingin future tender of this hospital. Safdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong> will have the right to procure the ordereditem from open market/a<strong>no</strong>ther party at their own risk and expenses under risk purchaseclause. Late supplies of the item will result in strict action and risk purchse will done, withoutgiving, any extension, will be made immediately after lapse of date of delivery.

32. All the pages of the documents submitted should be numbered and total numbers of pages indicated inthe forwarding <strong>no</strong>te. The sealed envelop containing tender documents should clearly indicate TenderNo. and date of opening of tender and all pages in tender document & forwarding letter should besigned.33. No payment will be made on account of the part supply; Payment will be made only after the supplyis made in the quantity ordered.34. For items with ISI specification the tenderer has to attach LAB. TEST REPORTS OF SAMPLESDULY TESTED BY ANY GOVT. APROVED LAB. Tenders without Lab. Test report for items ofISI specifications will be summarily rejected and <strong>no</strong> correspondence will be entertained in this regard.Variation beyond plus or minus 5% of the supply will <strong>no</strong>t be allowed and supply will be summarilyrejected. The tenderer should also submit Test report from the Govt. approved Lab. of items likeSurgeon Gown, Pair of Surgeon Shirts (Kurta) & Pyjama & Bed Sheet.35. The tenderer should given in writing with their seal and signatures that the above terms andconditions are acceptable to them failing which their quotations are liable to be rejected.36. The tenderer shall furnish a <strong>no</strong>n-blacklisting certificate that the firm has <strong>no</strong>t been blacklisted in thepast by any government /private institution. Tenderer /Supplier has to give an affidavit on <strong>no</strong>n-judicialstamps paper duly attested of Rs. 10/- that there is <strong>no</strong> vigilance /CBI case pending against the firm/supplier and the firm has <strong>no</strong>t been blacklisted in the past by any Govt. or Private Organization.37. The tenderer should have 3 years continuous experience certificate/performance certificate ending tothe commencement of current financial year for supply the same material to similar organization/Govt. organization.38. Documents should be attached in original or photocopy duly attested by Gazetted Officer /Notary /1 stClass Magistrate as per clause 2 of tender document is also enclosed.39. The quotation for quoted item(s) will only be considered from manufacturers and their authorizeddealers. In case of authorized dealer, an authorization certificate in original from the manufacturemust be submitted, which should be valid for the period of at least one year.40. Certificate /Copy of up to date returns /ack<strong>no</strong>wledgement form, from the Department of Trade &Taxes with TIN No. duly attested should be enclosed.41. The documents submitted by the firm with the tender form will be opened in public in the presence oftenderes /firms representatives with authorization certificate and the officers opening the tender willsign the tenders price and other important features.42. The Tender document may be obtained from the website www.vmmc-sjh.nic.in.Yours faithfully,Sd/-(Chief Medical Officer)General Store Department

The Medical SuperintendentSafdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong>New Delhi-110029Format of Forwarding LetterFORWARDING LETTER(To be filled in by the tendering party in official letter head)Tender Enquiry No. & date :Date & Time of opening of tender :………………………………………………..15-03-2013 (Friday) at 10.30 am.Sir,With reference to the above Tender Enquiry I/We are submitting our tender documents. The tender document isduly paginated and contains pages from page No. 1 to …………………….…………..A check list in chro<strong>no</strong>logically indicating documents attached in original /copy duly attested by Gazetted Officer /Notary/1 st Class Magistrate as per clause 6 of tender document is also enclosed.CHECK LISTS.NO. DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED YES /NO PAGE NO.1. E.M.D. AS MENTIONED AGAINST EACH ITEM2. Sample of quoted items should be submitted in general StoreDeptt. One day before (enclosed the duly received challanwith the Tender form) latest by 3.03 p.m.3. All the pages of tender documents should be properlynumbered and total number of pages be indicated on theforwarding letter.4. Certificate /Copy of up to date returns /ack<strong>no</strong>wledgementfrom the department of trade & taxes with TIN No.5. The tenderer shall furnish a <strong>no</strong>n-blacklisting certificate onaffidavit on <strong>no</strong>n-judicial stamp paper duly attested of Rs. 10/-6. 3 year continuous experience certificate /performancecertificate ending to the commencement current financial yearfor supply the same material to similar organization/ Govt.Organization.7. Documents should be attached in original or photocopy dulyattested by Gazetted Officer/Notary /1 st class Magistrate asper clause 21 of tender document is also enclosed.8. Latest certificate of Manufacturer /authorization in originalfrom the manufacturer for the quoted items valid at least forone year.9. Certificate to the effect that all the terms & conditionsmentioned in the tender document are acceptable of tenderdocument.10. Rate quotation in prescribed proforma.11. Undertaking from the firm to supply the quoted items withinthe stipulated time period.12. Undertaking to replace defective item(s) if any at the cost ofsupplier including guarantee /warranty certificate at the timeof supplied time period.13. Firm registered with the Registrar Co-operative Stores /Govt.agencies should attach copy of the same.14. Lab. Test Reports of samples duly tested by any govt. Testhouse /Lab. For ISI specified items.Name (s) and signature (s) of the tenderer(with stamp)

ANNEXURE-BAFFIDAVIT(Under Clause No. ………… of Tender Document)I, ……………………………S/o Sh. ……………………………… aged …………… years,working as Proprietor/Managing Partner /Director of M/s …………………………………………having its registered office at …………………………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm anddeclare on oath as under :1. That I am competent to swear this affidavit being proprietor /one of the partners /Director ofM/s ……………………………………..2. That my firm M/s …………………………….. is a proprietorship /partnership firm/company is participating in tender for supply of ……………………………………………items at …………………3. That I hereby confirm and declare that <strong>no</strong>ne of my/our group /sister concern /associatecompany is participating /submitting this tender.4. That I hereby confirm and declare that my/our firm /company M/s ………………………….And my/our firm/group /company /sister concern /associate company have <strong>no</strong>t been blacklisted /delisted or banned /debarred by any Institutional agencies /Govt. Deptt. /Public SectorUndertaking, in the last TWO years.5. That there is <strong>no</strong> change in the Name & Style, Constitution and Status of the firm, after Prequalification.6. That I further undertake that in case any of the facts contained above and in our application isfound other-wise or incorrect or false at any stage, my/our firm/company/ group /sisterconcerns/associate, companies shall stand debarred from the present and future tenders of theSafdarjang <strong>Hospital</strong> & VMMC for the two years.(Signature of Proprietor /Managing Partner /Director with Seal)DEPONENTVerified at ……………… on …………………………………… that the contents of paras 1to 6 of this affidavit are true and correct to best of my k<strong>no</strong>wledge and <strong>no</strong> part of this is false and<strong>no</strong>thing material has been concealed or falsely stated therein.(Signature of Proprietor /Managing Partner /Director with Seal)DEPONENT(Signature & Seal of Notary)

ANNEXURE-CProforma for performance statement (for the period of last three years)Tender No.Date of Opening of TenderTime of opening of TenderName and address of the bidderOrder placed Order No. and Qty. of ordered Value of Order Date of Remarksby full address dategoods(Rs.)completion of indicatingof purchasersupply reasons fordelay if any.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Signature and seal of the bidder

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