Schnittstellen - Bundesministerium für Finanzen

Schnittstellen - Bundesministerium für Finanzen

Schnittstellen - Bundesministerium für Finanzen


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Englisch<br />

Beschreibung (Taggruppe & Tag) Format Codeliste SAD Anz.<br />

MESSAGE Msg 1x<br />

Syntax identifier SyID a4<br />

Syntax version number SyVer n1<br />

Message sender MsgSdr an..35<br />

Sender identification code qualifier SdrID an..4<br />

Message recipient MsgRcp an..35<br />

Recipient identification code qualifier RcpID an..4<br />

Date and time of preparation PrepDT n14<br />

Interchange control reference ICRef an..14<br />

Recipient's reference/password RcpPW an..14<br />

Recipient's reference/password qualifier RcpPWQ an2<br />

Application reference Appl an..14<br />

Priority Prty a1<br />

Acknowledgement request AcknReq b NC_14000<br />

Communications agreement id CommID an..35<br />

Test indicator Test b NC_14000<br />

Message identification MsgID an..14<br />

Message type MsgTyp an..6 NC_01000<br />

Common access reference CAR an..35<br />

Message sequence number SeqNum n..2<br />

Original Interchange Control Reference OICRef an..14<br />

~ REFERENCES Refs 1x<br />

Reference number (LRN) LRN an..22 7<br />

Customs reference number CRN an..21 A/C<br />

Customs/sub-reference number CSRN an..21 A/C<br />

Event reference number ERN an..21<br />

Fallback reference number FRN an..21<br />

Reference status code Stat an..2<br />

~ ~ DOCUMENTS Docs 9x<br />

Document reference number DRN an..21 44<br />

Document type code DocCd an..4 NC_24000 44<br />


Unique consignment reference number UCR an..35 44<br />

~ HEADER Hea 1x<br />

Type of declaration DecTy an..9 NC_10000 1<br />

Number of loading lists LLNr n..5 4<br />

Total number of items TotItem n..5 5<br />

Total number of packages TotPack n..7 6<br />

Total gross mass TotGross n..11,3 35<br />

Dialog language indicator at departure DepLNG a2 NC_11000<br />

Dialog language indicator at destination DestLNG a2 NC_11000<br />

Accompanying document language code NCTSLNG a2 NC_11000<br />

Payment type PayTy a1 NC_12000 47/6<br />

Deferred payment reference DefPayRef n7 KUNDEN 48<br />

Personal payment reference PerPayRef n7 KUNDEN 9<br />

Method of payment PayMet n..2 9<br />

Application for export refund AExpRef b NC_14000 9<br />

Advance/Prefinancing Fin a2 NC_15000 9<br />

Simplified procedure flag Simp b NC_14000<br />

Diversion prohibited [* NOT USED *] DivProhib b NC_14000 C<br />

NCTS return copy RetCpy b NC_14000<br />

Issuing date IssD n8 D/J<br />

Binding itinerary Bind an..140 44<br />

Binding itinerary LNG [* NOT USED *] BindLNG a2 NC_11000<br />

Authorisation id AuthID an..17 44<br />

Transport data availability indicator TransDat b NC_14000<br />

Security Indicator SecInd n1<br />

Specific Circumstance Indicator SpecCirc a1<br />

Transport charges - Methode of payment TransPayTy a1<br />

Commercial reference number ComRef an..70<br />

Conveyance reference number ConvRef an..35<br />

Write-off/Exit date WoffD n8<br />

Date of control notification ContNotD n8<br />

Prospective arrival date and time ProArrDT n12<br />

Planned departure date and time PlaDepDT n12<br />

Goods ready for control date and time ContRdyDT n12<br />

Pre-Declaration confirmation date and time PreDecDT n12<br />

EDI – Schnittstelle (Version: 2.15.. vom: 25. Januar 2012) Seite 40 von 391

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