150N Automatic Lifejacket with integral Deck Harness

150N Automatic Lifejacket with integral Deck Harness

150N Automatic Lifejacket with integral Deck Harness


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CHEMICALSAll chemicals, (including petrol, battery acid),corrosive materials and solvents should be regardedas harmful. If your <strong>Deck</strong>vest comes in contact <strong>with</strong>chemicals, please notify Spinlock, stating the precisechemicals concerned. We will investigate and giveour advice.LIFETIME = SHELF LIFE + USEFUL LIFEAfter first use this product should last 5 years.Certain environmental elements will considerablyaccelerate wear: salt, sand and chemicals.In exceptional circumstances, wear or damage couldoccur on the first use which reduces thelifetime of the product to that one, single use.However wear or damage can shorten theproduct life. Shelf-life of this product in goodcondition is up to 5 years before first use.GUARANTEEThis product is guaranteed against any faults inmaterials or manufacture for two years from thedate of manufacture. This guarantee is extended tofive years conditional on registration of ownershipby the first owner. Exclusions from the guaranteeinclude: normal wear and tear, modifications oralterations, incorrect storage, damage due toaccident, negligence and any use for which theproduct was not designed.Certain environmental elements will considerablyaccelerate wear: salt, sand, moisture, chemicals. Inexceptional circumstances, wear or damage couldoccur on the first use which reduces the lifetimeof the product to that one single use. See www.spinlock.co.uk for full details.TEMPERATUREUse this product only above a minimum of -30° Cand below a maximum of +60° C.DISINFECTING THE PRODUCTWhen necessary, use a disinfectant thatis compatible <strong>with</strong> polyamide, polyester,polycarbonate, PVC etc. Use diluted <strong>with</strong> cleanwater at a maximum temperature of 30° C. Aftersoaking for an hour, rinse in clean cold water. Dryslowly, away from direct heat.RESPONSIBILITYSpinlock is not responsible for the consequences,direct, indirect or accidental, or any type of damagebefalling or resulting from the use of its products.16

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