150N Automatic Lifejacket with integral Deck Harness

150N Automatic Lifejacket with integral Deck Harness

150N Automatic Lifejacket with integral Deck Harness


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(EN) English15Safety NoticesFITTING ADJUSTMENTS (PAGES 3 & 4)A. Put on as jacket, B. Fasten Button, C. Pull chestbelt tight – it is unsafe to wear any lifejacket orharness loosely. D. Adjust back strap so that chestbelt is positioned above lowest point of rib cage.E. Attach thigh straps - passing thigh strap throughlegs before fastening plastic buckle on front.HOW TO USE (PAGES 5 & 6)A. Anchorage point should be located at the centreof the chest. Note: safety line is for illustrationonly. Ensure no sharp edges on safety lineattachment point. Use <strong>with</strong> an approved personalsafety line only. Attach to Jack line / fixed eyes.Anchorage points must be able to <strong>with</strong>stand forcesof more than 1 tonne. Never attach to lifelines /standing or running rigging.GENERAL INFORMATIONImportant notice: Specific training is essentialbefore useRead this notice carefully before use. This technicalnotice illustrates ways of using this product. Onlysome types of misuse and forbidden uses currentlyknown are represented (shown in crossed outdiagrams). Many other types of misuse exist whichare impossible to list or even imagine. Only thetechniques shown in the diagrams and not crossedout are authorised. All other uses are expresslyexcluded; danger of death. In case of doubt orany problem of understanding, contact Spinlock.Water sports are dangerous activities which maylead to severe injuries or even death. Adequatetraining in appropriate safety techniques andmethods is essential and acquiring this training isyour own responsibility. You personally assume allrisks and responsibilities for all damage, injury ordeath which may occur during or following wronguse of our products in any manner whatsoever. Ifyou are not able, or are not in a position to assumethis responsibility or to take such risks do not usethis equipment.USEThis product must only be used by competentand responsible persons, or those placed underthe direct and visual control of a competentand responsible person. Check that this productis compatible <strong>with</strong> other components of yourequipment. To prolong the life of this product, carein use is necessary. Avoid rubbing against abrasivesurfaces or sharp edges.A deck harness and safety line are intended toprevent the user falling overboard: they do notprovide protection against falls from height.In a fall the deck safety harness and safety linemay transmit very large forces to theanchorage point.Full performance may not be achieved if usingwatertight/waterproof clothing or in othercircumstances. Gas cylinders are dangerous goodsand should be kept away from children and notmisused. Do not use as a cushion. Train yourself inthe use of this device.WARNING: WHEN NOT CORRECTLY FITTED,THIS DECKVEST MAY NOT PERFORM AS ALIFEJACKET OR HARNESS AND MAY ENDANGERTHE USER.MAJOR FALLSIn the event that your full body weight is dropped adistance and then stopped, do not continue to usethis product. Even if no external changes are visible,internal damage may have reduced its strengthand its margin of safety. Do not hesitate to contactSpinlock in case of doubt.CLEANING, MAINTENANCE, STORAGERemove gas cylinder and automatic componentsand then clean by hand and rinse in clean freshwater (maximum temperature 30° C). Dry in a cool,ventilated dark room. Grease spots may be removed<strong>with</strong> trichlorethylene. Webbing shrinks very slightlyin drying. Always carry and store your <strong>Deck</strong>vestin a well ventilated bag. Though UV protected,this product is best stored away from direct light,in a well ventilated place away from extremetemperatures.

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