GAS & AIRSAMPLING & MONITORINGGAS & AIRSAMP. & MON.What does a PID measure?PID - Photo Ionization DetectorsLEL ExplainedLEL MonitorsInfrared Methane Sensors ExplainedLandfill Gas MonitorsCalibration GasWeather MonitorsDust MonitorDust Sampler1

<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong><strong>SAMPLING</strong> & <strong>MONITORING</strong><strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.What does a PID measure?PID - Photo Ionization DetectorsLEL ExplainedLEL MonitorsInfrared Methane Sensors ExplainedLandfill Gas MonitorsCalibration GasWeather MonitorsDust MonitorDust Sampler1

PID<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.MiniRAE 3000Portable PID0-15,000ppm rangeThe intrinsically safe hand-heldPID from RAE Systems features apowerful built-in piston pump withsample flow rates of 500cc/min.The field rugged PID has excellentresponse and remote monitoringcapabilities for confined space entryand leak detection. It is also usedin the field of leaking undergroundstorage tanks and for head spaceanalysis in soil, wells and water. Aspecial sensor design and reliablelamp produces stable base line andspan for increased sensitivity andaccuracy.Features• The patented sensor providesthe following unique features:3-second response time; extendedrange up to 15,000ppm withimproved linearity, humiditycompensation with integral,humidity and temperature sensors• Designed for simple service witheasy access to lamp and sensor inseconds without tools• Big graphic display for easyoverview of gas type, correctionfactor and concentration• Field-interchangeable battery packreplaced in seconds without tools• Integrated flashlight for betterview in dark conditions• User-friendly screens, includingdataplot chart view• Integrated RAE Systems correctionfactors list for more than 200compounds to measure morechemicals than any other PID• Multi-language support with 12languages encoded• Rugged housing withstands use inharsh environments• Cleaning and decontamination inwater• Strong protective removablerubber bootSpecificationsDisplay Graphic 4 lines, 28 x 43 mm,with LED backlightfor enhanced displayreadabilityKeypad 1 operation and 2programming keys,1 flashlight on/offDirect Readout Instantaneous readingRangeVOCs as ppm by vol.High valuesSTEL and TWABattery and shutdownvoltage. Date, time,temperature0 to 999.9 ppm(0.1ppm res)1000-15,000ppm(1ppm res)Alarms95 dB (at 30 cm) buzzer and flashing redLED to indicate exceeded preset limits• High: 3 beeps and flashes per second• Low: 2 beeps and flashes per second• STEL and TWA: 1 beep and flash persecond• Alarms latching with manual overrideor automatic reset• Additional diagnostic alarm and displaymessage for low battery and pump stallIP Rating IP67 unit off andwithout flexible probeIP65 unit runningDatalogging Standard 6 months atone-minute intervalsCalibrationTwo-point or three-point calibration forzero and span. Calibration memory for8 calibration gases, alarm limits, spanvalues and calibration dates.Sampling Pump Internal, integratedflow rate at 500 cc/mnSample from 100’(30m) horizontally andIntrinsicallySafeverticallyLow Flow Alarm Auto pump shutoff atlow-flow conditionCommunication Download data andHazard Area ApprovalTemperatureHumidityAttachmentsSizeWeightSensorsBatteryupload instrumentsetup from PC throughcharging cradle oroptional BluetoothWireless datatransmission throughbuilt-in RF modemUS and Canada: UL,cUL, Classified asIntrinsically Safe for usein Class I, Division IGroups A, B, C, DEurope: ATEX II 1G EExia IIC T4 (pending)IECEx: II 1G EEx ia IIC T4(pending)-20° to 50° C0% to 95% relativehumidity (non-condensing)Durable bright yellowrubber boot with beltclip25.5 x 7.6 x 6.4 cm738gmPhotoionisation sensorwith standard 10.6 eVor optional 9.8 eV or11.7 eV lampsRechargeable, externalfield-replaceableLithium-Ion batterypackOrdering InformationACE059-B116-000MiniRAE 3000 PID with 10.6 eV lamp.Also includes: Li-ion battery, Dataloggingwith ProRAE Studio Software Package,Charging/download adapter, Flex-I-Probe, External filter, Rubber boot,Alkaline battery adapter, Lamp-cleaningkit, Tool kit, Operation & Maintenancemanual, Soft leather case.PID with accessories kit adds:Hard transport case with pre-cut foampadding, Charging/download cradle,5 Porous metal filters and O-ringsOrganic vapor zeroing kit, Gas outletport adapter and tubingAvailableto Rent2

<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.PID - Photoionisation Detector, Gas MonitorEntryRAEPID & 4 GasConfined Space Entry MonitorAffordable OSHA compliance plusreliable VOC protection.The EntryRAE is a 4-gas monitor,plus photo ionisation (PID) detector.Reliable, easy to operate and simpleto calibrate, the EntryRAE deliversadded protection without addedcomplexity.Why PID?Typical 4-gas monitors don’t detectvolatile organic compounds (VOCs).VOCs are combustible and oftentoxic at the levels far below 10%LEL. They are commonly found in:• Fuels, oils, degreasers• Industrial cleaners• Heat transfer fluids• Solvents, paints• Plastics, resins, adhesives• Pesticides and herbicidesThese are common industrialcompounds you find in orbring into a confined space.Features• Reliable, accurate VOC detector• Simple to operate• Easy to calibrate• Durable, weather-resistant rubberbody• Data logging included• Large display with auto-backlight• Loud alarm• Bright red flashing LED alarms• Up to 16 hours of continuousoperation• Interchangeable Lithium-ion andalkaline battery packs• Charging cradle doubles asan external battery charger• Powerful pump allows sampledraws up to 30mSpecificationsSize15cm x 8.3cm x 4.8cmWeightwithout clip567g with battery andclipSensors5 Sensors:- Protected catalytic beadfor combustible gases (LEL)- Electrochemical sensors for oxygen(O2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) andcarbon monoxide (CO)- Modular photo ionisation detector forbroadband detection of VOCs using10.6eV lampBattery- Drop-in rechargeable with Li-ionbattery pack- Standard alkaline battery adaptor- Charging cradle doubles as externalbattery chargerOperating Hours Up to 16 continuouswith Li-ionUp to 12 hours withalkalineDisplay Large 3.5cm x 4.5cmdisplay with automaticback-lighting in dimlight or alarm conditionKeypad 3 button operationDirect Readout- Oxygen as percentage by volume- Combustible gas as percentage oflower explosive limit (LEL), percentageby volume- VOCs, CO & H2S as parts per million- TWA & STEL values for VOCs, CO &H2S- High and low values for all gasesOrdering InformationRAE046-XXXX-XXXEntryRAE, VOC and max. 4 other sensors,Lithium-ion rechargeable battery,alkaline battery adpator, 5 externalfilters, charging cradle, ProRAE Studiosoftware package, computer interfacecables, RS232 with USB adaptor,calibration adapter, user manual,shipping caseSensor SpecificationsRangeResolutionACE046-P111-101 EntryRAE for VOC(10.6eV PID), LEL, O2, H2S & CO unit withaccessories kit4PID 0-999ppm VOC 1ppm VOCOxygen (O2) 0-30% 0.1%CombustibleGases (LEL)0-100% LEL0-5% Volume1% LEL1% VolCarbonDioxide (CO2)0-500ppm 1ppmHydrogenSulphide (H2S)1-100ppm 1ppmIntrinsicallySafe

LEL explainedLEL ExplainedLEL sensors are used for thedetection of a wide variety ofcombustible gases and vapors thatexhibit different responses.Combustible gases (or flammablegases) can burn or explode,potentially causing extensivedamage to plant and/or personnel.For a combustible gas to ignite,three conditions are needed:• gas in sufficient quantity• air or oxygen in sufficient quantity• ignition sourceApplications• Confined space entry• Wastewater treatment plants• Marine and off-shore oil wells• Landfill operations• Trenches, silos, railcars• Coal mines• Cruise ships• Sewers and manholes• Tunnels• Refineries and petrochemicalplants including off-shore drillingand plant shut downs• Power plants• Pulp and paper industry• Steel millsDiffusion vs PumpGas monitoring meters likethe QRAE, that monitor(Combustibles) LEL, Oxygen, H2S,CO and exotic gases can come as:• Unit with a pump• Unit with no pump (calleddiffusion heads or diffusionpumps)The latter relies on the ambientatmosphere to diffuse to thesensor heads before a reading canbe taken. Catalytic Bead sensorscreate a small vacuum which isenough to pull the sample through.<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.Combustible gas must be presentin a high enough concentration toignite. The minimum concentrationneeded is called the LowerExplosive Limit or LEL.How does it work?An LEL sensor consists of matcheddetector and compensatormade from coils of platinum wireembedded within a catalytic bead.Oxidation of combustibles gasesand vapours releases heat,changing the resistance of oneelement with respect to the other– which is detected as an out ofbalance voltage in the bridgecircuit.LEL sensors have a diffusion barrierto limit the gas flux to the catalyticbead, they tend to have the greatestsensitivity to high diffusivitycompounds such as Hydrogen andMethane than Kerosene.Correction factors have beendetermined that enable the userto quantify a large number ofchemicals using only 1 singlecalibration (eg Methane).What’s the difference betweenPID and LEL Sensors?In summary they have differentdetection techniques: Sensors are not readilyable to detect heavy or longchain hydrocarbons eg. dieselfuels/jet fuels.PIDs use high energy uVlight from a lamp to removean electron from neutrallycharged VOC molecule,producing a flow of electricalcurrent proportional tothe concentration of thecontaminant.The larger the molecule, thelower the energy required– thus the larger the molecule,the easier to detect.Small hydrocarbons such asmethane are not detectablewith a PID. The energy requiredto detect methane with a PIDexceeds to energy of the uVlight produced by the PID lampThe main disadvantage of pumptype meters is the sample is drawnthrough a gas chamber and takesa few seconds to actually hit thesensors. Diffusion pumps have theirsensors placed very close to theatmosphere which gives a fasterresponse time.Diffusion LEL monitors suit mostapplications but a pump driven LELis best for:• Detection of gases in hard to reachareas, where tubing is needed foreasy reach• Detection of supertoxics (exoticgases) where the specific gravity isdifferent to oxygenCan I use an LEL for a Landfillapplication?No, it is not recommended for thefollowing reasons:• Although catalytic technologywill work up to a certain pointit requires calibration on a veryregular basis unlike Infra-RedSensors that come with LandfillGas Monitors (GA2000’s etc).• Catalytic Technology requiresthe presence of oxygen – landfillwells monitoring lacks oxygen andtherefore LELs will not performproperly in this situation.• There are a number of chemicalsand gases that poison the catalyticsensor and basically kill it in avery short amount of time. Thesechemicals and gases includesilicone which is by far the worst.As silicone is used in a number ofcompounds (namely as a sealante.g. silicone rubber) it would bevery difficult to ensure that thecatalytic technology will not beisolated from any of this.5

LEL Monitors<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.QRAE IIPump or DiffusionThe QRAE II is available as adiffusion or pumped one-tofourgas monitor for detection ofcombustibles, oxygen, hydrogensulfide, carbon monoxide or sulfurdioxide.Key features include an easy-tochangebattery pack, a waterresistantcase and a new state-ofthe-artO2 sensor.Key Features• Patented SPE O2 Oxygensensor with the following uniquefeatures: Lead-free design thatcomplies with RoHS directive andextended life compared to leadtypeelectrochemical oxygensensors, resulting in a low cost ofownership.• Leak-free design, minimizingdowntime.• Best EMI/RFI immunitytechnology for products inits class, eliminating radiointerference.• Easy access to pump, sensors,filter and battery compartmentwithout exposing electroniccomponents to potential damage.• IP-65 water- and dust-resistantcase.• Strong, protective, concussionproofdesign.Additional Advantages• Plug-in sensors: oxygen,combustibles, hydrogen sulfide,carbon monoxide or sulfurdioxide.• Intuitive simple-to-operate twobuttonuser interface with built-inpump.• Pump or diffusion modelsavailable.• Cradle doubles as an externalbattery charger and data transferconnection.• Rugged housing• Large graphic display for easyoverview of gas type andconcentration.• Rechargeable Lithium-ion batterypack provides up to 14 hours ofcontinuous operation.Sensor SpecificationsRange ResolutionOxygen (O2) 0-30% 0.1%CombustibleGases (LEL)0-100% LEL 1% LELCarbonMonoxide (CO)0-1000ppm 1ppmHydrogenSulphide (H2S)0-100ppm0-1000ppm0.1ppm1ppmSulphurDioxide0.1-100ppm 0.1ppmSpecificationsSizeDiffusionPump12.5cm x 7.2cm x 3.8cm12.5cm x 7.2cm x 5.0cmWeightDiffusion 250 gPump 350 gSensors• Catalytic bead for combustibles• Oxygen: SPE O2 (non-consumableSolid PolymerElectrolyte technology)• Toxic: electrochemical, H2S, CO or SO2Battery Interchangeable Lithiumionand alkaline batterypacksOperating PeriodDiffusion Up to 14 hours continuousoperation withLithium-ion battery, up to10 hours with alkalinebattery (typical, withoutalarm)Pump Up to 10 hours withLithium-ion battery, up to 8hours with alkaline batteryDisplay Graphic 4 lines, with LEDautomatic back light in dimlight or alarm conditionKeypad Two-key operationAlarms 95dB buzzer (at 30 cm) andflashing red LEDIP Rating IP-65Datalogging Standard 12 days at oneminuteintervalsCalibration Two-point calibration forzero and spanSampling Pump Optional, internal pump300 cc/mnHazardous Area Approval• US and Canada: CI, D1, Groups A, B, C,D, T4• Europe: ATEX II 2G EEx ia d IIc T4• IECEX: Ex ia d II C T4Temperature -20° to 50° CHumidity 0% to 95% relative humidity(non-condensing)6

LEL MonitorsVRAEHand Held 5 Gas SurveyorThe VRAE is a hand held 1,2,3,4 or 5gas monitor with built-in samplingpump and optional datalogging.Sensors include new RAE dualrange 0-100% Volume and 0-100%LEL, oxygen and three smartinterchangeable toxic sensors, or upto four smart, interchangeable toxicsensors.The internal pump automaticallyshuts off plus an alarm is activated,if the remote probe tubing crimpsor water is sucked onto the fieldreplaceable hydrophobic filter.User selectable, calibrated sensoranalog output is available inaddition to datalogging.Features• Large, alarm activated back lightLCD display• Visual alarm with flashing light• Large keys usable with glovedhand• Rigid inlet probe• 10 hours operation• Sample collection port• 16,000 data points download toPC• Rubber boot for protectionSensors Options Include• Carbon monoxide• Hydrogen Sulphide• Combustibles/LEL• Oxygen• Sulphur Dioxide• Nitric Oxide• Nitrogen Dioxide• Chlorine• Ammonia• Hydrogen Cyanide• Phosphine• Ethylene OxideApplications• Refineries and petro chemicalplants - confined space entry, hotwork permits• Utilities - cable vaults, transformerstations• Waste water treatment plants- confined space entry• Marine and off shore oil wells- testing of confined spaces• Landfill operations - monitoringwells and confined spacesSpecificationsIntrinsic Safety UL & cUL Class 1,SizeWeightDetectorBatteryDivision 1, Group A, B,C, D (US & Canada)EEx ia IIC T2 (Europe)Pending197 x 70 x 38mm568gm w/ battery packCatalytic sensor forcombustible gas.Electrochemicalsensors for oxygen andtoxic gassesRechargeable, snap-in,field replaceable 4.8V,1.1Ah NMH batterypack. 4 AA alkalinebattery adapterOperating Hours 10 hours continuousBattery Charging10 hrs charge throughbuilt-in charger or anext. battery chargerDisplay 2 line by 16 digit LCDwith LED back lightautomatically indim light or alarmconditionKeypads 1 operation and 2program keysDirect Readout Instantaneous (up to 5values).Oxygen as percentageby volume.Combustible gas aspercentage by volumeor percentage oflower explosion limit.Toxic gases as parts permillion.High and low values forall gases.STEL, TWA for toxicgases.Battery and shut downvoltage.Alarm90 dB buzzer & flashingLED to indicate exceeded preset alarmsCalibrationDataloggingIntrinsicallySafeTwo points fieldcalibration of zero andspan gas16,000 points download to PC with serialnumber of unit,user ID, site ID andcalibration dateDatalogging interval1 - 3,600 secondsprogrammableSampling Pump Internal pump, flowrate 400cc/min. Autoshut-off at lowflow conditionTemperature -20oC to 40oCHumidity 0% to 95% relativehumidity(non-condensing)Ordering InformationACE018-XXXX-XXXVRAE unit with combustible oxygen andup to 3 toxic sensors OR combustible,and up to 4 toxic sensors, RechargeableNMH battery pack, Filter and O-ringpack, 5” Inlet probe, Gas outlet portadapter, Manual, Rubber boot withbelt clip, Alkaline battery adapter.Rechargeable units additionally include-Nickel-Metal-Hydride (NiMH) battery-120 or 230 V AC/DC wall adapter (ifspecified)VRAE with accessories kit addsHard transport case with pre-cut foampadding, 15’ (5m) Tygon® tubing, Tool kit<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.7

Infrared Methane Sensors Explained<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.Infrared Methane Sensorsin Landfill Gas MonitorsWhat is Landfill Gas?The waste within a landfill willconsist of a wide variety ofsubstances, but a large proportionwill be biodegradable. This willinclude animal and vegetable matter,paper and wood.These substances can bedecomposed by micro-organismswithin the landfill and thisbreakdown process produces gas.Landfill gas can be a complexmixture of gases, but a few gasespredominate. Initially, carbon dioxideis the main gas, but there can also besignificant quantities of hydrogen.Methane is produced during themajor part of the decompositionprocess. Many other gases can beproduced in trace amounts and theexact composition of the gas willvary between different landfill sites,different parts of the same site andover time.Infrared absorptionInfrared absorption is usually thepreferred method for measuringmethane and carbon dioxide.Most gases absorb radiation in theinfrared region. The wavelength ofradiation that is absorbed isdetermined by the natural vibrationfrequencies of the molecule. Thesenatural frequencies will depend onthe bond strengths, molecule sizeand shape and mass of the atomsinvolve. Thus different gas moleculeshave different natural frequenciesand will absorb infrared radiationof different wavelengths. Figure3 shows the absorption bands ofmethane and carbon dioxide.This property is used in infraredabsorption to select a specificgas for analysis. By using infraredradiation of the same wavelengthas the absorption band, thetechnique can be made specific to aparticular gas - a useful propertywhen analysing one gas within amixture.Infrared radiation from a sourceis passed through the gas to beanalysed. Several infrared detectorsare positioned to measure theamount of infrared radiation thathas passed through the gas. A filterthat is tuned to the wavelength ofinterest is positioned in front of theinfrared detector. This then makesthat particular detector sensitive tothe gas of interest. By using severaldetectors with different filters anumber of different gases can bedetected at the same time.The amount of radiation absorbedwill be proportional to the pathlength through the gas and theconcentration of the gas. Sincethe path length is fixed, theconcentration of the gas can becalculated.Infrared absorption can be maderobust, accurate and stable. It alsorequires little or no routinemaintenance and an infraredabsorption cell has a lifetime ofmany years. 1Can I use an LEL for a Landfillapplication?No, it is not recommended for thefollowing reasons:• Although catalytic technologywill work up to a certain pointit requires calibration on a veryregular basis unlike Infra-RedSensors that come with LandfillGas Monitors (GA2000’s etc).• Catalytic Technology requires thepresence of oxygen – landfills,well monitoring lacks Oxygenand therefore LELs will not workproperly in this situation.• There are a number of chemicalsand gases that poison thecatalytic sensor and basicallykill it in a very short amount oftime. These chemicals and gasesinclude silicone which is by farthe worst. As silicone is used in anumber of compounds (namelyas a sealant e.g. silicone rubber) itwould be very difficult to ensurethat the catalytic technology willnot be isolated from any of this.8See Geotechnial Instrumentsrange of landfill gas andbiogas instrumentson pages 161-163»»1 Excerpts from “Monitoring Landfill Gas”, Articlein Asian Environmental Technology Nov ‘07- Geotechnical Instruments

Landfill Gas MonitorsGA2000Landfill Gas AnalyserThe industry standard GA2000is designed to meet landfillmonitoring protocols set byGovernment legislation. Utilisedwith dedicated software theGA2000 becomes an extremelypowerful detection monitoring andchange indicator tool.This equipment has been certifiedfor use in potentially explosiveatmospheres in accordance withATEX directive 94/9/EC. Equipmentgroup and category: EX II 2 G.Protection concept: Eex ibd IIA T1(Ta = 0 °C to +40 °C).Features & Benefits• ATEX certified• 5 Gases standard• Peak CH4 recording• Simultaneous display of all gases• Storage of site and ID questions• Field proven• Standardises monitoring routines• Easy transfer of data• Optional Internal flow• Optional Event log withtechnician log• Data storage 2000 readings and• Optional GPSMain Applications• Landfill sites• Biogas• Site investigationGA2000 & GA2000PlusGPS OptionThe on-board GPS option locatesboreholes simply, fast andaccurately. Its easy-to-read ‘whereto-go’on-screen directions savetime especially for technicians ondifferent sites.• Real time GPS tracking andlocation• GPS location of borehole storedwith readings• On-site store locations• Google Earth mappingGA2000 & GA2000PlusGA2000 Plus H2 Compensated COLandfill Gas AnalyserThe GA2000 Plus utilises newtechnology to give more reliablereadings for Carbon Monoxide (CO),helping determine the presence of fireson landfill. It incorporates the existingtechnology and features of the industrystandard GA2000.GA2000 & GA2000 Plus SpecsCH 40-70% by specification, 0-100% readingCO 20-60% by specification, 0-100% readingO2 0-25%H 2SCOGas AccuracyCH 4CO 2O 20-5% +0.5% +0.5% +1.0%5-15% +1.0% +1.0% +1.0%15%Full Scale0-500ppm0-500ppm*+3.0% +3.0% +1.0%Relative Pressure+500mbar (direct measurementOperating Temperature Range0°c - 40°cRelative Humidity0-95% non-condensingBarometric Pressure Range+ 200 mbar from calibration pressureBarometric Pressure Activity± 5 mbar absoluteBattery LifeTypical use 10 hours from fully chargedCharge TimeApproximately 2 hours from completedischargeOrdering Information*H2 Compensatedfor GA2000 PlusGTIGA2000 GA2000 ATEX Certified InfraredGas Analyser - 5 GasMeasures CH4/CO2/O2/H2S/CO.GTIGA2K2-E000 GA2000 ATEX CertifiedInfra-red Gas Analyser (no cells) - 3 GasMeasures CH4/CO2/O2.GTIGA2K4 GA2000Plus ATEX CertifiedInfra-red Gas Analyser - CO VersionMeasures CH4/CO2/O2/H2S and COwith a Hydrogen compensated CO Cell(Hydrogen level also indicated)GTIGA2K5 GA2000Plus ATEX CertifiedInfra-red Gas Analyser NH3 VersionMeasures CH4/CO2/O2/H2S/NH3GTIGA2K3 GA2000Plus ATEX CertifiedInfra-red Gas Analyser H2 VersionMeasures CH4/CO2/O2/H2S/H2GTIINTFLOWMAN Internal flow optionGTIEVENTMAN Event log optionGTIGPSKIT GPS optionGTIGAM Gas Analyser ManagerSoftwareGTIUSBLEAD USB CommunicationsLead<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.IntrinsicallySafe9

<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.Landfill Gas MonitorsGEM2000 PlusLandfill Gas AnalyserThe GEM2000 Plus is designedto monitor landfill gas extractionsystems. Utilising new technologythe GEM2000 Plus gives increasedreliability for Carbon Monoxide (CO)readings. It retains the features of thefield proven GEM2000.This equipment has been certifiedfor use in potentially explosiveatmospheres in accordance withATEX directive 94/9/EC. Equipmentgroup and category: EX II 2 G.Protection concept: Eex ibd IIA T1 (Ta= 0 °C to +40 °C).Features & Benefits• ATEX certified• Measures H2S and CO• Measures % CH4 CO2 and O2 staticpressure and differential pressure• Calculates balance gas flow (m3/h)and calorific value (KW or BTU)• Records %LEL of CH4 Peak CH4 anduser defined comments• Accepts protocols• Allows balancing of gas extraction• Modem for remote download• Optional Event log• Data storage 2000 readings and1000 IDs• 0-500ppm H2S readings• Technician logMain Applications• Gas extraction fields• Flare monitoring• Landfill sitesGEM2000 Plus shown withoptional Pitot TubeSpecificationsCH 40-100% ReadingCO 20-100% ReadingO2 0-25%COH 2SGas AccuracyCH 4CO 2O 20-5% +0.5% +0.5% +1.0%5-15% +1.0% +1.0% +1.0%15%Full Scale0-2000ppm (H 2Compensated)0-500ppm+3.0% +3.0% +1.0%Static Pressure+500mbar (direct measurement)Differential Pressure+125 mbar (direct measurement)Operating Temperature Range0°c - 40°cRelative Humidity0-95% non-condensingBarometric Pressure Range+200 mbar from calibration pressureBarometric Pressure Activity± 5 mbarBattery LifeTypical use 10 hours from fully chargedCharge TimeApproximately 2 hours from completedischargeOrdering InformationGTIGEM2000 GEM2000 ATEX CertifiedInfra-red Gas Analyser (nocells) Measures CH4/CO2/O2GTIGEM2000PLUS GEM2000PlusATEX Certified Infra-red GasAnalayser MeasuresCH4/CO2/O2/H2S and COwith a Hydrogencompensated CO Cell(Hydrogen level alsoindicated)IntrinsicallySafe10

Biogas CheckBiogas AnalyserDesigned to meet biogas projectrequirements, this simple to operateanalyser is the ideal field instrumentfor anaerobic digester gas analysis.Easy to use and portable,the biogas check measures gascompositon with repeatableaccuracy on farms, food processingplants and wastewater treatmentfacitilies.Benefits• Enables consistent collectionof data for improved analysis andaccurate reporting• Validates flow and gascomposition for carbon credittrading• Field proven technologyFeatures• Measures % CH4, CO2, and O2volume, static, differential andbarometric pressures• Measures additional gases withoptional gas pods• Reads gas temperature withoptional temperature probe• Calculates balance gas and flow(SCFM)• ATEX certified• Easy field calibration by user• Self-test and monitoring on startup• Stores readings• Easy-to-read• User interchangeable ltersSpecificationsCH 40-100% ReadingCO 20-100% ReadingO2 0-25%H 2SGas Accuracy CH 4CO 2O 20-5% +0.5% +0.5% +1.0%5-15% +1.0% +1.0% +1.0%15%Full ScaleH2S (optional external) 0 – 5000ppmH2S (optional internal)Landfill Gas Monitors0 – 10,000ppm+3.0% +3.0% +1.0%Static Pressure+500mbar (direct measurementDifferential Pressure+125 mbar (direct measurement, lessbarometric)Operating Temperature Range0°c - 40°cRelative Humidity0-95% non-condensingBarometric Pressure Range± 200 mbr from calibration pressure.Recommendeed field calibration mix60% CH4 40/% CO 2Barometric Pressure Activity± 5 mbar absoluteBattery LifeTypical use 10 hours from fully chargedCharge TimeApproximately 2 hours from completedischargeOrdering InformationGTI BM2K-E000 Biogas Check AnalyserMeasures CH4/CO2/O2GTIBM2K-E000H2S Biogas checkAnalyser with H2S gas pod<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.Applications• Farm Digester• Food Processing• Wastewater• Methane RecoveryIntrinsicallySafe11

Landfill Gas Wellheads<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.Accu-Flo WellheadsAccu-Flo Wellheads can helpprevent landfill gas migration,landfill gas emissions andsubsurface fires.Landfill owners and operators willappreciate the Accu-Flo provendesign that meets the specialrequirements of landfill gas(LFG) recovery for environmentalcompliance and energy production.Accu-Flo Wellheads provideoperators with the gas extractioncontrol necessary to meet morerestrictive environmental andsafety regulations, thus preventingunnecessary and costly violations.Accu-Flo helps maximise gasrecovery, minimise surface emissionsand subsurface migration, helpscontrol hot spots and preventsubsurface fires.Benefits• Compact size• Easy installation and maintenance• Built-in gas flow measurement• Built-in gas flow control gate valve• Quick connect measurement ports• High accuracy and repeatability ofmeasurements• Durable Materials: Sch. 80 PVChousing and couplings,stainless steel impacttube, and polypropylene fittings,elastomeric coupling and PVC• Flexible interconnectsSimplified Data CollectionAccu-Flo simplifies the complexityof measuring well head data byincorporating key built-in featuresincluding a LFG flow measuringdevice, gas temperature port,quick-connect gas sample portsand a flow control gate valve.The patented design expeditedthe time required to obtain keywell head data and determinenecessary flow adjustments usingthe industry standard instruments,GEM2000 or other field unit.Quick and Versatile InstallationThe prefabricated Accu-Floassembly, factory tested andwarranted, is shipped ready forimmediate installation - eliminatingthe cost and uncertainties of fieldfabricated units.Accu-Flo models are available forinstallation above or belowground on vertical wells orhorizontal branch laterals in flowranging from 1 to over 300 SCFM.ModelFlow Accuracy and ReliabilityThe Accu-Flo system is designedto operate in the wet, abrasiveenvironment typical of landfill gasand still provide exacting controland accurate flow measurementswith high dependability andconsistency.A patented feature of the Accu-Flodesign is the pre-calibrated gasmeasurement tube assembly (Accu-Flo body) which extends into astandard vertical or horizontal wellcasing or branch lateral, creating acompact installation.The measurement tube assemblyhouses a modified stainless steelimpact tube specifically designedfor harsh landfill gas applications.Differential pressure readingsbetween the impact tube andmeasurement tube are used tocalculate flow.To help protect the impacttube from condensate andparticulate clogging, commonwith conventional designs suchas pitot tubes and orifice plates,the Accu-Flo uses an enlargedtotal pressure port opening and aseparate protected static pressureport. Also, pre-calibration of themeasurement tube with a prepositionedimpact tube eliminatesthe need to take time-consumingtraverse measurements normallyrequired for accuracy.SizeFlow Rate(SCFM)Pressure Drop150 37mm(1.5in)200 50mm(2.0in)300 75mm(3.0in)1-50 0.001 - 3.05-125 0.1 - 5.035-3000.1 - 10.0012

Calibration GasCalibration GasCalibration Gas made easyNow you can save time, money andheadaches normally associated withobtaining and using calibration gas.EnviroEquip supplies the entirerange of Air Liquide calibrationgases available in handy disposablecylinders to suit your every need.<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.Bump test your instrumentsbefore taking them out in thefieldA bump test checks the calibrationof an instrument by exposing itto a known concentration of gas.The reading is compared to theactual quantity of gas shown on theCalgas cylinder. If the instrument’sresponse is within an acceptabletolerance range, the calibration isconfirmed and the instrument issafe for use.Why use Calgaz - DisposableCalibration gases?When a worker steps into a confinedspace to do a job, everythingdepends on the accuracy of thesafety monitoring equipment. Thisis why manufacturers, distributorsand users of environmental safetymonitoring equipment the worldover rely on Calgaz calibration gasmixtures.• No rental deposit or demurragecharges.• Calgaz eliminates unnecessarycosts by providing yourcalibration gases in lightweight,non-refillable cylinders. Youdon't have to spend the moneynormally associated with rentalcylinders.Cylinders for gas stability andlong shelf lifeThe Calgaz multiple-step treatmentprocess for aluminium cylindersensure the stability and consistencyof reactive gases. In addition, Calgazexclusive internal valve designgives added protection againstcontamination and damage.All Calgaz mixtures are prepared bythe most accurate method availableusing gravimetric weights certifiedby N.I.S.T. Finally, every cylinder isleak-checked with the aid of massspectrometry technology. Ongoingtests verify a remarkably long shelflifefor Calgaz mixtures.Commonly requested gas-mixesCylinder Type >7HP(34L)6D(103L)8AL(58L)Isobutylene 100ppm/air ALE003671 ALE003105 • •CH 42.5% (50% LEL) / air ALE003662 ALE003089 • •Zero Air (99.999% N 2) • ALE003132 • •CO 100ppm, CH 42.5%, O 221%/ N 2• ALE003022 • •H 2S 25ppm / N 2 • • ALE003322 •25ppmH2S/ 100ppmCO/2.5%CH4/18%O2/N26DM(58L)• • ALE003337 •CH4 50% v/v • • • ALE003602CH4 60%, CO2 40% v/v • • • ALE003605Fixed Flow713ALE004107715ALE004111ALE004116715ALE004111ALE004116715ALE004111ALE004116Demand Flow ALE004140 ALE004136 ALE004136 ALE004136Many more gases & combinations are available - please contact us with your requirementsCylinder SpecificationsCylinderSizeContentsFull ServicePressureServicePressure PSIGDimensionsLength x Dia.Internal WaterVol L 3Tare weightRecomm.Regulators7EOC 17 litres 240 279x73mm 1L 3 2kg 713 CGA 6007HP 34 litres 500 279x73mm 1L 3 3kg 713 CGA 6006D 103 litres 1,000 351x82mm 1.52L 3 4.8kg 715, 716, 1700 5/8” -18UNF6DM 58 litres 1,000 203x82mm 0.80L 3 2.4kg 715, 716, 1700 5/8” -18UNFAll cylinders composed of Steel except 8AL which is made of AluminiumOutlet Fitting13

Regulators for Calibration Gas<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.RegulatorsThe integrity of your samplingaccuracy depends on theeffectiveness of your gas regulatingequipment. Each regulator ismanufactured under rigorousStatistical Process Control and has atwo year warranty. All regulators arepermanently engraved with modelnumber, flow rate and lot tracingnumber and are 100% tested to meetproduct specification.700 Series RegulatorsThese single stage piston typeregulators are equipped with acontrol valve that allows constantgas flow for easy ON/OFF. Models713, 715 and 718 have an option forpreset flow. Each model is equippedwith a cylinder pressure gauge.Demand Flow RegulatorsThe simplest way to calibrateDemand Flow regulators (DFRs)are the simplest way to accuratelycalibrate your instrument.When turned on or opened,the regulators will only let theflowrate of gas through that theinstrument is demanding. Nomore, no less. This means youcan’t over force a higher flow ratethrough the instrument or starve itof calibration gas. Both situationscould cause false calibration results.• No more gas bags to calibratefrom• The fastest and simplestcalibration method• Minimises calibration gaswastage• Easy to operatePortable Lab/Field CaseThe Portable heavy duty impactresistant plastic Lab/Field Casecan hold two 6D size non-refillablecylinders, regulator and tubing. Itis a safe and convenient system forcarrying and storing two 103 litre at1000 psig calibration standards.Ordering InformationALE004208 Plastic calibration gas carrycase (only). Fits 2 x 6Dbottles.Gas and regulator sold separatelySpecificationsModelDelivery pressureMax. InletPressureCylinder PressureGaugeOrdering InformationALE004136 Demand flow regulator forALE0041406D size (103L) bottleDemand flow regulator for7EOC (17L) or 7HP (34L)bottle713 140 kPa 3,500 kPa 0-3,400 kPa715 400 kPa 6,900 kPa 0-6,900 kPaSealsViton®ASeatTeflon®ABonnetNickel-plated BrassGaugesChrome-plated BrassInlet - Model 713 1” x 20Inlet - Model 715 5/8” x 18Outet3/16” Hose BarbDelivery Weight 0.5kg14

Gas Sample BagsTedlar Sample BagsTedlar bags can be used for indoorair sampling, hazardous wastesites, leaking underground storagetanks, stack sampling, soil gassampling, gas blending, calibrationtest standards and most other gassampling needs.Using air bags is a reliable wayto calibrate gas monitoringequipment. Most meters havean internal sample draw pump.The flow rate of these pumps canvary from small to many litresper minute. And as these pumpswear out, their flow rates tend todrop off. To avoid having to geta regulator or flow control deviceto exactly match the flow rate ofthe meter, it is simple to fill a gasbag with the calibration gas, theninsert the inlet probe of the meterand let the meter sample at its ownnatural pump rate. This ensuresa high degree of accuracy whencalibrating.Tedlar gas sampling bags are madeof 2mil PVF (Tedlar) film. Tedlaris tough durable and consideredchemically inert to a wide range ofcompounds.How to use a Tedlar bag forsampling• Flush the bag at least three timeswith purified air or nitrogenbefore use.• Attach a piece of 6 mm ODTeflon or similar tubing from thehose/valve fitting of the bag tothe outlet fitting of the pump orgas bottle.• Loosen the knurled screw on thebag, open the valve and tightenthe knurled screw to lock the valvein place.• Activate the sampling pump orbottle and note the start time andany other pertinent informationnecessary. Avoid filling any bagmore than 80 per cent of itsmaximum volume.• At the end of the sampling period,turn the pump off and close thevalve on the bag.• Tighten the knurled screw to lockthe valve closed. Note the endingtime if necessary.Ordering InformationCELTED1L 17.7cm x 17.7cm, 1 LCELTED3LEEQ23305Supplied with singleStainless Steel Fitting25cm x 37cm, 3 L25cm x 57cm, 5 LSample Bag ChamberThe EnviroEquip Sample BagChamber allows negative pressureprovided by any air sampling pumpor vacuum hand pump to draw agas sample into a tedlar bag.The sample is drawn into the bagwithout passing through the pumpand there are no contaminationissues.Ordering InformationEEQSB1450 Sample Bag ChamberHand Vacuum pump and sample bagssold separately<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.All bags feature an eyelet and single2-in-1 fittings that combine thevalve and septum into one.15

<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.Weather MonitorsLogging Rain Gauge -RG20Perfect for applications likeCatchment Measurement,Rainfall Intensity, Hydrology andIrrigation Control.The RG20 is a compact, robust,automatic rain gauge. It consistsof an inbuilt tipping bucket raingauge sensor,windows software,data logger, rechargeable batteryand solar panel. The rain gaugeautomatically sends its informationto the data logger, which processesand stores the data in its memory.The data is then available forcollection by personal computereither onsite or remotely viatelemetry.Features• Stand-alone, self-recording unit• Level Bubble• Corrosion Resistant Materials• Robust Design• Simple Recalibration Procedure• Low Power ConsumptionApplications• Catchment Measurement• Flood Studies/Alerts• Rainfall Intensity• Meteorological RainfallMonitoring• Agriculture and Horticulture• Hydrology• Irrigation ControlThe rain gauge sensor is factorycalibrated so that each system isready for use immediately. It canbe used for an extended periodwithout any need for adjustment.There are no electrical connectionsto be made, no mechanicalassembly just mount the uniton a suitable base and switch iton. Thanks to its compact andinnovative design, the EnvirondataLogging Rain Gauge is easy to carryto site, easy to set up, and easy tooperate immediately.The unit’s memory provides up to29,000 readings, facilitating highintensitydata collection or longintervals between data collection.Data is stored in 3 independentsecure areas with battery backup.Usually, daily summaries are storedin Memory Area 1, hourly data inArea 2, and rainfall intensity datain Area 3. If the system’s softwareshould fail, perhaps as a resultof a nearby lightning strike, anautomatic circuit (“watch-dog”)will restart the logger within aminute, ensuring that data storageis uninterrupted.The internal, realtimeclock ensures that the correctdate and time are always storedwith the data.SpecificationsOperating Units up to 450mm/hourData Storage 29,000 readingsResolution 0.2mmPower Supply 6V rechargeablebattery ( internal).Capacity for 6weeks withoutsunlightSolar Panel 1.0 watt panel -maintains batterywith 3 hours brightsunshine per day.Weight2.5 kgDimensions 375mm (height) x203mm (diameter)Ordering informationEVDRG20 Logging rain gaugewith solar panel16

Weather MonitorsWeather StationsWeatherMaster 1600The WeatherMaster 1600 packageconsists of four integrated electronicweather sensors, an internal datalogger, solar panel, 2 metre powdercoatedstand and EasiAccessdatabase and reporting software.The WeatherMaster 1600 is an ideal,economical weatherstation for avariety of research, agricultural andindustrial applications. It’s innovativeintegrated design is compact andlight enough to be readily portable,however the unit is quite robust andcan withstand remote siting in harshlocations.Measures:• Wind speed• Wind direction• Air temperature• Relative humidity• Optional 5th sensor, up to 100maway• Readily upgradable to the WM20model• Stores 100 days of daily data, 65days of hourly data and approx 4weeks of 15 min dataWeatherMaster 2000The WeatherMaster 2000 is acompact automatic weatherstation designed to suit a variety ofresearch, agricultural and industrialapplications. The WeatherMaster2000 package consists of sixintegrated electronic weathersensors, an internal data logger, solarpanel, 2 metre powder-coated stand,automatic evaporation calculationand EasiAccess database andreporting software.Measures:• Wind Speed• Wind direction• Air Temperature• Relative humidity• Rainfall• Solar Radiation (& evaporationrate)• Optional 7th sensor, up to 100 maway• Stores 100 days of daily data, 65days of hourly data and approx 20days of 15 min dataCommon Features• Includes Windows basedgraphing, database andreporting software• Solar powered, durable stainlesssteel and powder coatedaluminium construction• Provides current readings plus 15minute, hourly and dailysummaryAD40 Software (Optional)Vector Analysis of Wind SpeedAccurate recording of wind datawhile the wind is varying in speedor direction, or both, within thereporting period of the systemcan be difficult. In the case ofmonitoring airborne pollution itcan be vital.As an example, using the standard(scalar) values available with mostsystems, half a minute of wind fromthe East and half a minute from theNorth would be reported as a winddirection of North-East. However, ifthe Easterly wind blows at a speedof 10 knots, the effect of Northerlygusts at 30 knots would be to blowairborne particles more North thanEast.The AirData software resolves thedifficulty of accurate measurementby vector analysis or the net(combined) effect of wind speedand direction. The AirData softwarealso records highest wind gust foreach reporting period and providesthe data necessary to calculateparticle dispersion if required.Sensor SpecificationsAir Temp -15ºC to + 50ºC,Accuracy +0.20CRelative humidity Electronic capacitanceRainfallWind Speedtype. Accuracy + 5%,Range 10-90%Tipping bucketmechanism, 0.2 mmresolution3 Cup 66mmAnemometer,Resolution 0.1 kph,starting threshold 1kphWind Direction Optical shaft encoder,resolution 6 deg,Accuracy + 6 degSolar Radiation Global incoming withcosine correction,Accuracy + 5%, Cosineaccuracy +3%Extra Sensors (optional)One only Barometricpressure, soil temp,or extra sensor same asthe above excludingrainfall.Other specificationsDatalogger 104K battery backedRAM, stores a totalof 29,000 data readings(plus time anddata stamp)Battery 6 volt 3.0 AH internalsealed rechargeable gelcell - capacity for 6weeks operationwithout sunlightSolar Charger 1.5 watt panel -maintains battery with 3hours bright sunshineper dayWeight 7 kg excludingmounting bracketCommunication RS232 6 pin serialconnection, 300 to9600 BaudOrdering InformationEVDWM16 Weather station withEVDWM20EVDAD40mounting bracket &softwareWeather station withmounting bracket &softwareAirData vector analysissoftware (optional)<strong>GAS</strong> & <strong>AIR</strong>SAMP. & MON.17

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