Letters & Sounds - User Guide Downloads - Heidi Songs

Letters & Sounds - User Guide Downloads - Heidi Songs

Letters & Sounds - User Guide Downloads - Heidi Songs


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CELEBRATE!I know all of myletter sounds!ab cdef© 2011 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

AB© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

CD© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

EF© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

GH© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

IJ© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

KL© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

MN© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

OP© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

QR© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

ST© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

UV© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

WX© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

HappyThanksgiving!© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

© 2010 <strong>Heidi</strong> Butkus www.heidisongs.com

abcdefghijklmZoo-Phonics Motions(These have probably been updated since <strong>Heidi</strong> learned them 15 years ago.For more current information, please visit Zoo-Phonics.com.)All motions should be done with the sound simultaneously.Allie Alligator- Make an alligator chompingmotion with both hands.Bubba Bear- Reach up with one hand (asif for honey from a bee hive) and feedyourself honey.Catina Cat- Put one hand on a cheek andrub it as if you are a cat cleaning itself.Deedee Deer- Using both hands, holdtwo fingers up on top of your head andflick the fingers as a deer flicks itsears.Ellie Elephant- Move one arm in front ofyou like an elephant’s trunk.Francy Fish- Place one hand out and putthe other hand on top of it. Wigglethumbs and make an up and down swimmingmotion like a fish.Gordo Gorilla- Pretend to hold a bananain one hand and peel it with the other.Honey Horse- Slap your legs and make ahorse galloping motion with your feet.Inny Inchworm- Put one finger up andmake it inch along like an inchworm.Jerry Jellyfish- Using both hands, wigglefingers and move hands downward asa jellyfish might swim.Kayo Kangaroo- Make a boxing motionwith hands and kick with one foot at thesame time.Lizzy Lizard- Hold hands under yourchin with elbows up and sun yourself likea lizard. Cock head to the side.Missy Mouse- With one hand, pretendto feed yourself cheese like a mouse.nopqrstuvwxyzNigel NightOwl- Put both hands aroundyour eyes as if you are holding binoculars,to remind us of an owl’s big eyes.Ollie Octopus- With both hands, make aswishing motion like an octopus swimming.PeeWee Penguin- Walk like a penguinwith both hands at sides.Queeny Quail- Put one finger on theforehead and bend it up and down, toremind us of the curly feather on thequail’s head.Robbie Rabbit- With both hands infront of you, hop like a rabbit.Sammy Snake- With one hand, make aslithering snake motion.Timothy Tiger- Hold both hands out tothe side and pretend to rattle your cageat the zoo, because you want out.Umber Umbrella Bird- With one hand,pretend to hold an umbrella over headand “fly” with the other hand.Vincent Vampire Bat- Put both hands onthe mouth and make teeth with theindex fingers, while elbows “fly.”Willie Weasel- With both hands, lacefingers together and make a rollingmotion like a weasel running.Xavier Fox- With both hands, crossindex fingers in the shape of an X andpretend to knit.Yancy Yak- Form one hand into a signlanguage Y and hold it like a telephoneat the ear.Zeke Zebra- Place palms together andmake a pillow for your head. (The zebrais tired from all that running around.)

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