2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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3CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSNotes to the consolidated fi nancial statementsNote 14.4. Capitalisation of borrowing costsInterest capitalised during the period amounted to €3 million at an average interest rate of 6.59%, compared with €3 million at an averageinterest rate of 7.43% in 2009.NOTE 15. INVESTMENT PROPERTYNote 15.1. <strong>Mo</strong>vements for the period€ millions Gross Depreciation Impairment NetAt 1 January 2009 1,385 (229) (34) 1,121Change in scope of consolidation 82 - - 81Increases and separately acquired investment property 46 (32) - 14Investment property disposed of during the period (22) 5 - (17)Impairment losses recognised during the period, net - - - -Translation adjustment 1 - - 1Reclassifications and other movements 32 3 - 35At 31 December 2009 1,524 (254) (34) 1,235Change in scope of consolidation - - - -Increases and separately acquired investment property 122 (48) - 74Investment property disposed of during the period (74) 18 - (56)Impairment losses recognised during the period, net - - - -Translation adjustment 49 (12) (1) 36Reclassifications and other movements 49 8 - 57AT 31 DECEMBER <strong>2010</strong> 1,669 (288) (36) 1,346Investment property is measured at cost less accumulated depreciationand any accumulated impairment losses. The fair value of investmentproperty at 31 December <strong>2010</strong> totalled €3,332 million (€2,994 millionat 31 December 2009). For most investment properties, fair valueis determined on the basis of valuations carried out by externalappraisers. Valuations are based on open market value, as confirmedby market indicators, in accordance with international valuationstandards.The carrying amount of investment property totalled €1,346 million at31 December <strong>2010</strong>, including 78% or €1,054 million for Mercialys.Amounts recognised in the income statement in respect of rentalrevenue and operating costs on investment property break downas follows:€ millions <strong>2010</strong> 2009Rental revenue from investment property 255 221Directly attributable operating costs of investment properties that did not generateany rental revenue during the period (12) (8)Directly attributable operating costs of investment properties that generated rentalrevenue during the period (15) (16)Note 15.2. Fair values of investment propertyrelating to MercialysBNP Paribas Real Estate (Atisreal), Catella Valuation and Galtierupdated their appraisals of Mercialys’ property portfolio at 30 June<strong>2010</strong>. On a comparable basis, all properties were appraised.At 31 December <strong>2010</strong>, Atisreal, Catella and Galtier updated theirprevious appraisals:■Atisreal appraised the portfolio of 95 hypermarkets, making onsitevisits to 7 properties in the second half of <strong>2010</strong> and updating itsappraisals at 30 June <strong>2010</strong> for the other 88 (which included 9 onsitevisits in the first half of <strong>2010</strong>);■■Catella appraised the portfolio of 10 supermarkets, updating itsappraisals at 30 June <strong>2010</strong>;Galtier appraised the rest of Mercialys’ assets, comprising22 properties, making onsite visits to 6 properties in the secondhalf of <strong>2010</strong> and updating its appraisals at 30 June <strong>2010</strong> for theother 16.88 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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