2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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231 DECEMBER <strong>2010</strong>Employment ReportThe Group has had a disability policy since 1995 through its“Handipacte” agreements. In <strong>2010</strong>, the Group met the objectives setout in the fourth Handipacte agreement which covered the period2006-<strong>2010</strong>. A fifth agreement covering the period 2011-2013 wassigned by the trade union organisations in December <strong>2010</strong> and isawaiting the government’s DIRECCTE agency approval.Over the period 2006-<strong>2010</strong>, a total of 474 disabled people have beenrecruited and 392 more taken in on internship programmes comparedwith a target figure of 350. <strong>Mo</strong>noprix has a similar agreement, with atarget of hiring 180 disabled employees.2.9.11. EMPLOYEE WELFAREIndicatorUnit<strong>Casino</strong><strong>2010</strong><strong>Mo</strong>noprix<strong>2010</strong>Franprix-Leader Price<strong>2010</strong>Total budget paid to Works Council € 13,999,012 3,341,032 637,663Corporate sport and arts sponsorship (France and International) € 1,800,580 N/A 76,717Charitable donations (France and International) € 3,565,476 1,664,000 464,437Each year, all stores take part in national charitable events(food collection, telethons, etc.) and participate in various localpartnerships.In addition to these local initiatives, the <strong>Casino</strong> Foundation set up in<strong>2010</strong> supports initiatives fostering access to culture, knowledge andpersonal development in children. An initial programme to limit theisolation of children in hospital, in partnership with the Docteur Sourisassociation, provides laptops that enable them to keep in touch withthe outside world. The Foundation also supports local foundationsset up by the Group’s international subsidiaries.A national partnership has been forged with the food banks and over€2,600,000 worth of goods were collected under the programmein <strong>2010</strong>.2.9.12. IMPACT ON LOCAL JOB MARKETSAND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe Diversity and Solidarity Promotion Department pursued itsaction in line with the priorities established in the national partnershipagreement with the Ministry for Urban Development, which wasrenewed for 2007-2012. The aim of this agreement is to help poorlyqualified people find jobs and young graduates from underprivilegedbackgrounds to gain access to management positions (see diversitypolicy in the <strong>2010</strong> Business Review and CSR report).Similarly, <strong>Casino</strong> has always had close relationships with its suppliers(farmers, cooperatives, SMEs). <strong>Mo</strong>st suppliers of <strong>Casino</strong> private labelproducts are local industrial firms. In June <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>Casino</strong> signed thegovernment-sponsored “Pacte PME” designed to foster growth,efficiency and expansion of the SME sector. It is the only majorretailer to have signed the Pact, which was launched by France’sPrime Minister.The foreign subsidiaries also pursue similar programmes in partnershipwith local stakeholders (see <strong>2010</strong> Business Review and CSRreport).2.9.13. OUTSOURCING AND RESPECT FOR ILO CONVENTIONSBy signing the United Nations Global Compact, the Group reaffirmedits commitment to respecting and promoting human rights.In 2000, the Group’s central purchasing agency established an actionplan designed to ensure that suppliers in developing countries respectthe human rights of their employees. The Suppliers Chart of Ethics,drawn up in accordance with the basic principles established by theILO and with the Social Initiative Clause standards, has been includedin all supplier contracts since 2002. Social audits of suppliers indeveloping countries continued in <strong>2010</strong> with 95 initial and follow-upaudits performed by external experts in China, Bangladesh, Pakistan,Thailand and Vietnam. <strong>Mo</strong>noprix conducted 69 social audits of itssuppliers in <strong>2010</strong>. In 2011, <strong>Casino</strong> will introduce a Group Chartof Ethics, which will be applicable to all French and internationalsubsidiaries.50 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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