2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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31 DECEMBER <strong>2010</strong>Employment Report22.9.7. EMPLOYEE RELATIONSIndicatorUnit<strong>Casino</strong><strong>2010</strong><strong>Mo</strong>noprix<strong>2010</strong>Franprix-Leader Price<strong>2010</strong>Number of meetings with employee representatives (1) Number 13,348 3,977 282(1) Only includes companies that produce a corporate social report.When the agreement on employment and skills planning andforecasting was negotiated in 2008, the Group announced its plansto sign a specific Group agreement on the employment of workersaged 50 plus. A three-year agreement covering <strong>2010</strong> to 2012 wassigned on 9 September 2009, committing to recruiting 500 employeesaged 50 plus during the three-year period and including provisionsfor keeping employees aged 55 plus in employment.<strong>Casino</strong> signed a new agreement on health and safety in the workplacein <strong>2010</strong> whilst both <strong>Casino</strong> and <strong>Mo</strong>noprix signed a new incentiveagreement.2.9.8. HEALTH AND SAFETYIndicatorWork-related accident rate (1)Lost-time accident rate (1)(1) In <strong>2010</strong>, these rates no longer include occupational illness. They do not include Codim 2 or Cdiscount.Unit<strong>Casino</strong><strong>2010</strong><strong>Mo</strong>noprix<strong>2010</strong>Franprix-Leader Price<strong>2010</strong>No. of accidentsper million hours worked 38.41 55.22 N/ANo. of lost daysper 10,000 hours worked 1.82 1.22 N/AIn 2006, <strong>Casino</strong> conducted a survey on health in the workplace andsigned a national commitment charter with the national health fundfor employees (CNAMTS). The “Cap Prévention” accident preventionprogramme launched during 2007 continued to be deployedthroughout <strong>2010</strong> and is producing good results. Accident rates andlost-time accident rates have been falling steadily for the past six years.Agreements have been signed with the CNAMTS to implement anaccident prevention policy when stores are built or redeveloped.The programme for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders initiatedin the warehouses in 2009 was extended to the supermarkets andhypermarkets. An agreement to implement a programme to preventpsychosocial risks was signed by the trade union organisations on22 January <strong>2010</strong>.<strong>Mo</strong>noprix has created the position of “working conditions and socialinnovation officer” with the aim of preventing occupational risks anddiseases.2.9.9. TRAININGIndicatorUnit<strong>Casino</strong><strong>2010</strong><strong>Mo</strong>noprix<strong>2010</strong>Franprix-Leader Price<strong>2010</strong>Average number of hours training per employee per year (1) Hours 6.0 4.92 3.9% of employees who received at least one formof training during the year % 33% 40% 23%(1) <strong>Casino</strong> data excluding Codim 2 and Cdiscount.The Campus <strong>Casino</strong> centre provides a broad spectrum of training for employees, 14,555 of whom received some form of training in <strong>2010</strong>.2.9.10. DISABLED WORKERSIndicatorUnit<strong>Casino</strong><strong>2010</strong><strong>Mo</strong>noprix<strong>2010</strong>Franprix-Leader Price<strong>2010</strong>Number of disabled employees hired during the year Number 125 57 N/ADisabled employees as a% of the workforce (1) % 10.07% 5.91% (2) N/A(1) Excluding Codim 2 and Cdiscount for <strong>Casino</strong>.(2) After deductions for <strong>Mo</strong>noprix.Registration Document <strong>2010</strong> | <strong>Casino</strong> Group49

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