2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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31 DECEMBER <strong>2010</strong>Subsidiaries and Associates22.3. SUBSIDIARIES AND ASSOCIATESThe business performance of the main subsidiaries is discussed on pages 6 to 23. A list of consolidated companies is provided on pages 123to 126. Information on <strong>Casino</strong>, Guichard-Perrachon’s subsidiaries and associates is provided on page LEGAL STRUCTUREIn France, the Group’s business activities are managed through variousspecialised companies:The retailing business is mainly operated by two subsidiaries:■ Distribution <strong>Casino</strong> France, which manages all the hypermarkets,supermarkets and convenience stores in France through specialisedsubsidiaries:- Franprix-Leader Price Holding (formerly Asinco), which holds theGroup’s interests in Franprix-Leader Price,- Codim 2, which operates the Group’s hypermarkets andsupermarkets in Corsica,- Floréal and <strong>Casino</strong> Carburants, which operate the service stationson hypermarket/supermarket premises,- Serca, which provides an after-sales service with its subsidiaryAcos (online support),- <strong>Casino</strong> Vacances, the Group’s travel agency, which distributesits catalogue through the various networks,- Club Avantages, which manages the S’Miles loyalty programmefor the <strong>Casino</strong> Group,- Cdiscount (online sales);■ <strong>Mo</strong>noprix SA, which is 50/50 owned with Galeries Lafayette. The<strong>Mo</strong>noprix Group currently comprises some thirty companies.The Group’s real estate interests are held by:■ L’Immobilière <strong>Groupe</strong> <strong>Casino</strong>, which owns the hypermarketpremises. It has some thirty subsidiaries, including Foréziennede Participations, a real estate holding company and majorityshareholder of Mercialys, a real estate investment company thatowns the shopping centres and cafeterias surrounding the Group’shypermarkets and supermarkets. Mercialys has the tax status ofsociété d’investissement immobilier cotée (SIIC), a French-style REIT,and has been listed on Euronext Paris since 14 October 2005. Ithas 21 subsidiaries and interests in other companies;■ Plouescadis, which is the parent of some sixty companies involvedin property development.The supply chain business is operated by three subsidiaries:■ EMC Distribution, the Group’s central purchasing agency;■ Comacas, which manages store supplies;■ Easydis, which manages warehousing and transportation of goodsfrom warehouses to stores.Support functions are mainly provided through four subsidiaries:■■■■<strong>Casino</strong> Services, notably for accounting, legal affairs and finance;<strong>Casino</strong> Information Technology for information systems;IGC Services, which provides administrative services, advice andsupport to the Group’s real estate companies;<strong>Casino</strong> Développement, which undertakes feasibility studies andputs together the technical and administrative applications requiredto develop buildings for retail use and services.Other specialised subsidiaries include:■■■<strong>Casino</strong> Restauration, which operates all the Group’s cafeterias andits subsidiary R2C, a foodservice company;Banque du <strong>Groupe</strong> <strong>Casino</strong>, which manages the Group’s consumerfinance and payment card business;Campus <strong>Casino</strong>, the Group’s training centre for in-house andexternal client use;■ GreenYellow (formerly KSilicium), a holding company housing thesolar power generation business.The Group’s international business is operated by locally incorporatedcompanies.2.3.2. INVESTMENTS MADE IN <strong>2010</strong>In <strong>2010</strong>, the Company acquired and created companies with thefollowing direct and indirect interests:<strong>Casino</strong>, Guichard-PerrachonTupaia (100%), Casinelli (100%), Herna (99.95%).Distribution <strong>Casino</strong> France GroupAurecdis (100%), Pyrog (100%), Sodigrigny (100%), Distri CoreGuines (100%), Codival (99.80%), Frenil Distribution (99.40%),Victoire (26%).Franprix-Leader Price Holding sub-group(formerly Asinco)Volta 10 (51%); Addy Participations (51%); Holding <strong>Groupe</strong> Taleb(60%); Centralemag (100%); Taskco (51%); Minimarché Drancy(100%); Marengo (100%); SDAV (100%); Fresnes Distribution (100%);Lakadis (100%); Minimarché Sarcelles (100%); Minimarché Levallois(100%); Minimarché Magasins (100%); Minimarché Pyrénées (100%);Enseigne Franprix (100%); Minimarché Auxerre (100%); BouffemontDistribution (100%); Minimarché Opéra (100%); Minimarché Bac(100%); Minimarché Puteaux (100%); Minimarché Clichy (100%);Minimarché Boulogne (100%); Minimarché Malakoff (100%) MinimarchéRegistration Document <strong>2010</strong> | <strong>Casino</strong> Group25

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