2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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31 DECEMBER <strong>2010</strong>Parent Company Business Review22.2. PARENT COMPANY BUSINESS REVIEW2.2.1. BUSINESS REVIEW<strong>Casino</strong>, Guichard-Perrachon, parent company of the <strong>Casino</strong> Group, isa holding company. Its activities consist of defining and implementingthe Group’s development strategy and coordinating the businesses ofthe various subsidiaries, acting jointly with their respective managementteams. The Company also manages a portfolio of brands, designsand models licensed to the subsidiaries. In addition, it manages theGroup cash pool in France and is responsible for overseeing the properapplication of Group legal and accounting rules and procedures bythe subsidiaries.In <strong>2010</strong>, the Company had net revenue of €153.7 million versus€151.2 million in 2009, corresponding mainly to trademark andbanner licence fees and management fees received from subsidiaries.Substantially all of its net revenue is derived from the Frenchsubsidiaries.The Company does not have any specific research and developmentactivities.2.2.2. FINANCIAL REVIEWThe financial statements are prepared in accordance with Frenchgenerally accepted accounting principles as approved by the decreeof 22 June 1999, and with all CRC standards published after thatdate.The accounting principles and policies applied to prepare the financialstatements are substantially the same as those used in the previousyear.These principles and policies are described in the notes to thefinancial statements, which also include a detailed analysis of the mainbalance sheet and income statement items, as well as movementsduring the year.At 31 December <strong>2010</strong>, the Company had total assets of€14,957.6 million and equity of €7,218.5 million. Non-currentassets amounted to €9,408.8 million (including €9,349.6 million ininvestments).Total debt stood at €7,066.6 million versus €7,292.2 million at31 December 2009, a decrease of 3.1%. Net debt stood at€5,377.5 million versus €5,294.8 million at end-2009, representing74.5% of equity. Details of debt and financial liabilities are providedin note 13 to the parent company financial statements. No debt issecured by collateral over the Company’s assets. At 31 December<strong>2010</strong>, the Company had confirmed undrawn bank lines totalling€1,640 million.As required by article L. 441-6-1 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), the following table shows a breakdown of tradepayables by due date at the year-end:1 to 30 daysbefore thedue date31 to 60 daysbefore thedue date61 to 90 daysbefore thedue date<strong>Mo</strong>re than91 days beforethe due date Past due Total€ <strong>2010</strong> 2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2009Trade payables 21,089,711.68 14,508,519.14Accounts payable 1,626,397.28 1,735,158.67 3,541,326.43 3,324,897.27 838,617.32 917,129.65 6,006,341.03 5,977,185.59Bills payable 896,374.86 1,087,626.28 27,162.93 50,706.04 23,064.89 215.28 923,753.07 1,161,397.21Invoices not yet received 14,159,617.58 7,369,936.34Amounts dueto suppliers ofnon-current assets 149,139.91 143,186.95Accounts payable 1,817.92 56,478.72 58,296.64 0.00Bills payable 20,161.10 141,034.15 11,364.17 2,152.80 31,525.27 143,186.95Invoices not yet received 59,318.00 0.00Operating profit for the year came to €37.6 million versus €51.5 millionin 2009.The Company had net financial revenue of €125.1 million versus€261.3 million in 2009. The figure mainly includes:■■€348.4 million in income from investments in subsidiaries andassociates versus €526.9 million in 2009 (under the by-laws ofDistribution <strong>Casino</strong> France, <strong>Casino</strong> Restauration and L’Immobilière<strong>Groupe</strong> <strong>Casino</strong>, the Company records its share of each of thesecompanies’ profit for the year in its income statement);a €3.9 million capital loss relating to the sale of treasury shares;■a €12.6 million provision for amortisation of bond redemptionpremiums.Profit before tax and exceptional items therefore amounted to€162.7 million versus €312.8 million the previous year.Net exceptional income amounted to €99.8 million versus expenseof €(26.3) million in 2009. It mainly includes reversal of the provisionfor potential repayment of recognised tax savings to subsidiaries inthe French tax group (see note 4 to the parent company financialstatements).Registration Document <strong>2010</strong> | <strong>Casino</strong> Group23

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