2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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7ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONGeneral information7.1. GENERAL INFORMATIONName and registered off ice<strong>Casino</strong>, Guichard-Perrachon1, esplanade de France, 42000 Saint-Étienne, FrancePhone: 04 77 45 31 31Legal formSociété anonyme governed by Book II of the French CommercialCode (Code de commerce).Governing lawThe laws of France.Date of incorporation and expiryThe Company was incorporated on 3 August 1898 following signatureof the by-laws on 1 July 1898. Its term, which was extended byextraordinary resolution of the shareholders at the General Meetingof 31 October 1941, will expire on 31 July 2040 unless the Companyis dissolved before this date or its term is further extended.Trade and companies registerThe Company is registered in Saint-Étienneunder no. 554 501 171 RCS.APE (business identifier) code: 6420 Z.Access to legal documentsThe by-laws, minutes of General Meetings, Statutory Auditors’reports and other legal documents are available for consultation atthe Company’s registered office.Financial yearThe Company’s financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.Corporate purpose (Article 3 of the by-laws)The corporate purpose of the Company is:■■■■to create and operate, either directly or indirectly, any and all typesof stores for the retail sale of any and all goods and products,including but not limited to comestibles;to provide any and all services to the customers of such storesand to produce any and all goods and merchandise used in theoperation thereof;to sell wholesale any and all goods and merchandise for its ownaccount or for the account of third parties, notably on a commissionbasis, and to provide any and all services to such third parties;generally, to conduct any and all commercial, industrial, real estate,securities or financial transactions related to, or which may facilitatethe fulfilment of, the foregoing purposes.The Company may, both in France and abroad, create, acquire,use under licence or grant licences to use any and all trademarks,designs, models, patents and manufacturing processes related tothe foregoing objects.It may acquire any and all holdings and other interests in any Frenchor foreign company or business regardless of its purpose.It may operate in all countries, directly or indirectly, either alone or withany and all other persons or companies within a partnership, jointventure, consortium or other corporate entity, and carry out any andall transactions which fall within the scope of its corporate purpose.7.1.1. PROVISIONS OF THE BY LAWS CONCERNING THE BOARDOF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT –BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARTERBoard of DirectorsMembership of the Board of Directors(Article 14 of the by-laws)The Company is administered by a Board of Directors. It has atleast three and no more than eighteen members, elected by theshareholders in General Meeting, except as required under theprovisions of the law in the case of a merger with another companywith the same legal form (société anonyme).Directors’ qualifying shares(Article 14 of the by-laws)Each director must hold at least 100 registered shares.Term of off ice – Age limit – Replacement(extracts from Article 16 of the by-laws)I - Other than as specified in paragraphs II and III (last two paragraphs)of this article, Directors are elected for a three-year term ending atthe close of the Annual General Meeting called in the year when theirterm expires.Directors may be re-elected.II - The age limit for holding office as Director or as permanentrepresentative of a corporate Director is seventy (70).A director or permanent representative who reaches the age of70 while in office is required to step down at the end of his or hercurrent term.The age limit does not apply to directors who were previously membersof the Company’s Management Board.222 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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