2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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GENERAL MEETINGReport of the Board of Directors on Extraordinary Business Annual General Meeting of 14 April 20116Article 28 – Committee – Attendance sheet –Votes – Vote by post – MinutesI. (…)II. (…)III. Any shareholder has as many votes as he owns shares or representsthem without any limitation, with the sole exception of the cases providedfor by law. However, a double right to vote is given, in legal conditions,to all shares fully paid up for which is justified a registered registrationfor four years at least, in the name of a same shareholder, as well as,in case of capital increase by incorporation of reserves, profits or issuepremiums, to registered shares granted free of charge to a shareholderon account of old shares for which it has this right.The list of registered shares with double right to vote is settled by theBoard of Directors.The double right to vote thus given to registered shares fully paid upceases ipso jure, for any share that was converted into a bearer shareor transfer in ownership, except, in case of transfer of from registeredto registered, by enforcement of the provisions of article L. 225-124of the Commercial Code. For any power of attorney of a shareholderwithout indication of a representative, the chairman of the GeneralMeeting issues a favourable vote for the adoption of draft resolutionspresented or approved by the Board of Directors and an unfavourablevote for the adoption of any other draft resolutions. To issue any othervote, the shareholder must choose a representative with the capacityof shareholder who accepts to vote in the sense indicated by theprincipal.Votes are expressed by a show of hands, by e-mail or by anytelecommunication means allowing the identification of the shareholdersin the conditions of the regulations in force. The General Meeting mayalso decide the secret vote upon proposition of the committee.Shareholders may also vote by post, in legal conditions.The vote or proxy issued by a middleman who, either has not declaredhimself as registered middleman, holder of securities on behalf of thirdparties not domiciled in France, or has not disclosed the identity of theowners of the shares for which he is registered, in accordance with theregulations in force, shall not be taken into accountIV. (…)Article 28 – Committee – Attendance sheet –Votes – Vote by post – MinutesI. (…)II. (…)III. Any shareholder has as many votes as he owns shares or representsthem without any limitation, with the sole exception of the cases providedfor by law. However, a double right to vote is given, in legal conditions,to all shares fully paid up for which is justified a registered registrationfor four years at least, in the name of a same shareholder, as well as,in case of capital increase by incorporation of reserves, profits or issuepremiums, to registered shares granted free of charge to a shareholderon account of old shares for which it has this right.The list of registered shares with double right to vote is settled by theBoard of Directors.The double right to vote thus given to registered shares fully paid upceases ipso jure, for any share that was converted into a bearer shareor transfer in ownership, except, in case of transfer of from registeredto registered, by enforcement of the provisions of article L. 225-124of the Commercial Code. For any power of attorney of a shareholderwithout indication of a representative, the chairman of the GeneralMeeting issues a favourable vote for the adoption of draft resolutionspresented or approved by the Board of Directors and an unfavourablevote for the adoption of any other draft resolutions. To issue any othervote, the shareholder must choose a proxy who accepts to vote in thesense indicated by the principal.Votes are expressed by a show of hands, by e-mail or by anytelecommunication means allowing the identification of the shareholdersin the conditions of the regulations in force. The General Meeting mayalso decide the secret vote upon proposition of the committee.Shareholders may also vote by post, in legal conditions.The vote or proxy issued by a middleman who, either has not declaredhimself as registered middleman, holder of securities on behalf of thirdparties not domiciled in France, or has not disclosed the identity of theowners of the shares for which he is registered, in accordance with theregulations in force, shall not be taken into account.IV. (…)Registration Document <strong>2010</strong> | <strong>Casino</strong> Group203

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