2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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6GENERAL MEETINGReport of the Board of Directors on Extraordinary Business Annual General Meeting of 14 April 2011IV. Shareholders may, if the board decides it, take part in the meetingsand vote by videoconference or by any telecommunication and remotetransmission means, including the Internet, allowing their identificationin the conditions of the regulations in force and those decided by theboard.By decision of the Board of Directors, shareholders may make outtheir distance vote forms or by proxy on an electronic medium, in theconditions fixed by the regulations then in force. The capture andsignature of the forms may be directly made on the Internet site setup by the centralizing establishment in charge of the General Meeting.The electronic signature of the form may be made by any processin conformity with the provisions of the first sentence of the secondparagraph of article 1316-4 of the Civil Code, or any subsequentlegal provisions which would substitute for it, such as the use of anidentifying code and a password. The vote or proxy expressed bythis electronic means, as well as the acknowledgement of receiptgiven, shall be considered as non revocable written documents andbinding on all, except in the event of transfer of securities notified in theconditions provided for in the second paragraph of article R. 225-85 IVof the Commercial Code or by any other subsequent legal or statutoryprovision substituting for it.IV. Shareholders may, if the board decides it, take part in the meetingsand vote by videoconference or by any telecommunication and remotetransmission means, including the Internet, allowing their identificationin the conditions of the regulations in force and those decided by theboard.By decision of the Board of Directors, shareholders may make outtheir distance vote forms or by proxy on an electronic medium, in theconditions fixed by the regulations then in force. The capture andsignature of the forms may be directly made on the Internet site setup by the centralizing establishment in charge of the General Meeting.The electronic signature of the form may be made by any processin conformity with the provisions of the first sentence of the secondparagraph of article 1316-4 of the Civil Code, or any subsequent legalprovisions which would substitute for it, such as the use of an identifyingcode and a password.The electronic vote and the acknowledgement of receipt will beconsidered as an irrevocable written document binding on everyone,except in the event of the sale of shares notified on the terms andconditions set out in the second indent of Article R. 225-85 IV of theFrench Commercial Code (Code de commerce) or any other futureprovision of the law that might replace it.The electronic proxy form and the acknowledgement of receipt willbe considered as a revocable written document binding on everyoneunder the conditions set out by law.Article 27 – Notification to attend – Place of meeting - AgendaI. General Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors, or, in the eventof shortage, by the auditors or even by a representative designated bythe President of the commercial court ruling in urgent matters, at therequest either of one or more shareholders gathering one fifth at least ofthe authorized capital, or an association of shareholders in the conditionsprovided for by article L. 225-120 of the Commercial Code.The notification to attend is sent fifteen days at least in advance atthe first convening and six days at least in advance for the followingmeeting, by way of an ad inserted in a magazine empowered to receivelegal announcements in the “département” of the registered office andin the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires.Shareholders owning registered shares for one month at least on thedate of these notices are convened by ordinary letter or by any electroniccommunication means.The notification to attend is preceded by a notice containing theindications provide for by law and inserted in the Bulletin des AnnoncesLégales Obligatoires thirty five days at least before the meeting.II. (…)III. (…)Article 27 – Notification to attend – Place of meeting – AgendaI. General Meetings is convened by the Board of Directors, or, in theevent of shortage, by the auditors or even by a representative designatedby the president of the commercial court ruling in urgent matters, at therequest either of one or more shareholders gathering one fifth at least ofthe authorized capital, or an association of shareholders in the conditionsprovided for by article L. 225-120 of the Commercial Code.The notification to attend is sent fifteen days at least in advance atthe first convening and ten days at least in advance for the followingmeeting, by way of an ad inserted in a magazine empowered to receivelegal announcements in the “département” of the registered office andin the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires.Shareholders owning registered shares for one month at least on thedate of these notices are convened by ordinary letter or by any electroniccommunication means.The notification to attend is preceded by a notice containing theindications provide for by law and inserted in the Bulletin des AnnoncesLégales Obligatoires thirty five days at least before the meeting.II. (…)III. (…)202 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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