2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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5CORPORATE GOVERNANCEChairman’s ReportIt made proposals concerning the method of determining theChairman and Chief Executive Officer’s fixed and performance-relatedcompensation for <strong>2010</strong> and allocating directors’ fees to members ofthe Board of Directors and Board Committees.It reviewed the Chairman’s report on corporate governance and theinformation on corporate governance contained in the managementreport.The Committee gave its opinion on the proposal to allocate sharegrants and stock options to Group employees.It made recommendations on renewing the specific annualauthorisations given to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.The Chairman of the Committee reported to the Board of Directorson the work carried out at each Committee meeting.The Committee uses outside research and comparative surveys, mainlycarried out by specialist firms, to assist it in some of its duties.• Procedures for determining Executive Offi cers’compensation and directors’ feesThe Chairman and Chief Executive Officer receives a fixed salary plusa performance-related bonus set annually on the recommendation ofthe Appointments and Compensation Committee, supported whereappropriate by market surveys conducted by outside consultants.His performance-related bonus for <strong>2010</strong> was contingent on theachievement of quantitative targets for the Company concerningsales and consolidated trading profit as well as net debt figures,consistent with those set for members of the Executive Committee.The performance-related component can be up to 100% of his fixedsalary if targets are reached and up to 150% if they are exceeded.The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer has no entitlement tosupplementary pension benefits, termination benefits or non-competebenefits. He is a member of the mandatory group pension plans(ARCCO and AGIRC) and the death and disability plan covering allemployees within the company.The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is not entitled to receivestock options or share grants from <strong>Casino</strong>, Guichard-Perrachon,companies it controls or companies that control it.The method of allocating the directors’ fees voted by shareholdersamong directors and members of the Board Committees wasdetermined by the Board of Directors on 3 December <strong>2010</strong> and wasunchanged from the previous year:■■■■■The total fee per director is set at €25,000, comprising a fixedfee of €8,500 and a variable fee based on their attendance rateat Board meetings, capped at €16,500. Variable fees not paid toabsent members are not reallocated.The individual fee for the Chairman and for directors representingthe majority shareholder is capped at €12,500. On his appointment,the Chairman of the Board of Directors waived the additional feeof €25,000 previously paid to the Chairman.An additional fee is paid to Antoine Guichard for the duties heperforms as Honorary Chairman in recognition of his attendanceat meetings and his continuing input to the Company.The non-voting director receives an identical fee to the otherdirectors, which is deducted from the total amount voted by theshareholders.Members of the Board Committees receive a fixed fee (€6,500) anda variable fee based on attendance (up to €13,500 for membersof the Audit Committee and up to €8,745 for members of theAppointments and Compensation Committee). Variable fees notpaid to absent members are not reallocated.• Information provided to the Board of DirectorsThe Chairman or Chief Executive Officer is responsible for providingall directors with the documents and information they need to fulfiltheir role and duties.Prior to each Board meeting, directors receive a set of documentscontaining the main information they require to prepare for the itemson the agenda.Senior Management provides the Board of Directors at least once aquarter with a status report on the business operations of the Companyand its main subsidiaries, including sales figures and results trends,as well as information on debt and credit lines and headcount datarelating to the Company and its main subsidiaries.The Board of Directors also reviews the Group’s off-balance sheetcommitments at least once every six months.The Chief Financial Officer and the Advisor to the Chairman who actsas Secretary to the Board attend all Board meetings. Other membersof the Executive Committee attend as and when necessary.• Assessment of the Board’s practicesand performanceIn accordance with the corporate governance code, the Board ofDirectors’ Charter provides for an annual debate on and regularassessment of the Board’s practices and performance, organisedand carried out by the Appointments and Compensation Committeewith the assistance of outside consultants if required.A new assessment will be conducted in the second half of 2011 bythe Appointments and Compensation Committee, either with theassistance of a specialised outside consultant or internally using aquestionnaire covering a set of issues selected in advance basedon market practices in the matter and adapted to <strong>Casino</strong>’s specificrequirements.The comments and observations made by the directors during thelast assessment revealed that the Board practices are fully satisfactorywith regard to business conduct and corporate governance principlesand that progress had been made since the previous assessment.Attendance at shareholders’ meetingsInformation on attendance at shareholders’ meeting is set out inarticles 25, 27 and 28 of the Company’s by-laws (see page 225).These articles will also be updated in an extraordinary resolution tobe put to the annual general meeting on 14 April 2011.Factors liable to have an influencein the event of a public offerInformation on the Company’s capital structure and significant director indirect interests in its share capital known by the Company byvirtue of articles L. 233-7 and L. 233-12 of the French CommercialCode (Code de commerce) is provided on pages 37 onwards.The by-laws contain no restrictions on voting rights or the transferof shares. There are no agreements known to the Company byvirtue of article L. 233-11 of the French Commercial Code (Code decommerce) that contain pre-emption rights with respect to the sale orpurchase of the Company’s shares. There are no known shareholders’agreements that could result in restrictions on the transfer of sharesand/or exercise of voting rights.The Company has not issued any securities conferring special controlrights. There are no employee share schemes where the voting rightsare not exercised directly by the employees.184 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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