2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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5CORPORATE GOVERNANCEChairman’s ReportDirectors remains responsible for the most significant transactionsin type and amount, in line with the law and with good corporategovernance practices.The Chief Executive Officer must therefore obtain the Board’s priorauthorisation for the following:■■transactions that are likely to affect the strategy of the Company andits subsidiaries, their financial position or scope of business, such asthe signature or termination of industrial and commercial agreementslikely to materially influence the Group’s future development;transactions representing over two hundred million Euros(€200,000,000), including but not limited to:- investments in securities and immediate or deferred investmentsin any company or business venture,- sales of assets, rights or securities, in exchange for securities ora combination of securities and cash,- acquisitions of real property or real property rights,- purchases or sales of receivables, acquisitions or divestments ofgoodwill or other intangible assets,- issues of securities by directly or indirectly controlledcompanies,- granting or obtaining loans, borrowings, credit facilities or shorttermadvances,- agreements to settle legal disputes,- disposals of real property or real property rights,- full or partial divestments of equity interests,- granting security interests.This €200 million ceiling does not, however, apply to lease-purchasetransactions relating to buildings and/or equipment, for which themaximum aggregate authorised amount is set at €300 million peryear.These provisions apply to transactions carried out directly by theCompany and by all entities controlled directly or indirectly by theCompany.The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer has specific annualauthorisations as regards loans, credit lines and bond or other debtsecurity issues, for which the maximum limits were revised in <strong>2010</strong>to take account of the Group’s operating needs in a fast-changingenvironment.The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer may thus issue guaranteesor other security interests to third parties in the Company’s name,subject to a maximum annual limit of €600 million and a maximumlimit per commitment of €300 million.He may negotiate, implement, roll over, extend and renew loans,confirmed credit lines, short-term advances and all syndicated ornon-syndicated financing contracts, subject to a maximum annuallimit of €3 billion and a maximum limit per transaction of €500 million.He may also issue bonds or any other debt securities (other thancommercial paper), under the EMTN programme or otherwise, subjectto a ceiling of €3 billion, determine the terms and conditions of suchissues and carry out all related market transactions. He may issuecommercial paper up to a maximum amount of €1 billion a year.Chairman’s powersThe Chairman organises and leads the work of the Board of Directorsand reports thereon to the shareholders.He calls Board meetings and is responsible for drawing up theagenda and minutes. He also ensures that the Company’s corporategovernance structures function correctly and that the directors arecapable of fulfilling their duties.• Independence of directorsThe Appointments and Compensation Committee is tasked withmonitoring the relationships between directors and the Company orits subsidiaries to ensure that there is nothing which could interferewith their freedom or judgement or potentially lead to a conflict ofinterest.The Committee reviews the composition of the Board of Directors onan annual basis, and more specifically the independence of directorswith regard to the criteria set out in the AFEP-MEDEF corporategovernance code. It reports on its work to the Board of Directors.• Work performed by the Board of Directorsduring <strong>2010</strong>The Board of Directors met nine times in <strong>2010</strong>. The average attendancerate was 83.2% with each meeting lasting an average of one hourand forty-five minutes.Approval of the financial statements –Operations of the Company and its subsidiariesThe Board of Directors reviewed the financial statements for the yearended 31 December 2009 and for the first half of <strong>2010</strong>, as well as theGroup’s budgets and forecasts. It approved the reports and resolutionsto be put to the Annual General Meeting on 29 April <strong>2010</strong>. It wasinformed of the Group’s operations and results for the three monthsto 31 March <strong>2010</strong> and the nine months to 30 September <strong>2010</strong>.The Board of Directors authorised various financial transactions forwhich its approval is required under the Company’s governancepractices. These transactions included <strong>Casino</strong>’s disposal of its 80.1%interest in Cativen and the signing of a strategic partnership with theVenezuelan government, the proposed acquisition of the Carrefourgroup’s Thai operations making the Group joint leader in the Thaihypermarkets sector, and a revision to the interest rate paid underthe intergroup loan agreement with <strong>Mo</strong>noprix.The Board was informed of the terms and conditions of the followingagreements: (i) the joint venture agreement signed by Grupo Paõ deAçucar (GPA) for the acquisition of a majority interest in Casas Bahia,Brazil’s leading non-food retailer, (ii) the acquisition of the residualminority interests held by the founders of Cdiscount, (iii) the long-termpartnership in financial products and services between the Group’ssubsidiary Banque du <strong>Groupe</strong> <strong>Casino</strong> and the Crédit Mutuel CICgroup, under which the latter will ultimately acquire a 50% interestin Banque du Group <strong>Casino</strong>, and (iv) the bond exchange offers,which led to a significant improvement in the Group’s debt profileand average maturity.The Board received specific presentations on the group’s executivecompensation policy, the photovoltaic electricity production business,the online retailing business and the <strong>Casino</strong> foundation dedicatedto preventing the cultural and social exclusion of underprivileged orhospitalised children.Compensation – Allocation of stock options and share grantsThe Board of Directors set the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer’sfixed salary and performance-related compensation targets for <strong>2010</strong>,and determined his performance-related compensation for 2009. It setthe procedures for allocating fees payable to directors, the non-votingdirector and Board Committee members for <strong>2010</strong>.It also allocated stock options and share grants subject to performanceconditions and made exceptional share grants to senior executivesof the Group responsible for implementing and ensuring the successof strategic or highly complex transactions.182 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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