2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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5CORPORATE GOVERNANCEManagement5.2. MANAGEMENT5.2.1. CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERAt its meeting of 19 May 2009, acting on the recommendation of theAppointments and Compensation Committee, the Board of Directorsrenewed Jean-Charles Naouri’s term of office as Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer for the remainder of his term as a director, expiringat the annual general meeting to be held in 2012.As Chairman of the Board of Directors, Jean-Charles Naouri organisesand leads the work of the Board and reports thereon at Shareholders’Meetings. He is also responsible for ensuring that the Company’scorporate governance structures function correctly.Restrictions on the Chief Executive Officer’spowersUnder Article L. 225-56 of the French Commercial Code (Code decommerce), the Chief Executive Officer has full powers to act in allcircumstances in the name of the Company within the limits of itscorporate purpose, and except for those powers vested by law inthe Board of Directors or in the shareholders in a General Meeting.The Chief Executive Officer represents the Company in its dealingswith third parties.However, at the time of his appointment, with a view to ensuringgood corporate governance, Jean-Charles Naouri requested that therestrictions on the Chief Executive Officer’s powers relating to certainmanagement transactions should remain in place, based on the type oftransaction concerned and/or the amounts involved. These restrictionsare set out in the Chairman’s Report (see page 182).Jean-Charles Naouri is the Company’s only executive officer.5.2.2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEThe Executive Committee, headed by the Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer, is responsible for the day-to-day management ofthe Group’s operations. It implements the strategic guidelines set outby the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. It helps toshape strategy, coordinates and shares initiatives, and tracks crossfunctionalprojects to ensure the alignment of action plans deployedby the subsidiaries and operating divisions, and, in this capacity,sets priorities when necessary. It monitors the Group’s results andfinancial position and draws up the Group’s overall business plans.The Committee meets fortnightly.The Executive Committee comprises the following members:■■Jean-Charles Naouri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer;Hervé Daudin, Merchandise and Supply Chain Director, Chairmanof the Board of Directors of Cdiscount;■■■■■■■Yves Desjacques, Human Resources Director;Jean-Michel Duhamel, Chairman of Franprix-Leader Price Holding(formerly Asinco);Jacques Ehrmann, Real Estate and Expansion Director;Antoine Giscard d’Estaing, Chief Financial Officer;Thierry Levental, Group Legal Counsel;André Lucas, Managing Director, Hypermarkets and <strong>Casino</strong>Supermarkets;Arnaud Strasser, Corporate Development and Holdings Director;■ Committee Secretary: Omri Benayoun.5.2.3. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS’ COMPENSATIONAND DIRECTORS’ FEESThe principles and rules approved by the Board of Directors fordetermining the compensation and benefits allocated to corporateofficers are described in the Chairman’s report on page 184.Chairman and Chief Executive Officer’scompensationIn his capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Jean-CharlesNaouri receives a fixed salary plus a performance-related bonusset annually on the recommendation of the Appointments andCompensation Committee, supported where appropriate by marketsurveys conducted by outside consultants.His gross annual fixed salary, which has remained unchanged sincehis appointment on 21 March 2005, is €700,000. His performancerelatedbonus can represent up to 150% of his fixed salary. It iscontingent on the achievement of quantitative targets concerningsales, consolidated trading profit and net debt ratios, consistent withthose set for members of the Executive Committee.176 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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