2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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4PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSNotes to the income statement and balance sheetNOTE 10. EQUITYChanges in equity, before and after appropriation of net profit€ millions <strong>2010</strong> 2009Share capital 169.3 168.9Additional paid-in capital 3,926.9 3,912.7Legal reserve:• before appropriation of net profit17.1 17.1• after appropriation of net profit17.1 17.1Available reserves 207.5 207.5Special long-term capital gains reserve:• before appropriation of net profit56.4 56.4• after appropriation of net profit56.4 56.4Retained earnings:• before appropriation of net profit2,466.8 2,355.6• after appropriation of net profit2,530.7 2,466.5Net profit for the period:• before appropriation of net profit371.6 40<strong>3.4</strong>• after appropriation of net profit- -Untaxed provisions 2.9 2.4TOTAL EQUITY• before appropriation of net profit7,218.5 7,124.0• after appropriation of net profit6,910.8 6,831.5Changes in equity€ millions <strong>2010</strong> 2009At 1 January 7,124.0 7,304.1Profit for the period 371.6 40<strong>3.4</strong>Dividend payout for the prior year (292.2) (581.2)Issuance of new shares 0.5 -Increase in additional paid-in capital 15.8 0.5Other movements (1.2) (2.8)AT 31 DECEMBER 7,218.5 7,124.0The increase in share capital and additional paid-in capital stemmedfrom:■■■281,725 shares issued on exercise of stock options;51,550 shares granted on 29 October <strong>2010</strong> under the share grantplan of 29 October 2008;46 shares to pay for the minority interests pursuant to the mergerabsorptionof Viver.Other movements mainly comprise the cancellation of 25,445 sharesauthorised by the Board of Directors on 3 December <strong>2010</strong>.140 <strong>Casino</strong> Group | Registration Document <strong>2010</strong>

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