2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino

2010 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (3.4 Mo) - Groupe Casino


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PRESENTATION OF THE CASINO GROUPBusiness and strategy1Cash and carryAssai: 57 storesAssai is an “Atacarejo” store, a booming sector in Brazil. Atacarejois a combination of “Atacado” or wholesaler and “Varejo” or retailer.Assai is aimed at restaurant operators and the lower income segment,offering a broad range of food products and a small selection ofnon-food products.Other formatsPonto Frio: 506 storesPonto Frio is aimed mainly at the middle income segment. It providesa broad range of household appliances and furniture, accompaniedby advice and services.Casas Bahia: 526 storesCasas Bahia is the leading non-food retailer in Brazil and focuses onhousehold goods aimed at the lower income segment. It is hugelysuccessful due to its large range of competitively priced furniture,household appliances and consumer electronics. It also owes itsuccess to a broad geographical reach covering ten States, as wellas the quality of its customer service.• Colombia<strong>Casino</strong> has operated in Colombia since 1999 through its subsidiaryExito. At end-<strong>2010</strong>, Exito had 299 stores in 53 towns and cities acrossthe country. <strong>Mo</strong>st of its stores are hypermarkets and supermarketsbut it also operates in the convenience and discount segments.Exito strengthened its position as Colombia’s leading food retailer in2007 with the acquisition of Carulla Vivero and is now number-onein all its formats. In <strong>2010</strong>, Exito signed a strategic alliance with theretailer CAFAM, thereby consolidating Exito’s leadership, with 41%market share, and strengthening its operations in Bogotá.Under this agreement, 31 CAFAM stores joined the Exito networkat the end of <strong>2010</strong>.Exito intends to consolidate its coverage of large cities, enter smalland mid-size urban markets and develop convenience formats. Italso plans to develop its Bodega banner, which is aimed at the lowerincome population.In <strong>2010</strong>, Exito continued its banner rationalisation programme,converting a total of 38 stores including 8 to the Bodega banner.3 Exito hypermarkets and 2 supermarkets were opened, and a newconvenience format was also launched: Exito Express, with 9 storesopened in <strong>2010</strong>.In <strong>2010</strong>, Exito’s revenue totalled €2,907 million.Exito has been fully consolidated since 1 May 2007. <strong>Casino</strong> held a54.8% interest in its share capital at end-<strong>2010</strong>.Exito’s shares have been listed on the Bogota Stock Exchange since1994.HypermarketsExito: 73 storesExito is a hypermarket banner with stores in 53 towns and cities.Its food and non-food product offering is tailored to the needs of allsegments of the Colombian population. Exito stands out for the qualityof its textile range. Its private-label products also enjoy a very goodreputation with consumers. The outlets provide a variety of servicesincluding the “Exito points” loyalty programme, travel and financialservices (insurance).Supermarkets: 112 storesCarullaCarulla is the main supermarket banner and is renowned for itshigh quality.PomonaPomona supermarkets are aimed at an affluent clientele and offertargeted gourmet products. The network operates mainly in Colombia’sfour major cities: Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and Barranquilla.The two banners have a joint loyalty programme called “SuperclienteCarulla Pomona”.Bodega: 54 storesBodega is aimed at low-income families who generally prefer to shopin traditional convenience stores rather than big retail chains. Theyare located in suburban areas and offer a comprehensive range ofbasic products, mainly under the Surtimax private label.Other: 60 stores (of which 9 Exito Express convenience stores)Other banners—Merquefacil, Surtimax, Ley, Homemart, Proximo andQ’Precios—are less important and are due to be combined underthe Bodega umbrella banner.• Argentina<strong>Casino</strong> has been present in Argentina since it acquired Libertad in1998. The Group developed the Libertad chain of hypermarkets andlaunched the Leader Price brand before creating a network of LeaderPrice discount stores, which was sold in <strong>2010</strong>.Libertad also operates other specialist retail formats, includingPlanet.com and Hiper Casa, as well as a chain of Apetito Fast Foodrestaurants.In <strong>2010</strong>, the Group had a total of 23 stores generating consolidatedrevenue of €339 million.HypermarketsLibertad: 15 storesLibertad is the leading hypermarket chain outside the capital,operating mainly in large inland cities. It is typically the anchor storein a shopping centre.Other: 8 storesPlanet.comPlanet.com is a specialist electronics retailer (computers, audio,video, photography, etc.), with an average selling area of about2,000 sq.m.Hiper CasaHiper Casa sells home and office decoration and equipment and isthe Argentinean leader in this market. It is a benchmark for consumersseeking quality products and service.• UruguayThe local market leader since 2000 through its Devoto subsidiary,<strong>Casino</strong> has three store banners that enjoy high brand recognition:Disco, Devoto and Géant.The Group had 53 stores at end-<strong>2010</strong> generating consolidatedrevenue of €364 million.Registration Document <strong>2010</strong> | <strong>Casino</strong> Group11

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