Prepaid application form - Vodafone

Prepaid application form - Vodafone Prepaid application form - Vodafone


Vodafone East Limited, Regd Office: Constantia Office Complex, 11 Dr. U. N. Brahmachari Street, Kolkata - 700 017 - +91 98300 98300Branch office: 8, Major Arterial Road, New Town, Rajarhat, Block AF, DLF IT Park, 15th floor, Kolkata 700156. Visit us at

<strong>Vodafone</strong> East Limited, Regd Office: Constantia Office Complex, 11 Dr. U. N. Brahmachari Street, Kolkata - 700 017 - +91 98300 98300Branch office: 8, Major Arterial Road, New Town, Rajarhat, Block AF, DLF IT Park, 15th floor, Kolkata 700156. Visit us at

Terms & conditions for providing prepaid mobile services<strong>Vodafone</strong> East Limited (‘VEL’) and you (‘you’ or the ‘Subscriber’), mutually agree to the following termsand conditions:1. a. Charges shall inter-alia include, fees, charges and rates chargeable by VEL for providing you theservices and additional services, wherever applicable. b. SIM Card shall mean SubscriberIdentification Module Card, bearing a cellular phone number for use with the equipment/handsetto enable access to the Network in order to avail of the Services. c. Service or Services shall meancellular mobile telephony service and includes any value added service.2. You can utilise <strong>Vodafone</strong> <strong>Prepaid</strong> Recharges (‘VPR’) (i.e. plan vouchers, top up vouchers, rechargeslips, e-Top Ups, special tariff vouchers, etc) that may be available from time to time, on the terms& conditions as per this agreement & mentioned on/applicable for the respective VPR forrecharging/extending validity of the SIM Card. VEL reserves the right to refuse suchrecharging/validity extension of a SIM Card at its discretion. The VPRs will be available in differentdenominations (which will be inclusive of taxes, processing/access fee and talk time), as may bedecided by VEL.3. The break-up of the charges payable/paid by you & the validity period for this agreement are set outon the <strong>Vodafone</strong> <strong>Prepaid</strong> SIM pack & each VPR or as notified from time to time by VEL. The charges arenon-refundable in any circumstances whatsoever & are inclusive of service tax and other taxes, if any,payable.4. Any increase/addition/introduction in taxes and/or levy of any taxes, levies, duties or any otherstatutory charges etc (present/future) shall be to your account without any notice to you and shallat all times be deemed to be part of tariff.5. Talktime charges will be as per the prevailing tariff applicable for the Service at the time of usageof the Service. VEL reserves the right to change the tariff, validity or any other terms andconditions applicable on the SIM Card/Service at any time, at its sole discretion within regulatoryguidelines.6. a. The Service is valid from the date of first call. In case of refilling the Service, the validity periodshall be computed from the date of that refill. b. If Service is refilled before the expiry of thevalidity period or within the grace period for carry forward of residual credit, specificallymentioned on the <strong>Vodafone</strong> <strong>Prepaid</strong> SIM Pack (after the expiry of the validity period), any residualcredit shall be carried forward to the next validity period and the mobile service number will beheld valid. No residual credit will be carried forward and shall lapse if the refill is done after expiryof such grace period for carry forward of residual credit. c. Further, in case the Service is not refilledwithin the grace period for refilling mentioned on the <strong>Vodafone</strong> <strong>Prepaid</strong> SIM Pack (after the expiryof the validity period) or VPR, the Service stands cancelled and the mobile service number maybe allotted to another Subscriber as per discretion of VEL.7. You may call VEL’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system in order to know the residue in youraccount. You agree that any request/communication on VEL’s IVR system or Short MessageService (SMS) or General Packet Radio System (GPRS) shall be deemed to be validrequest/communication.8. Not all value added services available with VEL will be made available to you. VEL is entitled tochange, vary, add or withdraw any or all value added services and/or to vary the charges/prices ofthese services at its sole discretion within regulatory guidelines.9. The Subscriber shall pay to VEL all charges for the Services activated by the subscriber, includingapplicable charges for the value added/supplementary Services and other payable charges orlevies as published and notified by VEL from time to time.10 a) VEL and its authorised representatives reserve the right to seek/verify the particulars providedby the Subscriber /or in any other documents submitted to VEL. The Subscriber expressly agreesthat activation of the SIM Card shall be subject to verification of the particulars and documentssubmitted by the Subscriber including tele-verification.b) Subscriber understands and agrees that:i) he/she shall not hold more than nine connections in his/her individual name in the sametelecom service area. ii) If he/she is foreign national (not being a tourist) then Services will beavailable only during period of validity if his/her visa. iii) If he is a foreign tourist then services willbe available only during the period of validity of his/her visa or three months from the date ofactivation of Services whichever is earlier. iv) If he/she is ship personnel deployed on ships while atthe shore then Services will be available only during period of validity shore permit.11. The grant of connection and subscription to the Services is at the sole discretion of VEL and VELreserves the right to reject any <strong>application</strong>, for any reason without any liability whatsoever. Thein<strong>form</strong>ation provided by the Subscriber/gathered by VEL shall become VEL’s property even if the<strong>application</strong> is rejected.12. The Subscriber agrees that all the in<strong>form</strong>ation provided in the <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> is true andcorrect and the Subscriber shall be solely responsible and liable if the same is found incorrect.VEL reserves the right to cancel the connection and withdraw the service if the in<strong>form</strong>ation isfound to be incorrect at any point of time and the balance amount on the card will not berefunded. The Subscriber also agrees to provide further in<strong>form</strong>ation as and when demanded byVEL, and to comply with all directions, guidelines, instructions etc issued by VEL relating to thenetwork, services and any/all matters connected to the services of VEL. In case any change ofaddress of the Subscriber, the Subscriber agrees to in<strong>form</strong> VEL in writing within 7 days of suchchange in address and furnish documents in support of such new address. In case during any timeduring the subscription, the Subscriber does not in<strong>form</strong> with regard to change in his address, thenVEL reserves its right to disconnect the Services and/or cancel the connection forthwith withoutany notice in this regard and VEL shall not be liable to the Subscriber in any manner whatsoever.13. VEL makes no express or implied warranties whatsoever regarding the Service etc, and shall notbe liable to you or to any other person (legal/natural) on your behalf. You hereby waive and agreeto continue waiving any/all claims for any loss, delays, costs, expenses, fees, judgments,damages, direct, incidental or consequential arising out of any mistakes, omissions, interruptions,delays, errors, defects or other failures with respect to VEL or the billing arrangements/IVRsystem. Privacy of communication is protected so far as permitted by applicable laws. Calls to thecustomer service centre by the Subscriber may be scrutinised only for the purposes of evaluatingthe quality of the customer support service. VEL will not provide the Subscriber data to thirdparties with the exception when the data are provided to processor that print and/or dispatchdocuments to the Subscriber.14. VEL shall not be responsible for any civil or criminal liability incurred by the Subscriber due to anymisuse of the Service provided by VEL i.e. any acts of commission or omission by the Subscriber.15. VEL shall not be liable for any act of commission or omission of any dealer/retailer/ thirdparty/suppliers/manufacturers/including any agency/company offering any privilege or benefitsto Subscriber without specific permission of authority of VEL.16. Service quality, functionality, availability and/or reliability may be effected, and/or VEL is entitledto, without any liability whatsoever, to refuse, limit, suspend, vary or disconnect the Service, inwhole or in part, at any time, at its sole discretion with respect to one/all Subscribers, without anynotice, for any reason which is found reasonable by VEL including, but not limited to thefollowing a. Government’s rules, regulations, orders, directions, notifications etc including changesthereto, prohibiting and/or suspending the rendering of such services. b. Transmission limitationscaused by the topographical, geographical, atmospheric, hydrological and/or mechanicalconditions. c. During technical failure/modification/ upgradation or variation, relocation, repairand/or maintenance of the systems/ equipment. d. To combat potential fraud, sabotage, wilfuldestruction etc e. If Service is used in any manner, which violates any law etc or adversely affectsor interferes in any manner, the rendering of Services by VEL. f. Any discrepancy/wrongparticular(s) provided by the Subscriber in the <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong>. g. Breach of any termsand conditions of this <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> on the part of the Subscriber. h. if rendering ofServices becomes impossible in view of the problems arising on account of Interconnectionbetween VEL and other telecom service providers. i. Any other reason which is found to bereasonable by VEL, warranting suspension/disconnection. j. Force Majeure circumstances (i.e. actof God). Subscriber may choose to activate the ‘Cell In<strong>form</strong>ation Display’ feature. If the Subscriberdoes so, any in<strong>form</strong>ation received by the Subscriber shall be at the sole discretion of VEL and theSubscriber shall have no objection to the same.17. You shall not use the Service for any unlawful or abusive purpose, or for sending obscene,indecent, threatening, harassing, unsolicited messages, or messages affecting/infringing uponnational or social interest, nor create any damage or risk to VEL or its network or Subscribers orany other person, natural or legal whomsoever and VEL reserves its right to withdraw its Servicesin such circumstances. Any such infringement or misuse shall under no circumstances beattributed to VEL. You shall be solely responsible for all such acts. You hereby agree to indemnifyand hold harmless VEL and its officials/ representatives against all suits, costs, damages or claimsof any kind arising out of any act or omission or misuse of the Service by you or any other personwith or without your consent.18. The Subscriber hereby agrees to indemnify and hold VEL harmless against any claim against VELfor libel or slander arising out of communications sent or received by the Subscriber on the VELnetwork. The Subscriber shall also indemnify VEL for any claim against VEL arising out of anyinfringement or violation of copyright by the Subscriber or by any one else using the mobileconnection of the Subscriber.19. You shall comply with all directions/instructions etc, issued by VEL relating to the Network, theServices and any/all matters connected therewith and provide VEL all other and furtherin<strong>form</strong>ation and co-operation as VEL may require from time to time.20. You must ensure the safekeeping of the SIM Card, original receipt of payment, and any otherimportant document, as these might be required from time to time under different circumstancesduring interface with VEL.21. In case of a lost/misplaced/stolen etc SIM Card, the entire liability of the lost/misplaced/stolenSIM Card will be borne by you. No credit shall be given on the available balance of thelost/misplaced/stolen Card to you.22. SIM Card/s and mobile phone service number/s are and shall always be the sole property of VELand shall be returned by you upon termination and/or de-activation or temporary suspension ofServices. You shall have no right to the same at any point of time, for any reason whatsoever.23. You are not entitled to assign/transfer/resell/lease/rent or create any charge/lien on the SIMCard or Service of any nature whatsoever, without prior permission of VEL. Any transfer affected incontravention of the express terms contained herein, shall not absolve the Subscriber of his/herprimary duty towards VEL for usage charges levied against the Subscriber.24. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Subscriber to ensure that the mobile handset iscompatible to the frequency allocated to VEL and other respective roaming service providers, forproviding the Services in the service area. It is advised that the Subscriber should have a dualband handset.25. The Service is available only for Kolkata Service Area.26. Both parties shall act strictly according to the direction of a statutory body/authority, StateGovernment or Government of India or any Court etc and as per any applicable statute.27. The <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> binds the Subscriber/its heirs/executors/ administrators/successorsand permitted assigns to the terms & conditions of the <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong>.28. VEL, may at its sole discretion, vary, alter or amend any term(s) and condition(s) for providing theServices due to regulatory, administrative and/or commercial compulsions or for any other reasonconsidered necessary in the interest of business operations. VEL shall also have the right to amendthis <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> as this is necessary for the proper provisioning and conduct of theservices on in public interest or is mandated by any change in applicable law or regulation orconsequent to change in the terms on the licence agreement granted to VEL.29. If any part of this <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> is held invalid, the remaining provision will remainunaffected and enforceable, except to extent that VEL’s rights/obligations under the <strong>Prepaid</strong><strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> are materially impaired. The Subscriber represents that he/she has been fullyin<strong>form</strong>ed about the services provided by VEL, its specifications requirements, limitations etc andonly thereupon signed the <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong>. This <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> is the completeunderstanding between the parties hereto and it supersedes all understandings prior to this<strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong>, whether oral or written.30. VEL’s contractual rights and remedies, as well as those available at law or equity, are independentand cumulative.31. The Subscriber has fully read/has been explained in vernacular, verbatim the contents of the<strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> and understood the contents thereof and has signed it in token of itsconsent, with the clear understanding that it is a valid and binding document and can be enforcedby in accordance with the law.32. In case the Subscriber is a company/firm on any subscription is taken in the company/firm, the<strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> shall be duly signed and sealed by its constituted and authorisedsignatory. The company/firm shall intimate VEL, in writing immediately in case of any change inthe constituted and authorised signatory.33. I hereby declare my consent to the collection, processing and use of my personal data such as,including but not limited to, my name, contact details and employment related in<strong>form</strong>ation forthe purposes using the Services and Additional Services according to VEL’s privacy policydisplayed on its web site www.vodafone.in34. CIBIL (Credit In<strong>form</strong>ation Bureau (India) Ltd.) clause:i) Subject as hereinafter provided in this clause, <strong>Vodafone</strong> shall preserve the secrecy of all detailsof financial transactions between the Subscriber and VEL to the extent required by general law.ii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Subscriber hereby authorizes VEL to provide in<strong>form</strong>ationrelating to Subscriber's credit facility/ies and or other in<strong>form</strong>ation to statutory /regulatoryauthorities Parties, Regulators, Organizations, Bodies, Credit Rating Bureau / Agency as may bedeemed necessary at the sole discretion of VEL.iii) Further, VEL is authorized, without reference to the Subscriber, to comply with any request anddemand to furnish any in<strong>form</strong>ation about the Subscriber from any Authority under the law.35. The validity, construction and per<strong>form</strong>ance of this <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong> shall be governed byand interpreted in accordance with laws of the Republic of India. The Courts of Kolkata shall haveexclusive jurisdiction in respect of the subject matter of this <strong>Prepaid</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>form</strong>.• The below list is as per DoT circular no.842-725/2005-VAS (Pt) dated 7th October, 2009. • This list may not be exhaustive and is subject to change as per instructions received for DoT from time to time. • For latest andcomplete list please visit www.vodafone.inValid documents which can be enclosed for Proof of Identity (All identity proof to have photo)Passport • Arms License • Driving License • Election Commission ID card • Ration Card with Photo, for the person whose photo is affixed • CGHS/ECHS card • Certificate of address having photo issued by MP/MLA/Group-AGazetted officer in letter head • Certificate of address with photo from Govt. recognized educational institutions (for students only) • Certificate of photo identity, issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority(for rural areas) • Income Tax PAN card • Photo Credit card • Address card with Photo issued by Deptt. of Posts, Govt. of India • Smart card issued by CSD,Defence/Paramilitary • Current Passbook of Post Office/any scheduledbank having Photo • Photo Identity card (of Central Govt./PSU or State Govt./PSU only • Caste and Domicile Certificate with photo issued by State Govt. like West Bengal and other states • Pensioner card having photo •Freedom Fighter Card having photo • Kissan Passbook having Photo • Photo Identity Card issued by Govt. recognised educational instiutions (for students only) • ‘Aadhaar’ the Unique Identification Number issued by UniqueIdentity Authority of IndiaFor Proof of Address• Passport • Arms License • Driving License • Election Commission ID card • Ration Card with address • CGHS/ECHS card • Certificate of address having photo issued by MP/MLA/Group-A Gazetted officer in letter head• Certificate of address with photo from Govt. recognized educational institutions (for students only) • Certificate of photo identity, issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas) • Water Bill (notolder than last three months) • Telephone Bill of Fixed line (not older than last 3 months) • Electricity Bill (not older than last 3 months) • Income Tax assessment Order • Vehicle Registration Certificate • Registered Sale/leaseAgreement • Address card with Photo issued by Deptt. of Posts, Govt. of India • Current Passbook of Post Office/any scheduled bank • Photo Identity card having address (of Central Govt./PSU or State Govt./PSU only •Pensioner card with address • Freedom Fighter Card with address • Kissan Passbook with address • Credit Card Statement (not older than last three months) • Cast and Domicile Certificate with Address and photo issued byState Govt. like West Bengal and other states • ‘Aadhaar’ the Unique Identification Number issued by Unique Identity Authority of India<strong>Vodafone</strong> East Limited, Regd Office: Constantia Office Complex, 11 Dr. U. N. Brahmachari Street, Kolkata - 700 017 - +91 98300 98300Branch office: 8, Major Arterial Road, New Town, Rajarhat, Block AF, DLF IT Park, 15th floor, Kolkata 700156. Visit us at www.vodafone.inSize : 8.26” (w) x 13.7” (h)<strong>Prepaid</strong> CIF

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